Last updated a year ago
Carbon credit & ecological asset markets are disconnected from local communities, lacking a user-friendly, verifiable method for regenerative land stewards to demonstrate their ties and contributions.
We propose RegenID, a digital platform empowering regenerative land stewards to issue credentials that validate their skills, relationships, and reputation within their local communities.
This is the total amount allocated to RegenID - Bioregional Passport for Regenerative Land Stewards.
Samantha Tan
Nathaniel Stern
Jillian Ada Burrows
Jessica Lisiewski
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 15: Life on Land
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Sunflower EcoTech (formerly Eco Labs) proposes to develop RegenID, a decentralized application (dApp) built on the Atala PRISM platform. RegenID will issue Bioregional Passports, a form of verifiable credentials, to environmental stewards, or "Regenerators". This will be used to validate their skills, relationships, and reputation within their local communities, creating a necessary layer of transparency and accountability in carbon and eco credit markets.
"Our mission is to increase humanity's capacity to regenerate ecosystems faster than we degrade them." - Sev, co-founder of Sunflower EcoTech
RegenID leverages Atala PRISM to verify skills and reputations of regenerative projects, aiming to restore trust in the carbon credit and ecological asset market. By issuing Bioregional Passports to environmental stewards, RegenID incentivizes participation in ecological asset markets and ensures eco-credit buyers support genuine community-rooted projects. Use cases range from reputation sensing and eco asset tracking to empowering regenerators and engaging patrons. The initiative, piloted in Colombia and extended to Zambia and Kenya, showcases Cardano's potential for real-world impact and sustainable development.
The specific challenge we aim to address using Atala PRISM is the lack of a recognized and verifiable system for acknowledging the skills, reputation, and community relationships associated with regenerative projects across diverse bioregions. This issue hinders effective collaboration, trust, and fair allocation of ecological asset payments within and across communities.
Public trust in the carbon credit and ecological asset market is eroding due to the absence of community accountability measures in the accreditation process. This gap has led to instances of system exploitation by external actors sometimes called "carbon pirates". These actors acquire vast tracts of land, often to the detriment of local or indigenous communities, and then sell carbon credits to investors under the guise of land protection and regeneration, even when their actions are far from regenerative. Simultaneously, numerous individuals and smallholder regenerative farms are diligently working within their communities to restore and regenerate the land, yielding positive environmental outcomes. However, they lack a mechanism to validate their efforts and the credibility of their projects in the carbon credit and ecological asset marketplace, thereby missing out on potential funding incentives.
RegenID aims to fill this gap by establishing a recognized and verifiable system to acknowledge the skills, reputation, and contributions of Regenerators across various bioregions. A Bioregional Passport obtained on the RegenID platform will serve to manage credentials (or badges / stamps) associated with skills, connections to local communities, and enable fair ecological transactions in the carbon credit and ecological asset marketplace. This approach will incentivize reputable community regenerators to participate ecological asset markets, while also providing eco-credit buyers with the necessary information to ensure their investments are supporting genuine, community-rooted regeneration projects.
Reputation Sensing: In scenarios where a corporation has bought land, displaced indigenous people, and attempts to sell eco credits, they may be unable to obtain a credential from the local conservation group due to their extractive practices. Their lack of a RegenID reveals their disconnect from the community, providing a form of "reputation sensing" for potential eco credit buyers.
Onboarding and Tracking Eco Assets: RegenID can be used in the onboarding process of our Adaptive Agroforestry Methodology. It serves as a web3 identity associated with the eco assets produced at regenerative sites.
Volunteers and Travelling Regenerators: RegenID can be used to empower lead farmers to issue badges to volunteers, tracking their capabilities and associations with specific bioregions/biomes. This allows for:
2a) Tracking Regenerators' experiences working in certain types of climates/ecosystems.
2b) Enabling Regenerators to identify active individuals and projects in bioregions they could visit.
Regen Experts and Consultants: Experts in regenerative farming practices can use RegenID to track the projects they're associated with, serving as a living, automatically verified resume. This provides them with a proven, auditable track record of successful projects they've worked on.
Patrons and Contributors: Buyers can also obtain a RegenID to track their contributions to regenerative projects and receive badges for reaching certain milestones. This system could also facilitate eco-tourism. For instance, a patron contributing a certain tier of funding or a number of Eco credits purchased from a specific project could earn the opportunity to schedule a tour of the site using their RegenID.
RegenID is unique because it empowers Regenerators, their patrons, and local communities by providing a trusted, verifiable system for recognizing skills and reputation. This not only benefits the Regenerators and communities involved but also contributes to the broader goals of sustainable development and climate action.
