ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

RegenID - Bioregional Passport for Regenerative Land Stewards


Carbon credit & ecological asset markets are disconnected from local communities, lacking a user-friendly, verifiable method for regenerative land stewards to demonstrate their ties and contributions.


We propose RegenID, a digital platform empowering regenerative land stewards to issue credentials that validate their skills, relationships, and reputation within their local communities.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to RegenID - Bioregional Passport for Regenerative Land Stewards.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Sev Nightingale - Project Lead

  • Role: Sev will oversee the entire project, ensuring that all aspects are progressing as planned. He will also be responsible for stakeholder management and strategic decision-making.
  • Experience: Sev has a successful track record in orchestrating ReFi industry hackathons, developing eco-asset methodologies, and advancing digital Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (dMRV) interoperability.
  • Twitter: Sev Nightingale

Samantha Tan - Co-Founder and Creative Director

  • Role: Samantha will lead the creative aspects of the project, ensuring that the project's vision is effectively communicated through its design and presentation.
  • Experience: An accomplished artist-researcher and climate activist, Samantha has successfully helmed tech-infused art studios and installations.
  • Twitter: Samantha Tan

Dr. Nathaniel Stern - Co-Founder and Advisor

  • Role: Dr. Stern will lead the research aspects of the project, ensuring that the project is grounded in solid scientific principles and contributes to the field of knowledge.
  • Experience: An award-winning researcher and full professor between Art, Engineering, and Entrepreneurship at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Dr. Stern has secured Fulbright, NSF, and NEA grants for his innovative creative technology projects.
  • LinkedIn: Dr. Nathaniel Stern

Jillian Ada Burrows - Technical Lead

  • Role: Jillian will lead the technical development of the project, overseeing the software engineering and ensuring that the technical aspects of the project are delivered to a high standard.
  • Experience: A seasoned software engineer with a diverse portfolio that spans over 10 programming languages and embedded hardware design. Jillian is an autodidact with a wide range of interests, including math, physics, music, psychology, culture, and history.
  • LinkedIn: Jillian Ada Burrows

We have already engaged all team members and they are fully committed to the project. We have also established lines of communication with all team members and have regular meetings to discuss the project's progress. We understand the importance of transparency and accountability, and we are committed to delivering this project with high levels of both.