ID: # | Status:
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Last updated a year ago

Using a Decentralized Web Node (DWN) to implement an off-chain orchestration engine for long running, concurrent and asynchronous transactions, thus providing integration between Prism, Lace and Smart Contracts.


Multi-step long-running interactions between peers requires a stateful context per participant where State is comprised of Identity, Tokens and Personal Data. DApp(s) are executed as steps in a Flow


Use Petri Nets (CPNs) to design and implement custom interfaces for DWN's to ensure correct concurrent behaviour, data flow, resource management of DApps utilising Storage, Hooks and Orchestration.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Using a Decentralized Web Node (DWN) to implement an off-chain orchestration engine for long running, concurrent and asynchronous transactions, thus providing integration between Prism, Lace and Smart Contracts..

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Ian de Beer - team lead Petri Net, implementation - Scala developer

Lohan Spies - Business Analyst and Prism specialist

Mourits de Beer - Developer (Prism, Cardano and Lace) - Scala Developer

Henry Msiska - Developer DWN infrastructure - SRE and Scala Developer