Last updated 8 months ago
Catalyst Project Completion is critically important to the success of the experiment, but the current project completion experience is anticlimactic, unceremonious, & difficult to track and share.
Completed Projects mint custom "Project Completion'' NFTs via NMKR API & LidoNation Catalyst Explorer. Minting a completion NFT is a celebration, a ceremony, a shareable trackable community artifact.
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Completed Project NFTs.
NFT Design
Cost: ₳ 14,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Minting Page
Cost: ₳ 14,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Mar 2024
Open Source
Cost: ₳ 21,800
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
Darlington Kofa
This project is designed to use the NMKR Dev API, as described in the Campaign brief. As such, there is an inherent dependency in the NMKR platform. Our past experience with NMKR gives us no reason to anticipate any issue with using it for this project.
In the case of a catastrophic turn on events where NMKR is not available, we would deliver on this proposal using a different platform.
Project will be fully open source.
Whether your experience is as a a funded proposer who has completed a project, or simply as a Catalyst Community member, there is little doubt:
Completed Projects do not get a lot of attention.
Our solution will offer completed projects the opportunity to mint a "Project Completion'' NFT to celebrate and commemorate their achievement.
The NFTs will bring together custom metadata and design elements that uniquely reflect the completed project, along with a standard "Achievement badge" design that will be immediately recognizable when it is shared and displayed.
Who it benefits:
What we already have:
Lido Nation's Catalyst Explorer already allows Catalyst participants to register on the site, verify their identity through ideascale, and manage elements of their profile. Lido Nation also already supports the functionality for users to connect their wallet and mint NFTs for different programs. The Catalyst Explorer also maintains up-to-date data about current and past Catalyst proposals, including project completion status.
This solution builds on this existing architecture and data to offer users the ability to mint a "Project Completion" NFT for every completed project that they participated on as a proposer (or registered co-proposer).
This Campaign's definition of success is incredibly straightforward and concise: it calls for more NFT tools implementing the NMKR Dev API. The defined metrics for success are as follows:
Beyond the first 1000, the Project Completion NFTs will continue to be available for a suggested donation amount to cover maintenance costs. The Catalyst Explorer tool where this will be housed sees hundreds of unique site visitors per day when Catalyst Funds are active, meaning that in addition to any other marketing we may do, we have a built-in audience of many site users. For those users who are also funded proposers, we anticipate that a free NFT to mark their achievement will be "easy to sell".
Enabling and Incentivizing more community engagement with completed projects:
With easy access to a Catalyst Completed Project NFT, we believe we can enable and incentive more of the behaviors and outcomes that we would like to see around project completion:
1) Project Teams will have a celebratory ritual to mark project completion
2) Unique and recognizable NFT images provide a project team with "Ready Made" marketing collateral to share with their audience.
3) Community members can get to know and recognize the achievements of the people and groups who are achieving great things through Project Catalyst. (Proposers who mint completion badges can have them displayed on their Catalyst Explorer profile if they choose)
4) More community members and prospers find their way to the Catalyst Explorer tool, which enables easier access and research-minded inquiries into the Catalyst ecosystem.
In every blockchain ecosystem that supports NFTs, we have seen that people flock around collections that signal some sense of community, belonging, or success. With NFTs as a symbol of some identity, no matter how silly, people rally around a common purpose. Project Catalyst has not, to date, leveraged this powerful human element of blockchain. Furthermore, the lack of recognition and fanfare for completed projects is a problem that we can help solve. Project Catalyst does not exist to fund projects – it exists to fund the OUTCOMES of completed projects! Today, those outcomes are like a tree that falls in the woods when no one is there to listen.
A Project Completion NFT can become, like other NFTs, a symbol of being in the cool kid club! It can encourage project teams to make some noise in public by sharing their NFT and inviting others to check out their project outcomes. It can provide the public a token to look for when they seek out cool projects to follow, or mentors for their own Catalyst bid.
Measuring objective impact will be an easy matter of tracking numbers of Project Completion NFTs in the Lido Nation Catalyst Explorer.
