Last updated a year ago
Trust on decentralized systems requires verifiable credentials. A generally available identity wallet for Cardano doesn't yet exist, and even if one did, a healthy ecosystem requires options.
The Blocktrust Identity Wallet for desktop browsers is being developed, and it will help dApps and enterprise projects accelerate, since it helps build trust through verifiable credentials.
This is the total amount allocated to BLOCKTRUST Identity Wallet (PRISM) v1.0 for Browser, with Shared Features.
Björn Sandmann
We are aiming to align with the currently available version of the PRISM v2 specification ( Our objective is to create a solution that can work seamlessly between Blocktrust and the PRISM components.
We will contract for an external code security review.
We will engage an attorney for helping with our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
Project will be fully open source. The compiling of the source may depend on external components that are available only in binary form.
The solution we're developing builds upon the results of our Fund 9 Blocktrust Identity Wallet project (, which we plan to complete by October 2023. At that stage, we'll have an Alpha version with the most essential features, which can be showcased. We encourage you to visit our website ( and watch the videos to understand better the progress we've made thus far.
The Wallet operates on the principles of self-sovereign identity (SSI) and utilizes Atala PRISM technology. Self-sovereign identity lets you have multiple digital identities (personas), composed of a decentralized identifier (DID) and a collection of verifiable claims, or Verifiable Credentials, about you.
These Verifiable Credentials (VCs) are generated by entities called Issuers. The VCs contain information about you (you're the Subject), and you hold them (making you the Holder). You can then present these verifiable claims to another entity called a Verifier.
Our Wallet not only receives these VCs from Issuers but also supports the roles of a Holder and a Verifier. It essentially lets you collect, store, and present your verifiable credentials.
The VCs are of type W3C JSON-JWT, and additional types will be added in the future. The communication protocols between agents (e.g. issuer-to-holder, holder-to-verifier) are based on Hyperledger Aries, and make use of a DIDComm v2 Mediator service, which the user can specify, one of those being Blocktrust's.
Additionally, our Wallet also uses DIDComm and a Mediator to implement secure, end-to-end encrypted chat messaging between you and another Wallet user or with any other compliant identity agent.
This Wallet is designed as a browser extension for desktop computers, with Chromium-based browsers. In response to our experiences and input from users, Blocktrust is enhancing the Wallet by adding new features, improving the user interface, and refining the underlying architecture.
Key points about our technical implementation include the use of .Net C#, Blazor, and the fact that it's set up as a browser extension with a Manifest v3 package (providing more safety than is offered by many password managers still based on v2).
Additionally, a significant portion of the code that will be developed in this Fund 10 proposal will be reused. A portion of shared code from the browser wallet will also form a common foundation for the Blocktrust mobile wallet apps for Android and iOS. Details about those mobile are provided in the separate Fund 10 proposals.
The primary architectural components are depicted below:
Using decentralized identity wallets and agents such as Blocktrust's, developers of decentralized applications (dApps) or centralized solutions interfacing with the Cardano ecosystem will be better equipped to fulfill their goals. These often involve establishing trust between different parties and ensuring regulatory compliance. Without the availability of Blocktrust's wallet, developers could face increased risks. They may find their progress impeded or become overly reliant on another provider's identity wallet solution, limiting their flexibility.
We plan to gather user feedback through a specific Discord channel dedicated to this purpose. Additionally, we'll keep track of the number of times our product is downloaded from the Chrome Web Store after it's released for beta testing and when it's made generally available. These download numbers will give us tangible data about our product's reach. We're also currently investigating potential ways to generate revenue from the product in the future.
Blocktrust will keep the Cardano community informed about our progress by providing updates as we achieve each of our milestones, typically on a monthly basis. We'll be communicating through Catalyst progress reports, our dedicated Discord channel, and videos showcasing the latest features of our product.
Occasionally, we may interact with the community in real-time during the Catalyst After Town Hall sessions. These sessions will give us an opportunity to show our progress and collect immediate feedback.
When it comes to actual product releases, such as the beta version and the v1 release, we will make them available for download on the Chrome Web Store.
We intend to evolve the wallet for many years to come based on users' feedback, our current strategy for our product suite, and our traction toward executing a successful business model.
Blocktrust is committed to the vision of widely implementing top-notch Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) solutions for the Cardano ecosystem.
