ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

Dex aggregator API to facilitate NFT minting and trading with most native and non native fungible assets


1) Currently people have been forced to collect tokens with little to no use cases.

2) Good marketplaces on Cardano and minting services are rigid and only accept ADA or single fungible assets.


By integrating a dex-aggregation API on NFT makers existing API we will facilitate both minting and NFTs trades in all native but also non ADA assets. All while ensuring sellers are paid in ADA.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Dex aggregator API to facilitate NFT minting and trading with most native and non native fungible assets.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Dr Randall F. D'Souza - Founder and Ideation

Responsible for overall project direction, strategy, and leadership.

Naeri Adam Fernandez - Full Stack Developer

Eric Tsai - Backend developer

  • Built out the backend of and will be the main dev to building the dex aggregator both for native assets and cross chain tokens.

Nicolas Hayvice-Caballe - Frontend Developer

Audie Martin - Hybrid Developer

  • Specializes in connections between back and front end work and problem solving. He has operated as a contract developer for several of our tools an will operate as a consultant if required.

Derek Thomson - Infrastructure expert and Project manager

  • Will oversee goal setting and evaluate progress at team sprint meetings. He is also an experienced real work tech business owner and his role in timeline management will be critical.

All the tools required for this projects are available to us.