Last updated a year ago
At the moment there is no simple way for game developers on Unreal Engine to incorporate NMKR into their games and allow seamless trading of NFTs using this system.
I will make it easy for Unreal Engine Game designers to incorporate Cardano NFT Sales into their games without coding using the NMKR APIs. I will build a plugin with dashboard & wallet connector
This is the total amount allocated to Connect NMKR APIs to Unreal Engine games & game developers with a specific plugin, in game buttons, displays & NMKR themed Gallery & Shop to import into games & customize to match the game theme..
Submitted by Carl Henry Global
NMKR & Unreal Engine but all of our work will be done in-house and does not depend on outside sources.
Project will be fully open source.
Unreal Engine does not use Cardano, this will open the door for game designers to start incorporating Cardano as a monetization option within their games.
We are opening the door to the 400 million registered users of a fortnight platform by providing entertainment while raising the profile of the cardano ecosystem, we are also building the opportunity or providing education about the cardano blockchain and ecosystem.
We will Help game designers monetize their work.
This will Expose Cardano to a wide audience internationally in the 100’s of millions & attract company brands.
The Metaverse value is projected to grow massively over the next 6 years to between $1.3 to $5 Trillion.
The effectiveness of our approach will be demonstrated very straightforwardly, overtime we will monitor the number of users who are engaging with the Cardano ecosystem.
Our projects access and penetrate multiple communities, these communities are looking for opportunity to create value and also entertainment.
The communities we will impact include the following:
Cardano Community
Catalyst Community
Epic Community
The Game’s Community
125k + Carl Henry Global community
Carl Henry global has been a part of both the Cardano and catalyst community for about two years, we have delivered on every funded project including building 8 integrated payment systems for Coti and promoting the building of Cardano hubs around the world.
Also in fund 9 we made proposals that would build upon our funded work in fund seven and eight, unfortunately our fund 9 proposals did not attract funding, this did not stop us from continuing to self fund ongoing commitments in our fund 9 proposals. The Cardanoverse was a major undertaking and which we have delivered upon by publishing our first metaverse 3D virtual world on the Fortnite platform.
On the Unreal Engine marketplace Plugins Exist for other blockchains but not for Cardano, we're going to correct that and show developers the benefits of working with Cardano rather than other blockchains.
As using milestones is a new concept, we do not know a specific start date only month numbers are included:
Most of the work to deliver this proposal will be carried out in house, although due to time constraints and occasionally specialised skill sets we will engage contractors, as we have over the last seven years, through the up work platform where we have spent over $100,000 which means we understand how to get value for money on how to engage the correct contractors as required.
It is very clear that making it easier for game developers to use Cardano native currencies and incorporating cardano projects into their gaming experiences will be of massive benefit and very effective for cardano adoption worldwide.
We are very adept at choosing the correct contractors and due to the bidding system on up work we will always be able to assess applications and ensuring that the best value for money is achieved.
This project, as others, will be managed by Carl Henry of Carl Henry global, I have extensive experience over 25 years of bringing together exactly the skills required to deliver on intentions. As I mentioned earlier we have delivered on numerous funded projects including creating software for the Coti payment system.