Last updated 4 years ago
I would love to support woman in block-chain as it is very few of us. A podcast made by woman to the community.
Cardano that make sense.
This is the total amount allocated to The woman effect.
4 pod cast would be delivered per month. One a week
Would to talk about Cardano with different perspective rather then just code. Real use
I have my own YouTube channel so I can bring this experience to the time plus I am an educator and a Cardano Ambassador
We would need:
Zoom (Recorded Sections)
Art Channel (intro and outro, thumbnails )
Website Domain + host
Software for editing audio and video
Host for audio to post on spotify and more platforms
We would have 2 or 3 hosts
Every week 3 hours work (per participant) searching, preparing, presenting and editing $20.00 per hour
Idea Details
• 1. Auditability - What details are missing about the proposers, the plan and/or usage of funds to help reviewers accurately assess this proposal?
How to judge our success:
Every month we will deliver a report stating the following:
1. Send of a spreadsheet with the work delivered with data as below
2. No. of subscribers of "Women Effect"
3. Views per video of "Women Effect"
4. Likes per video of "Women Effect"
5. Duration of each video of "Women Effect"
6. No. of members in Telegram group "Cardano for Everyone"
More about the team:
Maria: I am an Educator, Cardano Ambassador, Cardano Portuguese official Telegram Mediator, SPO and also run my own channel on YouTube in Portuguese. I´ve learn who scary can this environment be and I think we could attract people bring on different perspectives how to approach the subjects.
My experience in YouTube shows we also need someone who know a bit SEO search engine optimization to attract more and more subscribers. In my journey I learn who to use premiere to edit videos and sometimes I also use Camtasia screem recorder.
In Cardano since Jun/2020 and my Stake pool have less than a month. CARD´s has 2.3 million Adas with 88 delegators. I´ve been talking a lot about Cardano but also about democracy, education, financial freedom and manipulation of information. And the only piece of work I translate as a Ambassador was Charles Interviews as people related to it more than high core IT stuff
OBS: Anything we do in this podcast could be easily replicated in Portuguese or Hindi as it is our 2 mother tongue. (The only cost affected is the production time as we would have all necessary tools)
Shweta: An Indian woman working in Denmark who wants to change the world
• I'm the first woman stake pool operator on Shelley
• Creator of "Ladies of Cardano"-A safe place for women to discuss Cardano where no question is a silly question
• Supporting existing and aspiring woman stake pool operators with technical and non-technical queries
• Operator of kBLOCKs stake pool
• Technical Lead at Accenture Denmark
• SPOCRA candidate
Purpose: "Cardano that makes sense to everyone"
• Women Effect: A pod cast made by women to the community
• Cardano for Everyone: A Telegram group for everyone who is interested in Cardano
Topics: We would focus on communicating:
• How easy Plutus & Marlowe is to learn
• Benefits of learning them
• How anyone can build Dapps using these languages
The idea is to make it understandable to masses especially women as we really need to tap into additional 50% of the population
Target Audience: Anyone interested in learning Dapps
Frequency: 1 podcast per week
Duration: 30 mins
No. of Episodes: 25
Usage of Funds:
1. Labour Cost
Resource Role Hours/week Rate ($)/hour Total Rate ($) Duration (in weeks) Total Price ($)
1 Researcher and Presenter 5 20 100 25 2500
2 Editor and Social Media Manager 5 20 100 25 2500
Total price of resources $ 5000
2. Non-Labour Costs
S.No. Item Quantity Rate ($)/item Total Rate
1 Zoom (Recorded Sections) 2 17 34
2 Art Channel (intro, outro, thumbnails) 1 50 50
3 Website Domain 1 20 20
4 Website Hosting (per month) 6 7 42
5 Software for editing audio and video 1 74 74
6 Cameras 2 785 1570
7 Recorder 2 187 374
8 Lightning 2 40 80
9 Host for audio to post on Spotify 1 10 10
10 Marketing 1 600 600
VidIQ* 1 49 month
Buddy tube* 1 19,00 month
Total Cost 2854
*not included in the final budget as it is good to have but not essencial
FINAL COST= $5000 + $2854 = $7854
• 2. Impact - How do you think this proposal can better address the challenge: How can we encourage developers and entrepreneurs to build Dapps and businesses on top of Cardano in the next 6 months?
Below is the brief summary of our thoughts. Hopefully this will help!
Episode #1:
• Maria and Shweta will talk about "What is Cardano" in a non-technical language
• Tell viewers about their journey on how they come from a humble background but now have become an essential part of Cardano (This is to make the viewers, especially women, connect with them)
• Motivate them to become a part of Cardano by highlighting its vision and benefits
Episode #2:
• Maria and Shweta will continue the discussion on Cardano
• Tell the viewers about other women Stake Pool operators to motivate them
• Introduce Plutus & Marlowe languages to users
• Educate the users how they can use these languages to create Dapps
• Make them understand the benefits and how they can earn passive income by creating Dapps
Episode #3:
• Have a guest proficient in Plutus & Marlowe languages
• Guest will show the users briefly on how to use Plutus & Marlowe languages
• Provide links to courses of Plutus & Marlowe languages
Episode #4:
• Current news of Cardano
• Voting system using Cardano
Episode #5:
• Will decide the contents on the basis of response of viewers on first few episodes
• 3. Feasibility - What are ways in which this proposal's budget, plan, scope or team can be modified to make it more likely for the proposal to be successfully implemented?
• We would have 2 people in the team in the beginning
• One researches and presents the subject
• Second one edits and prepares the post on social media
• We start with recorded videos first and with engagement we can progress to LIVE sessions
• Each person would spend 5 hours a week between pre-production, production and final production videos on YouTube
• It would be 10 hours total
• For 6 months, the total labour cost would be $5000 plus non-labour cost of $2854
• Love for Cardano is essential but get paid to do something you love is a new game!
How to judge our success:
Every month we will deliver a report stating the following:
6 No. of subscribers of "Women Effect"
7 Views per video of "Women Effect"
8 Likes per video of "Women Effect"
9 Duration of each video of "Women Effect"
10 No. of members in Telegram group "Cardano for Everyone"