Last updated a week ago
Catalyst's short participation windows with fragmented UX experience and complicated manual processes frustrate and limit community engagement
Catalyst Voices provides a unified experience and platform including production-ready liquid democracy, meaningful collaboration opportunities & data-driven context for better onboarding & decisions
This is the total amount allocated to IOG Catalyst Team : Ideascale replacement and web-browser based Voting Centre with liquid democracy aka “Catalyst Voices”. 3 out of 6 milestones are completed.
Open Source Setup & Initial Voting Module Deployments to Testnet
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Nov 2023
Architectural Updates to Registrations to support multiple roles & Initial Deployment of Catalyst Voices Application to Testnet
Cost: ₳ 150,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
Backend and Wallet Integration Updates
Cost: ₳ 189,000
Delivery: Month 9 - Jul 2024
Proposal Submission & Commentary - in Production
Cost: ₳ 200,000
Delivery: Month 17 - Mar 2025
Voting & Delegation - Production Readiness
Cost: ₳ 100,000
Delivery: Month 19 - May 2025
Demonstration of Catalyst Voices
Cost: ₳ 126,000
Delivery: Month 20 - Jun 2025
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Wallets: External wallet teams will be relied upon to implement the connections between Catalyst Voices and their wallet applications. Catalyst already has open wWallets communication channels.
DReps: DReps will be relied upon to realise the capabilities enabled through delegated representation and liquid democracy.
Project will be fully open source
SDG9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Catalyst is one of the major entry points for new builders and ecosystem contributors to join the Cardano community. It represents thousands of individuals, projects, and innovators all accomplished in less than the three years it's been running. Each funding round relies on lively community participation and consent to produce high-quality decisions that represent the best interests of the Cardano ecosystem. However, over the course of the nine previous funding rounds, several barriers to entry have surfaced that negatively impact adoption and utility for the broader ada community.
For example, today’s fragmented voting experience presents a major barrier to adoption, limiting the capacity of our collective decision-making. Infrequent, timeboxed windows to participate are easily missed. Unfamiliar processes, information overload, and lack of formal onboarding further exacerbate any new user’s challenges.
As a growth enabler for the broader Cardano community, Catalyst provides many vital aspects to the community including critical funding for new builders and ecosystem contributors. In order for the Cardano community to reach critical mass and produce the best decisions possible, the Catalyst voting experience must be accessible, understandable, and as seamless as possible for all users. At the heart of Catalyst is a belief that the more voices heard, the smarter the choices made.
Proposal deliverables:
Proof of concept prototypes are demonstrated here:
Browser-based voting and liquid democracy [VIDEO]
Proposal submission prototype [VIDEO]
The Catalyst Team at IOG (“Catalyst Team”) proposes to deliver production-ready advancements to the Catalyst system by:
Introducing Catalyst Voices
Through this 12 month project, the Catalyst Team proposes to unleash the wisdom of the community by delivering a front-end web-browser based application that radically lowers the barriers to meaningful participation in collective decision-making for voters, representatives, and proposers.
A unified front-end interface to meet the needs of the Catalyst community. Developed with continuous feedback from the community, the Catalyst Team will deliver a unified experience to replace the patchwork composed of wallets, Ideascale, standalone web apps, and the Catalyst mobile app today.
The proposed product design is informed by insights gleaned over nearly three years of operating Catalyst, ongoing discovery research, and feedback from the community.
Prior feedback and research indicate 3 significant opportunities to improve the Catalyst experience with a unified platform:
The proposed outputs will:
Simplified user processes mean more time spent on activities that matter, enabling new capabilities and co-building opportunities that push the boundaries of distributed decision-making.
All these benefits add up to productivity gains, a more collaborative and focused community, and better funding decisions that create more value for the Cardano ecosystem.
Unlocking Incremental Value With Milestones & Continuous Testing
The proposed project will be delivered via a series of milestones, each unlocking new capabilities and creating value for Catalyst and the Cardano ecosystems.
