Last updated a year ago
eIDAS connects decentralized identifiers (DIDs) to domestic services of the EU. Language barriers obstruct the integration in EU's diverse linguistic landscape. No existing solution bridges this gap.
We will develop an open-source JSON library, including all official eIDAS translations. This resource will mitigate language barriers and minimize errors in international DID projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Bridging Language Barriers: An Open Translation Library for eIDAS Connectors.
Wibke Ubani
eIDAS implementation has been set as regulation. In the EU context regulations are mandatory implementations, but governments have freedom on the way of how to implement the set of rules regarding to their own means. Also, not all governments have implemented their standard set, yet.
Our interim solution would be adding an additional field in the library to provide guidance for developers, specifying the current implementation status of each country.
Being open-sourced and of interest to our own needs, implementation updates will be monitored by us and the wider community.
Project will be fully open source.
eIDAS specifies a base schema and an extended schema standard to address DIDs when communicating with domestic service providers such as hospitals.
We will research the translations for the administrative languages for each EU country and create an entry in our JSON library for it. Some countries might have more than one official language so we will find and implement those differences as well.
If the solution would not be implemented, each developer would have to reinvent the wheel, which would be very inefficient and prone to errors.
The solution is for the broader SSI - world and usable as a universal library.
We have recently become a contributing member of the ToIP, and have joined their working groups (Technology Stack, Ecosystem Foundry WG) to discuss and promote the library.
We hope that everyone interested in developing solutions working with DIDs across the EU will find this library easy to implement.
TL;DR: We are matching translation data according to eIDAS schema.
eIDAS will most probably become a blueprint for international standards.
This library will pave the way for other identity projects seeking to align with these standards.
Therefore, our project solves key issues moving forward in compliance with key regulations, international project scoping, lowering development costs and improving the recognition of the Atala Prism learning program.
Any DID-project - including current Atala Prism projects - intending to work with services in the EU will be using the eIDAS standard; thus, we expect a reasonably good acceptance of our work results.
Our output will be publicly shared from the beginning on GitHub.
Feedback loops with the Atala Prism team and ToIP members will ensure the sound quality of the outcome.
Means of measure could be stars, forks, and pull requests on GitHub, but also referencing discussions in Atala, ToIP, DIF or Hyperledger working groups.
Our output will be publicly shared from the beginning on GitHub.
Feedback loops with the Atala Prism team and ToIP members will ensure the sound quality of the outcome.
Means of measure could be stars, forks, and pull requests on GitHub, but also referencing discussions in Atala, ToIP, DIF or Hyperledger working groups.
If the project gets accepted by the broader SSI community, we can expect an increasing level of participation.
Wibke (2011) and Marcus (2008) have been working in Marketing for over a decade now.
Both are Atala Prism Pioneers. Together they have founded Larissa.Health, a platform focused on digital Midwifery in hybrid health.
Marcus has been in web technologies as an entrepreneur and with APIs, where JSON is a common standard, since 2010. He is also SPO of BIRTH Pool.
Both team members, Wibke and Marcus, have been in research.
The goal is met when all countries in the library have at minimum one translation according to the specification of eIDAS.
A further breakdown is below.
With Ramp-up (1), Countries (28), and the additional documentation-close out (1), we see a total count of 30 Milestones.
We are meeting the timeline if we manage to deliver:
Month 1 ~ 30% Ramp-up, creating the foundational structure, 8 countries & meetings
Month 2 ~ 65% 10 countries & meetings
Month 3 ~100% 10 countries & meetings, additional documentation and Close-out
Depending on our work schedule and the outlined dependencies, we will be potentially able to complete all deliverables within a shorter timeframe.
We are using the EU metric system so decimals are divided with "," and thousands with ".".
We are assuming a valuation of ~0,265 EUR-ADA.
We have excluded tax events.
We have applied a freelancer's average German hourly rate of around 100EUR.
32.650ADA => 32.500 ADA Funding Request
Each country will have its representation in the library.
Each representation will reference the current progress, the number of official languages used, and the respective translations.
The GitHub repository will show the progress transparently.
We have another proposal, where we will meet with Atala Prism and ToIP working groups.
If both proposals get funded, we will ensure that there is no double spending requested from the Catalyst funds and request a lesser amount.
You can find the proposal here: Open library of international birth certificates issuance processes and issuing agencies.
We will use resources of the eIDAS website, for rapid proto-typing and time efficiency we will include the power of LLMs (e.g. ChatGPT or MPT), and manually verify the results.
Creating a fully open-sourced library will reduce future work and costs for developers working in the field of decentralized identity.
It will also reduce the error rate for international application working with eIDAS.
Furthermore, does any active development reference to Atala Prism and the broader SS community improve the outreach of Cardano.
Marcus Ubani
Father of 4. Socialpreneur, deeply rooted in the service industry.
Works in web related services since 2010.
Work in consultancy and Management positions from 2006 - 2020
Atala Prism Pioneer, SPO of BIRTH Pool, CEO & Co-founder of Larissa.Health, a Cardano related project. Initiated the open SSI directory, joined Trust over IP working groups on a contributor level. Funding member of the European Cardano Community.
MA Marketing, BA international management, background in legal, design thinking, full-web-stack.
Worked with various APIs, also in finance and transportation.
Has attracted big brands through solutions-based marketing strategies.
Wibke Ubani
Mother of 4. Socialpreneur, deeply rooted in the hospitality industry.
Worked as jr. project Manager at a medical service company.
Atala Prism Pioneer, Co-founder of Larissa.Health, a Cardano related project.
Learned HR and customer care from the ground up in the family business, which attracted well-known politicians and celebrities.
Has attracted big brands through solutions-based marketing strategies.