We will pilot this initiative in Barichara, Colombia, with three pilot sites and in collaboration with the Barichara Territorial Foundation and the Syntropic Collective. We also plan to extend our pilot testing to land stewards in Zambia and Kenya.
This solution is important to Cardano because it showcases the potential of the Atala PRISM platform and the Cardano blockchain to address real-world challenges and create social impact. By supporting RegenID, Cardano can further its mission of providing a more secure, transparent, and equitable platform for building the global financial and social operating system of the future.
RegenID facilitates effective collaboration, trust, and fair allocation of ecological asset payments within and across communities.This not only benefits the Regenerators and communities involved but also contributes to the broader goals of sustainable development and climate action.
Demand for carbon credits and ecological assets is escalating as companies strive towards net-zero and sustainability goals, indicating a large and rapidly expanding market. RegenID, built on the Atala PRISM platform, addresses a widely recognized problem in the rapidly expanding carbon credit and ecological asset market, having the high potential of widespread and rapid adoption within the growing industry, having a positive and considerable impact on the Cardano ecosystem.
Sunflower EcoTech’s proposed solution, RegenID, directly addresses the challenge of creating a decentralized identity solution using Atala PRISM, creating a user-friendly and scalable way to transparently demonstrate the value of the regenerator’s reputation and ties to the local community. This valuable tool helps to address one of the most widely recognized problems in the rapidly growing carbon credit and ecological asset marketplace: the lack of transparency and trust in the environmental claims tied to carbon credits ecological assets. Investors engaging with RegenID will be able to see proof that a regenerator has a good reputation within the community and the experience and skills required, adding credibility to the environmental claims made by qualified regenerators.
By developing a dApp that issues Bioregional Passports to Regenerators, we are leveraging the capabilities of Atala PRISM to provide a secure, verifiable, and decentralized system for recognizing skills and reputation in the field of environmental stewardship.
This tool would be incorporated as an essential component of the Eco Credit being developed by Sunflower EcoTech, the Adaptive Agroforestry and Smallholder Stewardship Eco-Credit, guaranteeing an initial user base. However we envision a much wider adoption of the tech stack within the industry among other registries and methodologies facing similar challenges. Sunflower EcoTech’s commitment to open source paves the way for a wealth of potential uses across the ecological asset market and beyond.
The benefits to the Cardano ecosystem:
In terms of quantifiable impact, we aim to engage at least 100 Regenerators in our pilot projects within the first year. We also aim to issue at least 500 Bioregional Passports within the same timeframe. These numbers are realistic given the size of the communities we are working with and the interest in regenerative practices. As we refine our solution and expand to other regions, we expect these numbers to grow significantly.
The success of our project, RegenID, will be measured through a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics that reflect the impact on the Regenerators, the local communities, and the Cardano ecosystem.
In the short term, these measures will provide a clear indication of the project's initial impact and success. In the long term, they will help us track the sustained growth and influence of RegenID, its contribution to the Cardano ecosystem, and its role in promoting sustainable development and climate action. We believe these measures are realistic given our understanding of the communities we are working with, the interest in regenerative practices, and the capabilities of the Atala PRISM platform and the Cardano blockchain.
Our plans to share the outputs and results of the RegenID project are as follows:
By following this schedule, we aim to keep all stakeholders informed of our progress and to foster a greater understanding of the potential of Atala PRISM and the Cardano blockchain.
Our team at Sunflower EcoTech is uniquely positioned to leverage Atala PRISM and the Cardano blockchain to deliver the RegenID project. Our diverse skill set and experience in blockchain technology and regenerative agriculture make us well-suited to this challenge.
Our team leader, Sev Nightingale, has a strong background in orchestrating ReFi industry hackathons (which included receiving sponsorship funds and distributing them to winners), developing eco-asset methodologies, and advancing digital Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (dMRV) interoperability. His expertise will be instrumental in integrating Atala PRISM and the Cardano blockchain into our project.
Jillian Ada Burrows, our technical lead, is a seasoned software engineer with expertise in over 10 programming languages, including blockchain-friendly languages such as Python and JavaScript. Her broad interests and self-learning capabilities align well with the multidisciplinary nature of the RegenID project. She will also be capable and committed to completing the Atala PRISM Pioneer Program.
Jessica Lisiewski, our development officer and field work advisor in Colombia, former city government climate policy analyst turned regenerator. Jessica has 4 years of experience managing and consulting on land regeneration and reforestation projects in Barichara, Colombia.
We have established partnerships with organizations in Colombia, Zambia, and Kenya, which will be instrumental in the pilot testing and implementation of RegenID. These partnerships demonstrate our ability to collaborate effectively with diverse stakeholders and to convene a working group for ecosystem development.
