Last updated a year ago
ATS strives to overcome the impermanence and increasingly gated digital world. We create an open timeline for anyone to record a piece of history. ATS is a collaborative museum anchored on Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to AdaTimeStamp is buidling the world's web3 museum on Cardano. Own a (NFT verified) moment in time and write your message into the immortal timeline. NMKR for minting and exploring IAGON for storage..
Max van Rossem
Syed Naqvi for minting and payments for continued frontend collaboration
Front-end code is developed in partnership with, we would need to confirm their part of the front-end code may be open-sourced, and ensure there are no risks for users in open-sourcing.
4.7 - By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
All SDG goals can apply to AdaTimeStamp's functioning as an open museum that incentivizes collaboration and celebrates positive digital legacies (a digital gravestone of positivity).
AdaTimeStamp takes on a bold mission to become the most celebrated timeline in history. The mechanic that powers the timeline is that any user, that holds ownership of a specific moment of Cardano’s timeline (an ATS NFT) may customize that moment of the museum. The moment worth most to an individual can contain their memory.
Step 1: Product MVP targeted at Hyper-specific communities
Step 2: Develop and test
Step 3: Deploy and iterate
1 Building a cultural hub during the launch of Voltaire Governance
As Cardano enters the Voltaire age, we aim to inspire the community in the arena of long-term thinking, legacy, and honorable conduct by the narrative of "immutable track records". We will showcase that the promises made by dReps (and other community members) can live on in immutable memory. In this way, we catalyze a culture of truth, transparency, and honorable conduct in Cardano's governance.
2 Adoption in targeted communities that match Cardano’s ethos and strengths
In the coming years, the significance and importance of true/verifiable decentralization will awaken the consciousness of the public. Data held by big tech will become a hot topic as AI models trained to look/sound like our family and friends become more prevalent. The importance of what happens with our data, and how it can impact the next generations will influence how customers will demand higher standards relating to the architecture with which their apps function and are governed.
3 Force for good, a positive image of Cardano brand
Like the library of Alexandria, AdaTimeStamp brand stands for open sharing of knowledge. Unlike the library of Alexandria, it is extremely resilient and can not be 'burned down'. Neither is it to be managed by a close-knit group of scholars behind closed doors, but rather an open community of ATS NFT holders and verified users. A visual library that is deeply trusted in its handling of data will accelerate institutional (and individual) trust in Cardano as a dependable network.
0-2 months | DESIGN
I) Design of NMKR integration into the customization flow of AdaTimeStamp
2-4 months | Development & INTEGRATION
I) Build backend integration between ATS and NMKR
II) Final scope front end needs defined, front end development starts
III) Marketing research positioning of ATS
4-8 months | DEPLOY
I) Front-end development testing and finalization of customization flow
II) Focused marketing campaign to onboard new users
Key results
The main goal of this proposal is to develop the editing functionality that allows people to customize Cardano’s timeline at
Feasibility will be based on two criteria:
The answers to both these questions will rest on the performance of our chosen Api partner: NMKR. With help from NMKR and their API, we can test at a large scale with enough velocity to replicate the conditions of a successful launch.
Success in being able to keep up with a high volume of disparate edit requests will indicate a high probability of success of our museum-moment editing functionality.
Milestone I DESIGN
Milestone | LEGAL
Milestone | TESTING
Milestone | RELEASE
Milestone 1: Website and Editing Request Interface
Intended Outcome: Have an easy-to-use and understand platform for buying NFTs and requesting NFT’s for a specific moment in Time, Artwork, and description. In the industry we are in, security, and confidence is key to growing the reach of the business. We gain the user's trust through a well-thought-out flow and professional website.
Milestone 2: Backend Architecture and NMKR API Integration
Intended Outcome: This is the core of the project, the ability to use the input the user provides, verify it, and generate the NFT the user is looking for. The outcome will be a smooth experience for the User, with a few clicks, and a section to add text, and they can be confident their NFT will be sent to them as expected.
Milestone 3: Testing, Marketing, and Release
Intended Outcome: The entire project is predicated on the perceived value and importance of time, the key of this project will be to explain how that transfers into our NFTs. Marketing will play a large role here, making sure the purpose is understood. Testing will validate our development, replicating more than any load we could expect in the first stage of the release. The release should be straightforward, with a goal of at least 1000 unique users before we can move to the next stage.
70K ADA (~$20,000)
- 70% (~$14,000) will go to front-end development. LamaLama will be the third party receiving payment, although they will charge us reduced rates as per our mode of collaboration.
- 20% (~4,000) will go to marketing (partnership acquisition, paid advertising, SEO)
- 10% (~2,000) will go to other costs (QA testing tools, work tools)
Firstly AdaTimeStamp will become the most famous digital museum of Cardano. A place where epic memories, memes and stories are kept. Rooted in web3, absolutely for everyone.
secondly, AdaTimeStamp positions Cardano as the arbitrator of time. Marketing Cardano as the rusted method by which moments in time can, for the first time in history, be owned and traded!
Thirdly we visualize the Cardano blockchain. We interlock the abstract term “blockchain” with a chain of memories made by humans. If we are empowered by the Cardano community we can become the most powerful brand ambassador of Cardano, the human blockchain.
Max van Rossem - SPO, founder - strategy, operations, and marketing
Syed Naqvi - SPO, founder - development, minting, architecture
David Ljc - founder - development, strategy, architecture
Walter van Rossem - founder - development, architecture
Amalia Dragucin - Marketing and content writer.
Award-winning frontend devs.