Last updated a year ago
Cardano misses a unified UX design method, a standardised experience mapping approach, and a standardised user-friendly interface approach, blocking an ADA in the city economy.
Give the educational UX/UI Design Live Classes that guide groups in creating Experience & Story Maps, resulting in a new Web3 conversation design method, working towards an ADA in the city economy.
This is the total amount allocated to - UX/UI design classes for a Decentralised Supermarket (dSuper) - Working towards an ADA in the city economy..
Niels Kijf
No dependencies
All materials created are open-source. We believe that we need to build open governance infrastructure with which people can innovate and create antifragile and pluriform governance solutions.
The Stellar UX for Web3 program is a commercial program using Web3 education as a service licence for organisations and web3 communities. Your investment is essentially 3 month seed-funding to get Stellar UX program vetted and OneWeekSprints up and running.
SDG Goals
2 - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
11 - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG Subgoals
11.4 - Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
12.2 - By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
12.a - Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production
2.2 - By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons
2.4 - By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
2.a - Increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, technology development and plant and livestock gene banks in order to enhance agricultural productive capacity in developing countries, in particular least developed countries
8.2 - Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
8.3 - Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
8.8 - Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
2.4.1 - Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture
How you perceive the problem you are solving
It’s time to design impactful use cases with ADA. By bringing decision-making into our digital networks, and standardising actionable content, we can engage with the public in new ways and bring web3 innovation to SMB's, food producers, and customers.
Your reasons for approaching it in the way that you have
Using 5 themes in weekly live-classes/sprints we compound effort and insights towards our goals. We learn how to design web3 before one line of code is written, and learn how we can use existing SBM's infrastructure to protect food security and bring ADA to the city.
5 Educational Day themes used in social media promotion & live-classes:
Incentive Design
Experience Mapping
Actionable Content Design
Story Mapping
Celebrate dSuper Learnings
Who will your project engage
How you will demonstrate or prove your impact
We focus on web3 education and strategy to work towards an ADA in the city economy, to do so we need to change how we design for web3 by designing conversations instead of pages.
The 45-90-minute live class format does not fit in the other challenges. We focus on web3 design strategy that helps communities solve problems, with a focus on everyday food to keep things meaningful.
Explain how your project will benefit the Cardano ecosystem.
Blockchain is a governance tool, but the reality is that governance in our world is defined as control. OneWeekSprints defines Digital Governance as Community innovation and participation. We legitimise Cardano by co-creating value together and deliver on-chain experience design.
Problem Statement
Cardano misses a unified UX design language, a standardised experience mapping approach, and a user-friendly interface approach, blocking an ADA in the city economy.
Solution Statement
Give the educational UX/UI Design Live Classes that guides teams in creating Experience & Story Maps, resulting in a new Web3 conversation design method, working towards an ADA in the city economy.
Macro Problem - The cardano ecosystem misses a unified UX design language
Pain: Blockchains as it currently stands misses a unified UX design program
Gain: Stellar UX for Web3 (The design program used by OneWeekSprints)
Meso Problem - The cardano ecosystem misses a design together method
Pain: Blockchains miss a standardised experience mapping approach
Gain: Deliver a design with language first pre-prototyping approach that compounds effort and insights into a Cardano UI toolkit.
Micro Problem - Disconnected real and virtual worlds
Pain: We disconnect our real and virtual world, blocking an ADA in the city economy.
Gain: By focusing on food security (#2 SDG goal), not with CBDC (control money) but with ADA (people's money), we legitimise Cardano by protecting one of the most important supply chains, our food.
Connect the design triangle: Food SMB's, Everyday Food, Nutrition.
*#2 SDG
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Incentive Designers attended live-classes
Incentives designed,
Experience Mappers attended live-classes
Experience Maps designed,
Actionable content designers attended live-classes
Actionable Content designed, delivered, and operational.
Governance Mappers attended live-classes
Governance Maps designed,
Digital Governance Designers attended live-classes
Learnings Celebrated.
UI Designs demo-ed and delivered.