Additionally, Sunflower EcoTech (under the previous name, Eco Labs) has received over 1000 unique contributions totaling to over $25k in matching funds on the decentralized crowdfunding platform, Gitcoin. We also received funding ($50k) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and a $25k grant from FutureQuest.
We are excited about the opportunity to contribute to the Cardano ecosystem and look forward to engaging with the community throughout this journey.
Our main goals for the RegenID project are as follows:
Develop a working prototype of the RegenID system: This includes the integration of Atala PRISM with our existing ecological asset measurement system / methodology, the development of a user-friendly interface for Regenerators, and the creation of a system for issuing and verifying credentials.
Pilot the RegenID system with smallholder farmers and regenerative projects: We aim to pilot the system in three locations: Barichara, Colombia; Zambia; and Kenya. The goal is to test the system in real-world conditions, gather feedback from users, and make necessary improvements.
Establish a Governance Framework: We will convene a working group of stakeholders, including issuers (local orgs), regenerators (lead farmers), patrons (eco credit purchasers), and collaborators (dMRV providers), to develop a Governance Framework for the RegenID system. This will ensure that the system is fair, transparent, and accountable.
Promote adoption of the RegenID system: Our goal is to encourage widespread adoption of the RegenID system among regenerative farmers and projects, as well as companies seeking to invest in ecological assets. We will measure success by the number of RegenIDs issued and the volume of ecological assets linked to these IDs.
Contribute to the Cardano ecosystem: By leveraging Atala PRISM and the Cardano blockchain, we aim to demonstrate the potential of these technologies for promoting sustainable development and climate action. We will share our learnings with the Cardano community and contribute to the collective knowledge and growth of the ecosystem.
To validate the feasibility of our approach, we will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures. For the technical development of the RegenID system, we will use standard software development metrics, such as the number of features implemented, the number of bugs fixed, and the system's performance and reliability. We will also conduct user testing to assess the system's usability and gather feedback for improvement.
For the pilot testing, we will measure success by the number of RegenIDs issued, the volume of ecological assets linked to these IDs, and the feedback from users. We will also assess the effectiveness of our Governance Framework by the level of stakeholder engagement and the feedback received.
For the promotion of the RegenID system, we will track the number of RegenIDs issued and the volume of ecological assets linked to these IDs. We will also monitor the feedback from users and stakeholders to assess the system's acceptance and impact.
Finally, for our contribution to the Cardano ecosystem, we will measure success by the feedback from the Cardano community, the number of learnings shared, and the impact of our work on the ecosystem's growth and development.
Milestone 1: Development of RegenID Prototype
Milestone 2: Pilot Testing in Barichara, Colombia
Milestone 3: Pilot Testing in Zambia and Kenya
Milestone 4: Development of Governance Framework
The total projected cost for the project is now 300,000 ADA. This budget will be used to cover the costs of software development, pilot testing, stakeholder engagement, and the development of the governance framework. We will provide regular financial updates to the Cardano community to maintain transparency and accountability.
Milestone 1: Development of RegenID Prototype
Milestone 2: Pilot Testing in Barichara, Colombia
Milestone 3: Pilot Testing in Zambia and Kenya
Milestone 4: Development of Governance Framework
Research and Development (6 months): 150,000 ADA
Pilot Testing (6 months): 125,000 ADA
Community Engagement and Documentation (3 months): 25,000 ADA
Total Budget: 300,000 ADA
This budget will be managed responsibly by our team, with regular financial updates provided to the Cardano community to ensure transparency and accountability.
The RegenID project offers excellent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem due to its potential high impact and expert team. Our solution, leveraging Atala PRISM and the Cardano blockchain, aims to revolutionize ecosystem regeneration verification, enhancing Cardano's reputation as a leader in blockchain solutions for sustainability and establishing it's presence in the growing Regenerative Finance (ReFi) movement.
Our team's expertise ensures high-quality execution, and our technology is scalable, promising benefits beyond the immediate scope of the project. We've carefully budgeted to ensure efficient use of funds, with costs aligning with market rates for similar projects.
We're committed to transparency and accountability, promising regular updates on progress and financial usage. Despite the substantial cost, we believe the potential impact, our team's expertise, and our commitment to cost efficiency and transparency make this a worthwhile investment for the Cardano ecosystem.
Sev Nightingale - Project Lead
Samantha Tan - Co-Founder and Creative Director
Dr. Nathaniel Stern - Co-Founder and Advisor
Jillian Ada Burrows - Technical Lead
We have already engaged all team members and they are fully committed to the project. We have also established lines of communication with all team members and have regular meetings to discuss the project's progress. We understand the importance of transparency and accountability, and we are committed to delivering this project with high levels of both.