Last updated a year ago
More than 80% of Europe's natural habitats are degraded and are in urgent need of restauration. Forests are vital for climate change mitigation and help protect from extreme weather and pollution.
Our objective is to establish native micro forests that will endure and capture CO2. Our NFT will fund the implementation and maintenance of these and serve as a way of user biodiversity sharing.
This is the total amount allocated to MY CELL – resource based NFT marketplace to provide funding for micro-forests management.
Hugo Vieira -
Although this is not a direct dependency, this project aims to be a part of the implementation of a broader approach to solving the lack of forest in industrialized countries. So this marketplace and NFT development is intended to work with the open-source forest plan and the Mycelium Foundation for real implementation.
Project won’t be open source.
SDG goals:
SDG subgoals:
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
European ecosystems are in urgent need of concerted restoration efforts both inside existing designated protected areas but also outside these spaces, such as in managed forests, agricultural lands, seas, and urban areas.
Restoring damaged rivers, lakes, wetlands, forests, grasslands, marine habitats and other ecosystems would not only improve the overall resilience and quality of nature in Europe, but would bring many broader societal benefits. For example, the health of habitats for pollinators, such as bees and beetles, is critical for long-term food security in Europe. The condition of forests and wetlands is vital for climate change mitigation, and healthy ecosystems also provide better protection from extreme weather events and pollution.
(information from the EEA's briefing on "The importance of restoring nature in Europe").
Almost every project that focus on increasing biodiversity or on carbon offset, focus on increasing forest spaces in developing countries, although those are usually the countries not responsible for most carbon emissions. Also, modern agricultural practices tend to decrease space that was occupied by native plants and was once used by animal and insect species as a refuge. Since land is usually more expensive in developed countries, land owners seek to maximize profit per square meter, offsetting their carbon emissions to under developed countries. Even if it is compensated elsewhere, this creates a lack of biodiversity where it is actually needed (As reported by the EEA).
Our focus is to create a mycelium of a decentralized network of micro-forests that are present where biodiversity is actually missing and is needed. These micro-forests will also be seeded with local natural mushroom mycelium to act not only as a symbiont in root development, but also to provide local populations with edible mushrooms that were once traditional to these areas. Also, a great number of the animal and insect species are natural predators of pests and plant diseases and could help in reducing the application of pesticides in modern agriculture.
These micro-forests would be a safe haven to birds, insects and plants that are becoming more and more scarce in developed countries. The implementation of water reservoirs, together with local species will also become important fire barriers to today's more frequent wildfires. We aim to create a replicable open-source model, that will be community built and can be implemented in several countries with the same success rate, depending on simple solutions for micro water management, natural native plant selection and priority to species on the Red List Index, and where everyone can play an important role from individuals to companies wanting to offset their carbon emissions in their own area of influence, contrasting with current greenwashing options.
Furthermore, by exclusively planting native trees, we will select species that exhibit greater resilience against wildfires. While these trees alone cannot halt the spread of fires, they act as a vegetal barrier, effectively impeding the rapid advancement of burning areas. Remarkably, these tree species possess the ability to regenerate and flourish as green plants in the following year. Ingeniously, our team is designing solutions to extract water from the air. Yes, you read that correctly! A substantial amount of freshwater exists in the atmosphere at any given time, though it remains imperceptible to us. Nonetheless, simple yet effective techniques are being deployed worldwide to capture and utilize this airborne water for irrigation, human and animal consumption. In arid and sun-drenched regions, these innovative methods can accelerate forest growth and ensure the well-being of diverse plant and animal species.
With each micro forest establishment, we will issue a set number of NFT's that represent a part of that forest's biodiversity and are traceable to it, as a means of funding the planting and ongoing maintenance of these valuable ecosystems. The fundamental principle behind our NFT is to provide decentralized funding, ensuring that the CO2 captured is effectively stored underground and that we bring biodiversity and natural habitats back to where they are needed. Our vision is to cultivate an inclusive ecosystem where anyone can contribute by acquiring these NFT's, thereby becoming an active participant in the restoration and sustenance of our precious forests.
Our whole project focuses on 3 main targets. Developing the replicable model, implementing the support NFT (MYCELL) base for acquiring and maintaining the micro-forests, and creating the Mycelium Foundation that will acquire land and maintain these micro-forests. The Mycelium Foundation will also be responsible for developing other environmental and technological projects in the near future.
The first main target is the replicable model that will be used to create these biodiversity spots. The Open Source Forest. You can find more information and support it here.
The second main target will be this project. It will be 100% dependable on NMKR to create a simple and working solution for the NFT based support community to the project.
With the NFTs we aim to reach interested parties in becoming owners of a share of a forest. Our research indicates that a 80% of internet users with ages from 18-35 would be willing to help a project like this to plant trees and maintain the forest for decades. The fact that the forest will remain intact means everything in terms of real carbon sequestration in the ground. All Stakeholders, Cardano network members and NFT purchasers will be able to verify in situ the activities developed by the investment. We will share pictures of the fields before and during implementation of the forests. We will also share the calculations for additionality, measuring the amount of CO2 that the land would have captured if not addressed and the difference it will have because of the forest planted, so transparency in what would be and what it will become is clear to all the community.
