Last updated a year ago
The global spanish speaking population needs content in Spanish, which is both understandable and engaging for the average person, to lower the barriers of getting into the ecosystem.
A Cardano column at a transmedia radio program, aiming to showcase the amazing ecosystem Cardano possesses to put Web3 technologies at work in different Spanish Speaking markets.
This is the total amount allocated to The Cardano Column on +Web3 Radio Show.
Mauro Camaño
Costanza Bianchi
Alejandro Alvarez Coronel
No dependencies
The materials generated are available for reproduction and if anyone on the community wants to use them we are ok with it, if proper attribution is made.
+Web3 program born in 2023, we have aired 27 episodes, with more than 20 distinguish guest, from the different technologies in the Web3 space (Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse).
This program was the natural evolution of our last years Cardano column on the Noticias PI Radio show, a 3 years old Radio program, that last year won the Trend Topic GOLD Award for the best content production, and also was nominated to the Digital Martin Fierros (the most important award for digital media in Argentina).
Media outlet: Transmedia digital radio program +Web3, Spotify Podcast, Youtube Channel
Format: A full bi-weekly Cardano column, with interviews both in-person and virtual modes, featuring specialized guests for each topic to be discussed, with an approximate duration of 30 minutes per program.
Characteristics: The column's focus will be on promoting education and the fundamental concepts of Cardano's technology and worldview in various themes, such as decentralization, cross-chain, developers, building a new world, dapps, defi, regulations and inclusion and diversity.
The column will also conduct interviews with different Spanish speaking actors in the Cardano space to showcase their solutions and experiences, aiming to inspire our audience to join the movement.
Another important aspect of the column will be to showcase Cardano's advancements in decentralization and governance.
Themes: Web3, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse, Multiple Realities
Subthemes: Governance, Cryptofinance, Cybersecurity, Apps, Infrastructure, Training, International Agenda, Legal Aspects, Conceptual Philosophy, Exponential Technologies, Disruption.
Distribution: Creation of an audiovisual portfolio linked to the specific treatment of Cardano themes in Spanish speaking audiences and the different events taking place, to be distributed across various audiovisual platforms.
Participation in specific spaces on different social media platforms through live videos, reels, etc. Coverage of the Cardano events, that we are allowed to attend locally, virtually or invited to go.
Creation of audiovisual promotional material for the Cardano Column, as well as physical promotional material to be distributed at events.
The spanish speaking people in the world is the 4th largest population group with 548 million people and it is only second to Chinese as Native speaking language. For Cardano to reach the masses that target is a key one.
We generate impact by creating content to educate people, in their own language, but also in a way they can understand, with simple and common terms that the average person can relate and connect to drive adoption as a key objective for building a strong community.
Also as a form of closing the GAP with other blockchains that have been extremely active in the Spanish speaking markets, such as Ethereum, Bitcon, Algorand, Polygon and Polkadot among other.
We will measure reach by country, by age, by gender, and produce statistics for the different channels we have to provide insights on interests and engagement.
Also each episode is published in Spotify and Youtube, so it can be easily translated into other languages, for specific consumption or material generation in other regions in the world.
That information can be used to understand the heath map in Spanish speaking populations across the globe and drive specific actions, either from the spanish speaking communities, as well as for the entities in Cardano.
The column will be bi-weekly, with an aproximate duration of 30 min. Each column will have a guest related with the Cardano ecosystem.
All the programs are recorded and published to Youtube and to our podcast in Spotify with the audio version (soon also to Apple podcast). Also the program is issued live on the radio stream channels (Radio trend topic) which is the largest digital radio in Argentina, reaching out to many spanish speaking countries and during the live program we do an Instragram live session at @alexpestchanker account, so it is easier to interact with live audience.
We have hosted the Cardano Column last year, at a different program, for 6 months, each week, covering many topics, from Catalyst to interviewing key actors of the ecosystem.
Among the Cardano's people we have interviewed are: Robertino Martinez - Education IOG, Tomas Peycere - Lace Wallet, Rodolfo Miranda - Roots ID, Daniel Sampson - Metera Protocol, Diego Torres - Rats Dao and Mayz Protocol, Diego Mac - Aneta BTC, Lucas Macchiavelli - Token Allies and many more. We have covered from the Cardano Hackathon in Buenos Aires, to the Rare Bloom in Denver.
This year we have covered the CIP1694 Decentralized Governance Workshops in Argentina and the Pan Latam one in Uruguay, providing to our audience a unique seat at the center of the debates and creation of this first Minimum Viable Government in the world.
Alex, also covered the Global CIP1694 Workshop in Edinburgh and will present that coverage on the program that will be aired on July 21st at 14 hs UTC-3.
In our covering of the Cardano Summit, we did a stellar interview to Frederik Gregaard (President of the CF). can watch this year's interviews here: have a passion to drive the Web3 technologies forward and we believe that Cardano has an incredible technology, vision and passion to drive this revolution forward. But in order to be successful we need the people to understand it better, what is value, how to use it in an easy way, and for that it needs to be explained ni simple terms.
