Last updated a year ago
While NMKR makes it easy for anyone to create NFTs, consumers and projects want on-page, web3 utility for those tokens and there is no UI to add utility to tokens.
Provide token gating as-a-service to NMKR with a partner API library. Each NMKR campaign will feature a new Functionality menu where on-page utility can be designed without code, for any website.
This is the total amount allocated to Functionality Options For NMKR Campaigns.
No dependencies
The "Partners API Library" that will be created through this proposal will be open source, so that other developer teams can create on-page functionality for their own users with this token-gating service layer.
This proposal will also include work for the NMKR implementation of this server, which would contain API keys and configuration data and must be kept secret - however, it is just a modified copy of the solution that will be published open-source.
Provide token gating as-a-service to NMKR with a partner API library. Each NMKR campaign will feature a new Functionality menu where on-page utility can be designed without code, for any website.
There is an existing app created from a prior Catalyst funding round, that provides token-gating as a service and at the time of this writing, can create token-gated videos, video playlists, live streams, QR codes, discount codes (plaintext) and automatic redirection as gate functionality, without the user needing to know how to code or possess advanced blockchain knowledge.
This proposal suggests creating an open-source API library that services users of third-party apps like NMKR, and to build an interface within NMKR for token-gating options. A native integration between a minting service and a utility service makes the most sense from an onboarding perspective; project creators and entrepreneurs new to blockchain will visit NMKR to design a token, and seamlessly apply their desired on-page functionality to the minting campaign.
The functionality can be changed at any time, and will work on any website. This is ideal because a creator will want to have a website with a minting campaign embedded, as well as the utility, so that users only need to visit the creator’s website to purchase and use the token.
We seriously hope that as advancements like this integration continue to launch, Cardano gets closer to providing the web2 business world with realistic options for taking advantage of the unique benefits of blockchain in their daily business. With the work outlined in this proposal, specifically, we hope to engage real-world filmmakers, performers and other video-based content creators to engage with Cardano for the first time, and monetize their profession.
This is a unique solution that, aside from website design, eliminates the tech barrier for potential new creators to create NFTs, sell NFTs, and now provide on-page functionality for those NFTs, all without the need to pay a developer team and all in one workflow. The intent is to reinvigorate favorite CNFT projects of the past, empower existing projects with an evergreen engagement solution, and provide an onboarding mechanism for the web2 business world.
The intent of this proposal is to take code-as-a-service to the next level for Cardano, in the hopes that this is the path to mainstream business adoption. A functionality integration with NMKR closes the loop in the NFT project life cycle; all that is needed is a website to copy/paste the universal script where token functionality is desired.
We are hoping to see many creative uses for this project by business owners who are completely new to blockchain and we particularly have the features that would attract filmmakers, performers, and event companies. NFTs with an image can only benefit a real-world company so much, and it is often too much trouble to pay a developer team for a proprietary solution. The ease of use this project brings into the process should attract entirely new audiences of entrepreneurs to Cardano, knowing that it is possible to monetize content through NFTs without needing coding knowledge through the entire process.
The KPIs that we will want to track post launch are:
We hope that this project will impact Cardano at large in the following ways:
Development updates will be posted in detail on a blog and shared on social media, as well as monthly and milestone reporting for Catalyst. Once certain functional deliverables are working, prototype demonstrations will be added to YouTube. As usual, when NMKR adds a new feature they will release an introduction to it. The author will create a series of how-to videos so all non-technical creators can take advantage of the feature with the least amount of friction.
The team involved in this project has already created Cardano apps in prior funds and are looking to expand on what we have learned along the same theme of token-gating as a service. The app described in this proposal is already online and working, and is missing only the components listed in this proposal to be a full-fledged application for the in-person event space.
We have already set up our UML diagramming, shared drives, and project management through ClickUp. Top-level work-sprints were made to assess the time and cost of this project, and once funded will be broken down into smaller tasks for assignment.
We have already communicated with NMKR about integrating our service layer as a new NMKR feature, and have provided NMKR with a detailed breakdown of the suggested API routes between our two systems.
Provide a one-stop shop for NFT project owners and complete beginners to make a business on Cardano with a minting service integrated with a utility service, as a fully codeless solution.
Provide outreach and support until at least 5% of the NMKR user base has one active token gate project.
Attract more mainstream filmmakers and live performers to come and stay on Cardano, who will then onboard their audience.
True hard costs are researched in their native currency, dollars, then translated to ADA with a conservative guess to ADA market price, 0.25 cents.
This proposal will allow the majority of CNFT projects, artists and performers who do not know how to code, to sell NFTs that have objective value through their utility, beyond speculation and current popularity.
Once online, Cardano community can begin reaching out to web2 event companies with a new reason to use Cardano for more secure and more engaging events.
All team members have committed to a baseline cost of living for the duration of the project. All hard costs have been plotted out, and the hourly rate for labor amounts to approximately $15 per hour. We do not plan to outsource development work, and this proposal will allow the team to focus on the project around the clock until it is completed.
Dane McBride
Fullstack developer and project manager
Dane creates operational business strategies from competitive and internal analyses of e-commerce brands. As a Plutus Pioneer student he devotes his time to learning smart contracts for use in B2B services to grow utility and tooling on Cardano.
Relevant Experience: In over 14 years of experience in competitive consumer industries, Dane was in charge of strategy development and execution, managing large-scale technical projects with teams of up to thirty-five people. Dane is bringing a mix of Cardano blockchain experience, self-taught coding skills and digital marketing background to the project. Dane was in the Plutus Pioneer Program to lead Haskell development for Cardano projects.