ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

PRISM Verifiable Credential badges


Distinguishing trustworthy websites and projects from shady ones is a challenge — especially in crypto. We need some way to share our credentials and endorsements on the web and make them verifiable.


A toolkit to embed Verifiable Credentials into your website or profiles for everyone to see and verify even without the need of an identity wallet. Think of it, like GitHub build-status-badges.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to PRISM Verifiable Credential badges.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no

About this idea


Björn Sandmann (Lead developer)

10+ years of full-stack development with the .net Stack. Focused on identity and privacy solutions. PRISM Pioneer, Atala ASTRO, Plutus Pioneer, already funded proposals. Implemented all technical core functionality of products like the blocktrust analytics platform, the blocktrust mediator and the blocktrust identity wallet. Founder of blocktrust.



Ed Eykholt (Development support, UX)

20+ years of software product and engineering team leadership. C# developer. Focused on blockchain and identity projects and products since 2015. Atala ASTRO. Working on PRISM related projects with blocktrust over a year.



New Team Member (Development support)

Blocktrust might hire or contract with an experienced full-stack C# developer to augment Ed and Björn's contributions. The project can still be successful without this additional person.

Design and Marketing

The project will include smaller work items for an designer and a small marketing related job (social media posts, etc.). For both activities we consider hiring external contractors.