Last updated 4 years ago
The ability to provide peer 2 peer services that require more than just product transaction, but rather a skillset, like a trade or degree.
This is the total amount allocated to Trade Block.
Develop an Uber style platform for peer to peer skillset transactions, ie, plumbing, computer repair, lawn mowing etc.
Built an app from a sandbox program and implemented it within our own company; to connect field techs company wide
One of the greatest powers of blockchain is the ability to cut out the middleman. The middleman in this scenario is businesses that provide technical and non technical services in the real world, ie plumbing, yard care, computer repair etc etc.
General Overview
⢠Comprehensive First Principles study to understand the goals, needs and mechanics of the project to make it as adoptable, utilitarian and usable as possible
⢠Hire developer team to build out the platform
â˘Work in conjunction with established company ( ) to test, refine and move company into a decentralized state and transition from a business to a platform
Details on the platform
⢠The platform needs to utilize the technology to connect the suppliers of materials, the trades/labour force and the consumers in a way where the labor force can make a fair living, and the consumers can trust that they are not getting hidden charges etc and the suppliers have a new revenue stream.
⢠We foresee the Prism app being the doorway upon where both consumers and laborers can broadcast their needs and and their abilities, ie, a plumber can broadcast his Journeyman ticket publicly and a potential client can see it based on geographical location and other metrics. (The plumber could broadcast his/her geographical working area)
⢠The app would have a rating system for both clients and laborers much like Google or Uber.
⢠Oracles could be built in conjunction with suppliers to continually update material costs and availability allowing material costs to be honest, and agreed upon as far as mark up etc.
⢠Utilizing smart contracts we can build and provide templates that would make the transactions as easily understood and actionable as possible
⢠Further iterations could decentralize the sales process and allow for commercial buildings, condo buildings, etc to have preventative maintenance programs that continually create requests for work while maintaining a minimum threshold for those who would do it; ie verified certifications, average rating by past clients etc. Whoever maintains those credentials could join the system and have access to pools of available jobs.
We believe that this is one of the greatest powers Cardano can bring to life, the ability to make a living without a boss.