Our team currently comprises two seasoned software engineers, both of whom have an track record of successfully delivered projects (as seen on our website). Throughout our Fund 9 projects, we've demonstrated an excellent collaborative spirit. To further boost our productivity during this project, we plan to bring on board an additional full-stack C# developer.
Our robust performance in the Fund 9 and earlier projects, as evidenced by our accepted milestone reports and informative videos, underscores our capacity to deliver high-quality results. We've also established good relationships with key members of the Atala PRISM team and several early adopters within the Atala Astros group.
In our nearly concluded Fund 9 wallet project, expected to complete by October 2023, we've surmounted unexpected challenges and exceeded our initial project scope. Notably, we began the project on the PRISM v1 infrastructure. However, after IOG discontinued its support for v1 following the launch of v2, we adapted. Our Fund 10 wallet and its underlying infrastructure will align with the publicly released PRISM v2 specification. Beyond the original scope of Fund 9, we've introduced additional features like DIDComm - a safe, decentralized, and encrypted peer-to-peer communication protocol.
As we proceed with the Fund 10 project, we anticipate encountering similar challenges and opportunities for enhancement. We are ready to tackle these head-on, with tenacity to ensure we deliver a product of substantial value.
Project Goals:
*Improve the wallet's features and overall quality, moving from its alpha release state (expected upon the completion of the Fund 9 project) to public releases (including Beta and General Availability).
*Continue to expand and preserve our wallet's interoperability with W3C Verifiable Credentials (JSON-JWT), the Atala PRISM v2 specification for on-chain transaction metadata, DIDComm v2-based communications, and the Hyperledger Aries credential exchange protocol.
*Test and showcase the above-mentioned interoperability with other identity agents compatible with our system.
*Facilitate the resolution of significant, comprehensive use cases involving decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials, which would be beneficial for the dApp developers community.
*Promote discussions with other Cardano teams that require DIDs and verifiable credentials, and be prepared to advise on how our features can be integrated into their workflows.
Our approach's validation will be gauged through feedback from the DApp teams. We anticipate this feedback to be based on their experience with our Beta and Generally Available releases, as well as their ability to incorporate these into workflows that help them address their end-to-end use cases and business scenarios.
The implementation of the wallet is coded in .NET C# Blazor as a Web Assembly (WASM) browser extension for Chromium-based browsers.
Before establishing the sequence of milestones, we constructed a comprehensive work breakdown structure (WBS). This structure outlines all the current and anticipated work areas and significant work items, including estimates of the effort each will require. We've made a snapshot of this WBS available here: Please note that this link is not an official part of the proposal, as it contains more detailed information than what we are formally committed to delivering.
The WBS also contains certain items that fall outside the scope of this Fund 10 proposal, and these are clearly marked. This might be because those tasks are covered by a separate Fund 10 proposal or because we are indicating a future feature intention, where we welcome feedback about those from proposal reviewers. If reviewers believe these features are crucial and would benefit other projects if included, we encourage them to voice this opinion.
Following the creation of the WBS, we took into account task dependencies, resourcing requirements, and scheduling considerations. This was done with the aim of resolving the most significant project risks early on. Our milestone creation was designed to align with Catalyst's typical monthly payment schedule and to maintain a focused, agile approach to our deliverables. We've incorporated some slack into our schedule, which would allow us to participate in other activities, including the execution of additional Fund 10 proposals.
Upon successful funding of this proposal, we'll provide a precise Statement of Milestones.
Milestones 1-6, Development Iterations
Key Activities: Design, Development, and Testing
Planned Finishes: 2023-11-01, 2023-12-01, 2024-01-01, 2024-02-01, 2024-03-01
Acceptance Criteria: Progress reports and videos demonstrating completed activites after each milestone iteration. Release open source code by end of milestone 5
Cost per Milestone 1-6: 65,000 ADA per milestone, totaling 390,000 ADA .
Milestone 7, Beta Release
Key Activities: Finalize and publish the Beta Release
Planned Finish: 2024-04-01
Acceptance Criteria: Progress report and ability to download, install, and use the Beta release.
Cost: 15,000 ADA
Milestone 8, Completed Final Testing and Bug Fixes
Key Activities: testing and bug fixing
Planned Finish: 2024-05-01
Acceptance Criteria: zero critical or high severity bugs
Cost: 15,000 ADA
Milestone 9, Generally Available Release
Key Activities: Finalize and publish the Generally Available Release
Planned Finish: 2024-06-01
Acceptance Criteria: Progress report and ability to download, install, and use the GA release.