We believe these forests will act as a bridge for people who aren't aware of the Cardano Network and who will get to know the projects via social media and understand the potential of Cardano and the Catalyst Fund.
NFT holders, whether individuals that want to support biodiversity, offset their emissions from traveling, farmers that want to increase biodiversity near their farms, cities that might benefit from a green space nearby to serve as a resting place for families and tourists or even companies that want to endorse environmental projects. All these stakeholders will be interested parties in acquiring their piece of biodiversity represented by an NFT linked to a specific coordinate or part of a micro-forest.
This project is also inline with the EEA's target of bringing back forests and wetlands to Europe's lacking ecosystem.
The third main target, the Mycelium Foundation will have its main goal in implementing this network of micro-forests and developing other environmental and technological solutions based on the Cardano blockchain.
We will measure adoption Rate: The number of stakeholders, interested parties and community members, actively purchasing the NFT. Also, we will record all transactions of each NFT to understand the valuation of the NFT and indicating the level of engagement and utilization.
Customer Satisfaction: Feedback and ratings provided by users, reflecting their level of satisfaction and reliability in the project as a whole. Positive feedback and high satisfaction scores indicate that the NFT is meeting expectations.
Website: Our dedicated website will provide comprehensive information about our NFT for Decentralized Forest. This page will be as a central hub for posting updates, reports on our progress and relevant news.
Social Media and Blog Posts: Social media platforms will be a stage one primary means of communication, to share project updates, milestones, and significant achievements. We hope with these channels to reach a broader audience and engage with the Cardano community, influencers and strong climate change actors.
Blog Posts and Newsletters: Publish regular updates, milestones, and user success stories through blog posts and newsletters. Data Analytics and Impact Reports: Analyze usage data and compile periodic reports to highlight key metrics and the project's impact.
The purpose of this project is to start using it with the other activities we will develop in parallel to implement this idea into the real world. The Open Source Forest and the Mycelium Foundation for in-ground implementation.
Our ability to carry out this project is justified on the fact that we are a cohesive team with members that understand and work closely with the CO2 markets, forest and rural development and sustainability, but also active members in the Cardano community and with all the required technological expertise.
All our team members have made their professional lives working in top companies and are recognised as experts in their field of action.
As stated before, this project is part of a broader approach to bringing ecosystems back to pollution sources and places where biodiversity is scarce.
So the specific goals to this project in particular are:
These objectives are straightforward and are achievable either with the creation of the Mycelium Foundation on an early stage, as also with the creation of the Foundation on a second stage if funds for that part are not secured during this project's implementation timeline.
Full extensive description of the milestones and outputs is shown on the link on the bottom of this section.
But here's a brief description of the milestones and activities for this project. Since our focus is to restore forest, our milestones are named over trees and bushes native to Europe:
Please find the detailed steps and milestones for the implementation of the whole plan, including the Open Source Forest, Mycell Micro-Forest NFT and Mycelium Foundation in the following link.
Full project Steps, Milestones and Outputs
Full extensive description of the milestones and outputs is shown on the link on the bottom of this section.
But here's a brief description of the milestones and activities for this project. Since our focus is to restore forest, our milestones are named over trees and bushes native to Europe:
Please find the detailed steps and milestones for the implementation of the whole plan, including the Open Source Forest, Mycell Micro-Forest NFT and Mycelium Foundation in the following link.
Full project Steps, Milestones and Outputs
The costs breakdown was calculated with a thorough research about the time involved for each stage and the general rates for these services in the industry.
Marketing and Carbon Credit expert
Experienced in Forestry & Agribusiness for more than 10 years, Francisco d’Orey is a nature enthusiast, environmentalist, and climate change actor with proven experience in several enterprises. Having worked closely to different projects in Permaculture for 3 years is now closely related to carbon markets, helping industries to solve complex Co2 emissions problems and accessing the financial markets for trading Carbon credits both in voluntary and non-voluntary markets.
Rural and sustainability expert
Hugo Vieira has worked in agriculture consultancy for over 16 years and has a proven record of innovation and sustainability awareness. With training in organic farming and integrated pest management, he’s been working with rural communities and farmers all his professional life, understanding not only their commercial needs, but also with a high sense of respect for the environment. Hugo is also a passive crypto user and a natural born tech-savvy problem solver.
Blockchain Technical Analyst
Pedro Lucas has over 20y experience in IT. Working as a Technical Business Analyst in Business Process Management and Decision support DataViz solutions in Finance and Banking. He has been in Crypto for 3y and 100% dedicated to Cardano communities and technology for almost 2y. Pedro has helped in Gimbalabs, amongst other communities, created and ran 'Cardano for non-techs' workshop sessions, and now collaborates with Maestro focusing on Developer Experience and Business Development.
Frontend Architect
Pedro Tainha has +16 years of experience as Front-End developer with some backend experience in nodejs/graphql and DevOps. He’s been working in the latest years are ReactJs (redux/hooks)/ Typescript / Nodejs/Grpahql/REST, Angular 6, SASS/CSS3, Unit Testing with Jasmin / Mocha / Sinon / Cypress. Tooling like webpack / docker. Strong concepts of RIA APP, E-commerce, browser compatibility, user interface analysis, look & feel and requirement analysis. Strong know-how in integration/API's and communication. Pedro is currently working as a Frontend Architect at Cofidis.