Tracking how people use them in the wild will be something that is felt rather than measured. The minting page will make the suggestion that minters should use their NFT as an easy way to share and broadcast their accomplishment and invite the community to check out their outcome. We will also provide a Twitter Hashtag on the minting page that users can deploy when they share their Project Completion NFTs, which will provide one way to see them in the wild, for those that choose to use it.
This is a relatively simple project that will be built in three phases:
Phase 1: NFT design: the completed design will combine common thematic elements that will make recognizable badges, along with custom generated elements that are based on the project itself: The design will be shared in the first milestone project report.
Phase 2: building the NFT minting platform and page with integration to the NMKR API.The minting platform will become available to users at the second project milestone report.
Phase 3: Finalizing the open-source code to share publicly. The code will be publicly available on GitLab at the final milestone/project completion report. We anticipate that other projects will find it useful when building their own NFT solutions in collaboration with NMKR.
We will mint and share our own Project Completion NFTs to get the party started!
The Lido Nation team has delivered 8 Project Catalyst projects, and is fully invested and involved in the community, at both virtual and in-person events.
Both project leads are Cardano Ambassadors.
Darlington is a full-stack Software and DevOps Engineer with experience running his own company.
Stephanie was trained as a studio artist, and works as a software consultant.
Most parts of this project are areas where we have already demonstrated excellence and success: Darlington has led the software development side of our website,, the Catalyst Explorer, and all of our projects, and he leads our team of developer apprentices at the Ngong Road Blockchain Lab in Kenya. Stephanie is the artist behind the “Day at the Lake” NFT series, where pond microorganisms meet fascinating facts and freeform poetry, as well as the achievement badge NFTs for our Swahili Learn to Earn project.
We use CRM platform as our project tracking and reporting tool. Those who have followed our project reporting from earlier projects may have seen our reporting outputs from this system. The project plan will be inputted into Salesforce as a full set of User Stories and Requirements. These records can be assigned to the members of the project team, given due dates, and marked as Complete when they are done. These records can be assigned to “Epics” that correspond to our documented Milestones, so that it’s easy to know what needs to happen to deliver each Milestone. Thus we always have an easy pulse check to see if we are on-track with our plan. As with previous projects, these reports will be shared with the community at Milestone checkpoints (project reports) along the way.
The goals for this project are entirely straightforward:
As a team, there is nothing here that we haven’t done before in different contexts, so we see no issues with feasibility.
Milestone 1: NFT design.
Design the achievement badge such that it is both recognizable and responsive to unique elements for each completed project.
Time Frame: 3 months.
Milestone 2: Minting page.
Build & soft launch of the NFT minting page, using NMKR API. Includes front end User Interface and back end development.
Time Frame: 2 months.
Milestone 3: Open Source.
Dev team does final cleanup and bug/fix after launch. All code is open-sourced and available on GitLab.
Time Frame: 1 month.
Milestone 1: NFT design.
Design the achievement badge such that it is both recognizable and responsive to unique elements for each completed project. Sample NFTs will be shared in the Milestone report, with a description of any notable design elements, and how the unique elements for each project are generated for the NFT.
Milestone 2: Minting page.
At this milestone, the NFT minting page will be live; following the milestone report, project teams will be able to visit the Catalyst Explorer, verify their user credentials through IdeaScale, and mint their Project Completion NFTs.
Milestone 3: Open Source.
At this milestone, the source code will be available on GitLab
ADA 12,500 NFT Design/s: This amount pays the NFT artist about $25/hour for 150 hours of work. This time includes research into various tools that will be used to integrate custom/responsive design elements, design prototyping, and working with the developer team to implement the final design elements. (We all know the artist will probably spend a lot more time than this, because - artists! That’s why they’re starving. But don’t worry, she will keep her day job) This is scoped to be more complicated (and interesting!) than a single, static “Achievement Badge.” Using a variety of digital tools, the NFTs will be designed to be both recognizable and dynamic to reflect the great variety represented in Project Catalyst.