We aim to create awareness to Spanish Speaking people in a very relaxed, but clear and informed way. With the protagonists telling their stories and aspirations
The column will not be just telling news, but rather provide insights, debates and points of view of the topics to be covered and the guests that are been interviewed.
Milestone1: Host the biweekly column thru all the 6 months, transmitting live via the radio channels and instagram.
Milestone2: Upload the content generated to Youtube and the Spotify Podcast
Milestone3: Interview one key player of the ecosystem at each program, looking to drive engagement by stories told from real people and examples
The final deliverables will be uploaded upon the refine stage
Milestone1: This can be measured as 2 Cardano columns delivered per month. Totalizing 12 columns for the remaining of 2023.
Milestone2: Upload at least 12 episodes (2 per month) to Youtube and the Spotify Podcast
Milestone3: Interview one key player of the ecosystem at each program, 12 guests, cover the Rare Evo event, The Cardano Summits in the Spanish speaking countries/regions. Cover Catalyst F10 and its results, improvements and evolution to F11.
Price per issued column: ADA 4311, includes the hosts fees, the radio fees, the in person or zoom interview, the uploading and promotion in youtube and spotify + the radio live channels as well as the air in Instagram Live.
In 6 months we will do 12 columns: total ADA 51.732
Our reach comprises more than 50K viewers daily, as the radio has a broad reach and activity on digital media for Spanish Speaking audiences. There is also wide promotion activity in many specific channels as well as the radio channels.
Transmedia On Demand
Argentina: 61.13%
India: 9.25%
USA: 7.32%
Mexico: 4.15%
Brasil: 2.45%
Spain: 2.44%
Uruguay: 1.62%
Colombia: 1.5%
Chile: 1.26%
Peru: 0.9%
Italy: 0.72%
Other: 7.26
Traffic sources
Spotify: 39,5%
Spreaker: 16,01%
Radio Trednd Topic: 11,34%
JioSaavn: 9,15%
Other: 24%
With this column in the MasWeb3 radio show, Cardano will be place at a place of privilege, reaching non common Blockchain oriented people, that are eager to better understand the technology and jump into it if they are given the knowledge and tools to do it.
Alex Pestchanker - CoHost
Alex has 24+ years of experience building Digital Products and Companies. He has a dual background, on one side a Solutions Architect and Developer (Cloud, Blockchain, C#, .NET, Java, Angular, DevOps) and on the other side a Company Builder and Advisor, building high-performance teams to deliver products that customers love (Customer Development, Agile, Lean, Design Thinking). Alex is also a professor at ITBA (one of the most prestigious engineering universities in LATAM) and a public speaker, helping to build common knowledge around Digital Transformation, Exponential Organizations, and Abundance.
Within Cardano, Alex is an active community member, performed as Proposal Assessor in F6, F7, F8 and F9 with high ratings on his assessments, and Veteran PA in F7, F8 and F9. He has also been awarded several times for his proposals and successfully completed most of them such as: F6: Proposals Mentors Marketplace ( ), F7: Proposals Mentors Marketplace -cont (, F8: DCorps - Digital company registry (, F8:Funding real world Businesses (, F9:Bringing Business to Cardano (, among others.
Alex is also a 1st cohort ATALA-Prism Pioneer a 3rd cohort Plutus pioneer and 1st cohort Marlowe's pioneer.
Mauro Camaño - CoHost
Mauro is the Chief Marketing Officer of Realtok, a DAO that is disrupting the Real State space in Uruguay and the region, with a great project LightHouse already working in Punta del Este.
He is also an entrepreneur who is passionate about Blockchain technology and who is also interested in the financial markets and permanent innovation. He enjoys academic and work challenges, and is always willing to share his knowledge and gain some more.
Mauro is also a Tax Law attorney and a tutor at a Postgraduate course in Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies in the most prominent university of finance in Argentina. Additionally he is an amateur actor, nature lover, and a lifeguard.
He were involved in Cardano with the project INNOVATIO and it is very connected with the Metaverse and Blockchain ecosystems across spanish speaking markets
Costanza Bianchi - Columnist
Costanza is a Lawyer, specialized in Law and new technologies, she works at the Banco Central de la República Argentina and is a Professor at Aden Business School. She is also a founding member of the community Mujeres in Crypto (Women in Crypto) and member of its core team.
Alejandro Alvarez Coronel - Producer and Co-Host
Alejandro brings more than 20 years of experience in Media and Communications. He is the cofounder of Editora PI9 the producer of MASWEB3 and he has incredible connections across the technology space, as he is the former Secreatary of the Unión Industrial of Gral San Martin and Department of Science and Tecnhology of the Argentine Industrial Union.
He is also the host of Noticias PI, which is a radio show devoted to technology in general, that it is on its 3rd successful season. And the mind behind the IDEA of MASWEB3, and the first to give Cardano a space in a big media space, last year, when we did the Cardano Column at Noticias PI
He also publishes a technology magazine and writes posts and articles across the board.