The output will be available on open Miro boards / Invision Project, so people can copy incentives, experience maps, actionable content maps, and governance maps; output of UI designs will be done on github.
Successfully delivered the F6 in-wallet onboarding for ADAholders.
sr. UX designer turned Web3 Design System designer the last 2 years. Already start building the website. Setting up the board for Stellar UX for dSuper. Reinventing community collaboration is my passion.
Objective 1: Teach / Validate / Optimise the Stellar UX for Web3 design system using the dSuper use case.
Objective 2: Find 2-3 sponsors/partners for the OneWeekSprints efforts - dSuper - actionable content production.
Objective 3: Niels designs the UI Design for dSuper for production, using the created experience maps.
Sponsor/Partner dependent: Feedback sponsorships / actionable content investments / into the production of dSuper. Ultimate Success is getting a dSuper MVP going through partner collaboration.
The OneWeekSprints Timeline & Milestones | dSuper spreadsheet contains the Live class topics and the milestones. Please have a look at the Timeline / Milestone spreadsheet.
Live Classes
People can attend three web3 education live classes each week, participating in designing experiences for the decentralized supermarket (dSuper)
Each Free Live Class has a max of 30 participants and communication is done through
Milestone 1 (Delivery week 3)
Delivery Time: Approx. 2 weeks
Cost: ₳10550
Milestone 2 (Delivery week 5)
Delivery Time: Approx. 3 weeks
Cost: ₳10550
Milestone 3 (Delivery week 9)
Delivery Time: Approx. 4 weeks
Cost: ₳10550
Milestone 4 (Delivery week 12)
Delivery Time: Approx. 8 weeks, weekly iterations.
Cost: ₳10550
How do we master to reduce?
How do we maximise social impact?
How do we increase social cohesion with SMB's?
What is our intent, purpose and meaning?
What Incentives need to be designed to make this a reality?
What questions do we need to ask to make this happen?
(Max 9 for each Before, During, After stage = 27 incentives)
What experiences do we need to map to build dSuper?
What centralised Supermarket will we use to review?
What functionality, experiences and engagement do we need to map?
(Max 3, one for the Before, During, After stage = 3 experience maps)
What actionable content do we need to design to support the experience maps?
What UI modules did we identify to produce?
What infrastructure do we need to build on?
(Max 9, 3 for each Before, During, After stage = 9 UI Designs of conversations)
What circular story can we map together?
What conversations do we need to have to make this happen?
What stories need to be told to attract people?
(This captures the the output of incentives, experiences and actionable content)
What are the things we learned this week?
What Conversations & UI modules did we discover?
Which ones do we like least? (Tag for replacement)
What will you produce?
What will happen as a result of your work?
People get educated in novel web3 design methods. Designing conversations is very simple, yet because we use conversations as our main tool, our software design processes become abstract and complicated.
Education & Conversation Design awareness
We simply becoming aware that what we speak holds truth especially in group settings, By capturing conversations in experience maps we make our interaction design pleasant, natural and our interfaces humane. By compounding effort an insights in these experience maps - using a master to reduce mindset - we have found a new way to pre-prototype web3 software that can be used by participants in their own projects. Streamlining and enhancing UX in the Cardano ecosystem.
A Modular Conversation UI Design that can be used in other projects as well.
By having detailed experience maps, and data-structures we can build UI modules for Cardano, that allow us to scale solutions faster, more efficient and this boost mass-adoption.
Track Progress
By bringing a Stellar UX for web3 design system and dSuper to Catalyst, I hope to contribute in teaching people how to systematically improve UX design, and thinking in a dSuper UI Toolkit we have justified the value for money, as the modular approach of the UI design should really enable us to start co-producing these modules together.
Niels Kijf -
Responsibilities: Niels - Live Class Instructor | UX/UI Design
Web3 Design Educator & Strategist. The goal is to teach people to design together using the Stellar UX for Web3 program.
Niels (Master Digital Media Design, Oxford) is a web3 technology innovator. Making Cardano ready for family and friends is the end goal.