ADA 4,100: Project Management & Reporting: This pays for an average of two hours per week at $25/hour, for the full project duration of six months for project management. Tasks include project task setup and assignments, weekly meeting with project team, tracking tasks and next steps, and organizing and presenting assets for milestone reporting.
ADA 4,100 Responsive Design tools: We are evaluating several services and tools that would allow us to generate unique design elements for each Project Completion NFT design. Most of these have a subscription or per-use cost. This budget item allows us to support the tool for the first 1000 completed projects, or for two years.
If the tool continues to be popular beyond that timeframe, we would continue to support it on a suggested-donation basis..
ADA 25,000: Developer Time: this pays for about 150 hours of developer time, shared between our senior developer (billing rate $75/hr in the United States) and our developer apprentice team at the Ngong Road Blockchain Lab in Nairobi, Kenya (billing rate $5-$10/hour depending on experience). This project would give our group of Cardano apprentices exposure and experience with NMKR API along with other elements of NFT minting front and back end development.
ADA 4,100: Marketing, Customer Support, Product Support: Lido Nation is active on Twitter, on Twitter Spaces, at Project Catalyst Town Hall meetings, and at other virtual & in-person events. We will be eager to invite people to come mint their Project Completion NFT, and hopefully to also engage in ongoing Project Catalyst research when they visit the Catalyst Explorer tool where the minting will live. There is a certain amount of ongoing customer support, because we personally verify user identities between the Catalyst Explorer and Ideascale. (This functionality already exists for proposers to be able to claim and update their profile in Catalyst Explorer. Users who have already verified will not need to do it again!) We also know that any new tool will require some amount of ongoing support, break/fix, product updates, etc. We are committed to ongoing Marketing and Support of the minting tool for 2 years after funding (and beyond, if the community uses it!)
As detailed in the budget breakdown, the costs represent time and cost at market rates in the USA and Kenya where our team is based.
However, we think the VALUE of this project has the potential to greatly exceed its cost!
*Provides free open-source code for others to build with.
Launches a project using NMKR API.
Increases community cohesion & identity by providing an NFT achievement badge for completed projects to display proudly
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Lido Nation
We are Cardano enthusiasts and a growing collective of dreamers who believe in providing insightful education about Cardano in English, Swahili, and Spanish. Most online blockchain content is written by and for developers and finance geeks. We break down complicated technical ideas for everyday people, provide relevant news in quick bites, and build tools that everyone can use. Our website is a resource for anyone who wants to learn what Cardano is, why they should care, and how they can participate. We want to make these resources accessible to as many people as possible. We provide written, audio, and video content in multiple-languages and formats. We create practical, hands-on blockchain tools that help people learn by participating. For example, website visitors can earn $HOSKY tokens by taking our "Every Epoch" quiz and connecting their wallet. Sponsors get featured on the site by buying an NFT. Our Swahili Learn to Earn product allows Swahili-speakers to earn ADA as they learn about Cardano.
Stephanie is a Cardano Ambassador, artist, teacher and technologist, helping mission-driven organizations navigate and capitalize on technology. She applies her communication skills at Lido Nation by writing and editing articles and helping to organize ideas in a way that people can understand. She applies her art degree as Lido Nation’s in-house artist and NFT designer. Stephanie has participated as a key contributor on 5 completed Catalyst projects in past funds. For this project, Stephanie is responsible for project management, integration research, NFT design, project reporting, and marketing.
Darlington is an engineer by day, at all times, a dancer, humanitarian, idealist, and entrepreneur.
Darlington is a Cardano Ambassador, who contributes by writing articles, podcasting, hosting Twitter Spaces and live meet-ups. Darlington has deep knowledge about blockchain technology and broad experience in the Cardano ecosystem. Darlington have been helping and leading architecting and delivering of software solutions to small and medium size enterprises for the last 15+ years. Darlington is our Lead Developer, and also manages the developer apprentice team.
Ngong Road Blockchain Lab
Our team at the Ngong Road Blockchain Lab in Nairobi, Kenya, helps with software development, research, translation, content creation, and marketing.