Cost: 15,000 ADA
Milestone 10, Collected Feedback, Project Closure
Key Activities: Engage with users and integrators
Planned Finish: 2024-07-01
Acceptance Criteria: Progress report and videos
Cost: 16,000 ADA
Ultimately, we'll produce software releases and supporting website documentation. Along the way for each milestone, we'll also produce a progress report and a video demonstrating our progress.
The intended outcomes over time are to reduce overall project risk after each milestone and produce an increasingly more stable product design, highter quality code, and more automated tests.
The major releases are Open Source Code (M5), Beta (M7), and General Availability (M9). In addition to the software, we expect to receive increasing interest from dApp development teams, including enterprises, in their using the Wallet in their solutions.
We'll create an agile product backlog, and manage it through a tool such as Azure DevOps, Trello, or Google Sheets. We won't measure our development progress with detailed metrics (e.g. story points, planned/actual work, estimated remaining work). We will re-estimate remaining work compared with available work capacity occasionally. We may cut minor features or minor Ux enhancements if we are crunched for time, especially after the Beta Release.
Milestones and completed deliverables:
Milestone 1
Address architectural changes needed
Upgrade to .Net 8
Refactor code to enable cross-platform
Implement new UI Grid control for pages with lists
Improve overall navigation
Milestone 2
Harden code for browser extension and WASM
Update manifest v3 to assure minimum permissions are requested
Extend cryptography support to also include Ed25519 for PRISM DIDs
Complete wallet setup Ux flow to final design
Milestone 3
Refactor and harden the key vault and storage
Implement a Key Management Ux
Assure all Ux components in place and consistent
Assure complete implementation of about half of the SSI protocols
Implement tooltips and some level of in-app help
Milestone 4
Finish implementation of remaining SSI protocols
Conduct security review
Review Ux design as implemented
Verify proper globalization (locales)
Milestone 5
Review with attorney the Terms and Privacy Policy
Assure automated Unit Test for critical components
Implement more complete mock services for testing and demo
Finish implementing automated end-to-end integration tests
Finish automating UI tests
Release Open Source
Milestone 6
Complete writing of manual tests
Pre-beta manual testing
Bug fixes before Beta
prepare for Beta
Milestone 7
Update website
Release Beta
Begin to collect Beta Feedback
Attend IIW Conference
Milestone 8
Pre-release manual testing
Bug fixes before GA Release
Milestone 9
Generally Available Release
Milestone 10
Engage with potential dApp users
Produce polished videos
Catalyst close-out report
Project team: (architecture, design, software development, testing, DevOps, community, project management, documentation)
Third party products and services:
This project brings direct value in accelerating the implementation of many use cases involving trust for many participants in the Cardano ecosystem, especially for holders and verifiers of credentials. Without good identity wallets like Blocktrust's, the completion and adoption of many dApps and enterprise solutions will be slowed. That's a large opportunity cost to the Cardano ecosystem, which far exceeds this project's cost.
We computed effort, in hours, and multiplied that by a below-market rate of US$70 per hour (in both Germany and USA) for the expertise of our team. Then we devided this by a recent price of Ada, US$/ada = 0.28. By doing the, the team is taking a downside risk if the price of Ada drops from that point.
Ed Eykholt
20+ years of software product and engineering team leadership. C# developer. Focused on blockchain and identity projects and products since 2015. Atala ASTRO. Implemented much of the blocktrust identity wallet user experience.
Ed will manage the Identity Wallet product overall and focus on developing the user experience.
Björn Sandmann
10+ years of full-stack development with the .net Stack. Focused on identity and privacy solutions. PRISM Pioneer, Atala ASTRO, Plutus Pioneer, already funded proposals. Implemented all aspects of the working demo of the blocktrust identity wallet. Founder of blocktrust.
Björn will develop some of the services layer in the Identity Wallet, including protocols and their use of an SDK that interfaces to hosted services provided by another Blocktrust project.
New Team Member
Blocktrust might hire or contract with an experienced full-stack C# developer to augment Ed and Björn's contributions. The project can still be successful without this additional person.
The easiest way to get in contact with us is the blocktrust Discord server (