Last updated a year ago
There is a massive francophone community in Ghana who have no idea of Cardano Blockchain and Project Catalyst opportunities. They need to be exposed through education about the Cardano ecosystem.
The objective is to reach out to the francophone community, educate and create awareness of Cardano and the opportunities in Catalyst to enable them become active within the ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Reaching the Francophone Community in Ghana.
First Workshop Session
Cost: ₳ 7,740
Delivery: Month 1 - Nov 2023
2nd Workshop Session
Cost: ₳ 7,740
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
3rd Workshop Session
Cost: ₳ 10,320
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Emelia Sarfo
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
Due to the fact that Ghana is surrounded by francophone countries - (To the west -Cote d'Ivoire, to the east -Togo, to the north - Burkina Faso) there is a significant francophone population in the country engaged in various activites including schooling, business and corporate work. Most of these francophones, particularly those engaged in school and business activities are still in the process of learning the english language and are therefore not able to fully take advantage of opportunities presented in english such as Catalyst and Cardano.
This project particularly targets francophone students in the various educational institutions, particularly those in Ghana for English immersion purposes and language learning. The idea is to educate them on blockchain and opportunities in Catalyst that will shape their learning journey and enable them gain practical knowledge and real world experience in the area of blockchain in order to shape their future career and academic pursuits. The focus on francophone students in particular is because many young people are interested in technology however because of low exposure to opportunities to learn about new technology, most of them end up in careers that are not necessarily what they love or enjoy to do. Some may have great tech minds but they are not exposed to such education. This project seeks to provide them with the relevant exposure to enable to decide on their career paths, or provide them with enough information to actively participate in the growth of Cardano without necessarily taking on a career in blockchain.
The medium for the roll out of the project will be events. Thus we intend to organize three main educational events or workshops, where participants will be introduced to the Cardano Blockchain; Project Catalyst and opportunities that are available in the ecosystem. The events will be mainly in the French language to enable participants clearly understand and fully participate.
Topics that will be taught include the Cardano Blockchain, Project Catalyst and Wallet (Yoroi) opening for all interested participants. As part of the project, the participants will register on Ideascale and begin to explore ways in which they can participate as active members of the Cardano Community. We will encourage participants to become proposers, Community Reviewers and take up other roles in Catalyst as well.
The project is targeting to impact about 200 francophone students through three educational events/workshops in three different venues within the 3 month period of the project.
The following are the expected impact of the project:
The success of the project will be measured through:
Project outputs will be shared through:
The proposers of this project are very active members of the Cardano community and the Wada community as well.
Faakor has been part of the Cardano community since Fund 8 during which she was a Community Assessor (CA). She was also a challenge team member for the Grow Africa, Grow Cardano challenge in Fund 8 and a CA in Fund 9 as well. She is also an experienced workshop facilitator, having provided training and capacity development interventions in her capacity as a Human Resource Management Practitioner to staff of various institutions.
Emelia is a very active member of Cardano Community. She first joined the Wada Community in Ghana in Fund 6 during which she was a CA. She was also a CA for Fund 7 and 8 and PA for Fund 9 with high integrity. She was a veteran CA for Fund 7 and VPA for Fund 9. She has been actively attending Town Hall meetings on regular basis.
Her closed out projects in Fund 8 and Fund 9 are Ghana Youth Onboarding Outreach and Ghana Youth Onboarding Outreach 2 and they were successfully implemented and closed out on time and within the stipulated period. These two projects have had very significant impact on the youth in Ghana
This joint team of implementers have the relevant experience and goodwill within the Cardano community and will endeavour to do an excellent job if funded.
The project is about educating the francophone community, particularly students, to become aware of Cardano ecosystem, and become members, and in the long run become very active members who contribute meaningfully to the ecosystem. Given the low level of exposure to, and understanding of blockchain in Africa, education is key to spreading the knowledge as well as adoption.
The goals of the project are therefore:
Within the first two weeks of month 1, the project team will contact a number of educational institutions in Accra wiith high number of francophones, with the objective of making people aware of the project and getting a critical mass of people interested in participating in the workshop events. These institutions will include Alliance Francaise, Ghana Institute of Languages, University of Ghana language centre, La Pedagogue Language Support Center, Dzorwulu among others.
By the end of month 1, the first workshop session will be organized. The target is to obtain between 70 to 80 participants per session, per month. Therefore repeat workshops will be organized in month 2 and 3 as well. The workshops will have an agenda detailing the events of the day and a short handout providing a summary of information on the issues discussed during each workshop. These will be provided to participants to enable them follow up on their own, on things they have learnt. The workshops will focus on Cardano Blockchain, project catalyst opportunities and Yoroi wallet. Participants will be introduced to the Africa Town Hall meetings and be encouraged to contribute ideas to the ecosystem.
The Catalyst community will receive reports after each workshop to update the community about proof of achievement. These reports will include videos of each workshop.
The three key milestones are as follows:
Milestone 1: Workshop session at Alliance Francaise
Milestone 2: Workshop session at Ghana Institute of Languages
Milestone 3: Workshop session for francophone students from various other institutions which will be contacted. This session will be held in a neutral venue to give students from other institutions the opportunity to also participate.
Key deliverables of this project which will be proof of the success of the project include the following:
Total Budget requested: 25,800 ADA
Venue hire for 2 sessions: 2000
Venue hire for last session: 1500
Workshop materials (including stationery): 2000
Equipment hire (Projector, screen, etc): 2500
Main Speaker for 3 sessions: 3000
Remuneration for project support & logistics: 2000
Remuneration for 2 volunteers from Wada: 2000
Transport to 3 venues: 800
Media (banners, flyers, video) 1500
Refreshments for 200 participants: 5000
ADA (for 200 participants to open wallets @ 5 ADA each) 1000
Administrative work (power bank, wifi, etc) 2500
The budget for each of the 3 Milestones is as follows:
The project has a low cost budget with a focus on reaching as many people as possible. We have ensured that two events are held on the campuses of an educational institution to reduce the cost of hiring a commercial venue with its attendant logistics.
The project provides value for money for Cardano in terms of the anticipated number of participants to be impacted by the project and their expected contributions to the ecosystem.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Faakor Fiadzigbey: main speaker for all 3 workshops on Cardano ecosystem and Project
Catalyst opportunities
Faakor has been part of the Cardano community since Fund 8 during which she was a Community Assessor (CA). She was also a challenge team member for the Grow Africa, Grow Cardano challenge in Fund 8 and a CA in Fund 9 as well. She is a Human Resources Management Practitioner by profession and speaks both English and French.
Telegram: @Fax660
Emelia Sarfo - Event organisation and logistics support
Emelia Sarfo is a member of the Cardano Community with two completed projects in Fund8 and Fund 9, Ghana Youth Onboarding Outreach 1 and 2. In private life she is a professional Human Resource Consultant with over 15 years experience in the Corporate field and has worked with many reputable Institutions in Ghana. She is also a trainer in hospitality and customer service satisfaction in Hotels in Ghana. In the Cardano Community, she is a very active member, CA for Fund 6, 7 and 8. PA for Fund 9. VCA for Fund 7 and VPA for Fund 9 with a good reputation. Currently a member of the Challenge Team for Fund 10 Startups & Onboarding for Students Challenge
Two other volunteers from the Wada community.