Last updated 4 years ago
Cattlebole is a platform, where cattle can be adopted by people. Cutting costs for both sides, without middlemen like supermarkets.
This is the total amount allocated to Project Cattlebole.
A whole cow is sold, the cow goes from the farmer to the artisanal butcher.From this butcher, the meat goes directly to the buyer(consumer).
Idea and businessplan (attached below) are checked by Ken Kodama from Emurgo dec. 2019. I had to wait for Shelley to go live and share it.
As more and more people seek to buy organic, local produced food & drinks, Cattlebole provides a platform where people and cattle come together. A platform that provides a chance for everyone to consume fair and sustainable food. This is also called crowdbutching.
By adopting cattle from (local) farmers, one knows what one buys. Also, they indirectly help the farmers reducing costs, because adopting cattle is like investors investing in a good plan.
Supporting these local economies, also reduces transportation of meat around the globe. Thus, helping the environment a bit by producing less CO2 emissions.
Cattlebole aims to work solely with (local) farms, following sustainable agriculture guidelines.
With the help of blockchaintechnology, Cattlebole brings people & nature closer to each other, without the need of middlemen and will serve a worldwide usecase.
Transparancy, purity and thrustworthy are key to Cattlebole's success.
The companyname 'Cattlebole' stands for a combination of the words 'cattle' and 'catabole'. Cattle speaking for itself, catabole stands for the new energy that will be released after former life pieces got destructed.
With Cattlebole comes the slogan "Cattle. People. Our Energy."
See businessplan attached down below.