Last updated a year ago
The primary problem I aim to solve is to answer the question: "Until there are companies issuing verifiable credentials, why would one begin to verify them?" I intend to prove value and path to SSI.
I intend to demonstrate verified credentials (VC) as a unique Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution for APIs. This will add value to the API ecosystem, and a bridge to SSI via Atala PRISM.
This is the total amount allocated to Verified Credential API Access.
While we can prove the concept without a dependency. However, the best success will include a WALLET solution for the credentials. Looking at a few options including ProofSpace.ID, Roots Wallet, etc.
Project will be fully open source.
#9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.
Perception of the Problem:
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Web3/Wallet solutions including Verified Credentials have an adoption problem to overcome due to:
1/ resistance, complexity of change to infrastructure, skillsets.
2/ proof of value.
3/ high friction, challenging for average users.
Reasons for Approach:
1/ Ecosystem-driven: it brings together all sides of the market at the same time.
2/ Single-sided: a single participant gets value from verifiable credentials.
3/ Addresses business case, developer experience, and user experience.
Who will be engaged:
1/ Businesses who currently use (or plan to use) APIs to drive business value.
2/ Developers who want to add new features offered by Verified Credentials (such as security and personalization) to their APIs.
3/ Customers (users) who want to utilize Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and Data Sovereignty for easy mobility of credentials.
How we will demonstrate impact:
1/ VC-API Proof of Concept with Atala PRISM. Provide secure, granular API access by using verified credentials (VC).
2/ Developer/Builder Experience
3/ User Experience
Impact of this project for Cardano:
By adding value to the massive API Economy, the impact will be to bridge the large API ecosystem with the SSI/Cardano ecosystems. (API → SSI + IAM using Verified Credentials)
It's a Web2 + Web3 (Web5) solution that can provide unique features to businesses, developers and customers.
Measuring Success:
1/ The first measure of success will be completion of the deliverables outlined in the proposal and timeline:
2/ KPIs we can additionally measure are:
Finally, I am building a services business with a VC offering, and will be looking forward to building out the ecosystem with Cardano/Atala PRISM technology builders and SSI partners.
Plans for outputs on a timeline:
I'll post documentation including code and tutorials over the course of the timeline. It will be open sourced and updated at milestones, so anyone can see active progress.
Further R+D from results:
This project is a proof of concept. Once the solution is proven and documented, it's really just the beginning. If successful, it will hopefully stimulate conversation and development in the broader ecosystem, pushing industry use cases and related solutions forward.
Capabilities and Suitability to Deliver:
I have over 15 years of technology experience across a variety of technical roles - Full-Stack Developer, Technical Consultant, Solution Architect, Partner SA, Field CTO (global technology advisor for AWS partners), and a degree in Computer Information Systems, with Honors. I've built software, architected systems, done API Security Reviews, and am generally technically proficient.
I am also business-savvy, with formal business training and certifications. I also completed the Atala PRISM Pioneers program recently, completing 101, 102, and 103 training courses.
Trust Processes:
The main one will be hosting a project site with milestones and project tracking. I'm in a few of the Cardano channels (Discord, Slack) and have had a few meetings with folks in the community. I can be reached for communications and conference calls if needed.
Goals (also indicated in the presentation):
( 1 ) Secure - identity, time bound, RBAC/ABAC.
How? Validate identity and access controls using API and Verified Credential.
( 2 ) API standards based… Add value to ecosystem.
How? Use well-known API creation tools (ex. OpenAPI, FastAPI, AsyncAPI) yet add feature(s) not used prior (via VCs).
( 3 ) Improved user and developer experience.
How? Ensure solution has simplicity, ease of implementation for an average API developer. Ensure easy onboarding experience for a user/customer (via wallet most likely).
( 4 ) Decentralized (plays well with centralized).
How? Local host node + VC = decentralized. Cloud host (akin to SaaS) = centralized.
( 5 ) Web3 + Web2 = Web5
How? Cardano/Atala PRISM (Web3) + API (Web2) = Web5.
( 6 ) Bridge Zero Trust, SSO/IdaaS, SSI ecosystems.
How? Following basic proof of concept, will extend to integrations using Zero Trust architecture, SSO/IdaaS, as well as SSI products (such as VC wallets).
*Note these are the FULL list of goals... Ideally will be completed in the project timeframe, but if necessary, will follow the project as feature iterations on the proof of concept.
Milestone 1: Project Started
(10 hours)
Milestone 2: POC for Basic API and VC communication
(80 hours)
Milestone 3: POC for API and VC access controls
(80 hours)
Milestone 4: POC with Cloud-hosted APIs
(80 hours)
Milestone 5: User Experience Demonstration (Wallet with VC)
(80 hours)
(Stretch goal) Milestone 6: POC with IdaaS/SSO provider
(80 hours)
Milestone 7: Project completed, with Presentation
(20 hours)
1/ Proof of concept - local deployment, cloud-hosted.
2/ Code / repo - open sourced
3/ Documentation - so people can repeat and build the proof of concept themselves.
4/ User Experience demonstration
5/ Presentation of project completion.
Each of the milestones indicate the status and iteration on the above deliverables.
Milestone 1: Project Started
(10 hours)
Milestone 2: POC for Basic API and VC communication
(80 hours)
Milestone 3: POC for API and VC access controls
(80 hours)
Milestone 4: POC with Cloud-hosted APIs
(80 hours)
Milestone 5: User Experience Demonstration (Wallet with VC)
(80 hours)
(Stretch goal) Milestone 6: POC with IdaaS/SSO provider
(80 hours)
Milestone 7: Project completed, with Presentation
(20 hours)
1 x Dedicated Senior Solution Architect / Product Architect with 15+ years experience (me).
We'll be cost-conscious with a rate of 100 USD per hour (mid-range of USA market rate).
ADA currently around 0.30 USD.
1 hour = 100 USD / 0.3 USD = 333.33 ADA.
Project total hours = 350 hours (430 hours with stretch goal of IdaaS/SSO implementation).
Note the VALUE of the project is not simply quantifiable in hours. It will be a solution to an important adoption problem, and an ecosystem bridge for Cardano/Atala PRISM.
Milestone 1: Project Started
(10 hours)
Milestone 2: POC for Basic API and VC communication
(80 hours)
Milestone 3: POC for API and VC access controls
(80 hours)
Milestone 4: POC with Cloud-hosted APIs
(80 hours)
Milestone 5: User Experience Demonstration (Wallet with VC)
(80 hours)
(Stretch goal) Milestone 6: POC with IdaaS/SSO provider
(80 hours)
Milestone 7: Project completed, with Presentation
(20 hours)
We'll be cost-conscious with a rate of 100 USD per hour (mid-range of USA market rate).
ADA currently around 0.30 USD.
1 hour = 100 USD / 0.3 USD = 333.33 ADA.
Project total hours = 350 hours (430 hours with stretch goal of IDaaS/SSO implementation).
350 hours * 333.33 ADA per hour rate
= 116,665.5 ADA (or $143,331.9 ADA with stretch goal)
75,000 ADA would be 64.28% of value.
Said another way, the project is at least a 35.7% discount.
Project Team (1):
Aaron Richmond
Project Lead and Solution Architect
Atala PRISM Pioneer (2023)