Milestones include:
Continuous Testing & Learning
Along the way, continuous delivery to the Catalyst testnet will ensure that the community has meaningful feedback loops to help guide development - rather than waiting to give feedback. Voters, representatives, and proposers will have a chance to test drive the entire Catalyst process end-to-end every 2 weeks from inside Catalyst Voices once available.
The proposed solution directly addresses the aims of the challenge to improve decision-making and streamline processes in Project Catalyst. It will do so in a fully open-source manner, as required by the challenge.
Catalyst users will benefit from a far more streamlined user experience and more opportunities for meaningful participation. By unifying standalone applications into a single platform interface, and removing time-boxed constraints for ideation and other activities, users will be able to spend more time crafting exceptional proposals and making well-informed decisions.
ADA holders - even those that don’t participate directly in Catalyst - will also benefit from these improvements. By lowering the barrier to entry while vastly reducing the time required to get up to speed, more holders will have the opportunity to share their ideas and opinions, bringing more community voices into the governance process.
Community developers will gain a reference implementation for interfacing with the Catalyst core backend. By pairing a mature end-to-end reference implementation with the open integration and testing capabilities of Catalyst core technology, we will enable and accelerate continued community efforts to build meaningful system improvements - whether independently or collaborating with the Catalyst Team.
In the short term, user acceptance testing will provide a baseline of initial qualitative and quantitative data to help refine discovery and development.
Over the course of delivery, the Catalyst Team will measure several indicators to assess the success of the Project including:
Feature-specific user acceptance testing will be conducted with at least 5 users, with 80% acceptance rate, collecting deep observational usage data in line with best practices for product design and testing research.
Following which, an open, public demonstrator and community acceptance test will be conducted, where at least 30 users will complete a series of test case scenarios in a live testnet fund cycle and provide feedback to gain further data for UX analyses before production-readiness.
In the long-term, once the final deliverables are ready for primetime, we expect to see a demonstrable increase in participation across the Catalyst fund lifecycle - leading to greater community input, in addition to better quality of community engagement, helping to improve Cardano community-funding proposals under consideration.
We will measure the following KPIs:
We assert that increasing the share of circulating ADA participating in Catalyst voting (either by registering or delegating) boosts the effectiveness of the system as a whole. Similarly, increasing the number of wallets and share of stake voting on every proposal boosts both quality and diversity of funding outcomes.
End-of-fund survey responses to qualify improvements to overall user-experience, trust in the system, and fairness of decision making will further indicate whether this proposal has delivered on its commitments to Catalyst users.
The Catalyst Team is committed to providing continuous, accessible updates to the Cardano community. Updates and outputs will also be published on the Catalyst public Gitbook.
In addition to monthly progress reports and completed milestone proof of achievement ceremonies, the Catalyst team will also promote outcomes, outputs, and general progress in the following ways:
Weekly newsletters:
Reach: 60,000 mailing list members
Each week, an update email is sent to all mailing list members to provide a run down on progress and highlight key achievements.
Fortnightly technical development updates:
Reach: Averaging per week: 3000 report readers, 60,000 Twitter views, 100 retweets
The Catalyst team will provide technical development updates every two weeks as part of the overall Cardano technical development update communications. This will amount to at least 24 updates over the next 12 months, accounting for the seasonal Winter holiday period.
Weekly Town Halls
Reach: At least 1000 viewers, up to 10,000 periodically
Catalyst Town Hall is a mainstay platform for communicating key progress and achievements, and provides an opportunity to gather insights from attendees about new features or potential changes to Catalyst. Catalyst funded projects that have achieved project-completion status are highlighted weekly.
Catalyst Blogs:
Reach: Averaging 5000 readers per blog based on the last 12 months
Regular blogs published via will help to amplify progress and updates to outputs that have been achieved.
Our proposal comes with minimal risk, as we have successfully delivered viable standalone proof of concept (POC) solutions to validate our approach to solving some of the biggest challenges - including wallet connect, mainnet registration, decentralized user accounts, verifiable private voting, and interfacing with Catalyst Core backend. These solutions will be married together into a single platform that offers all standalone capabilities in a single place.
Blockchain voting capabilities have been refined over 10 rounds of Catalyst, with more than 1.7 million votes cast. The Catalyst mobile app has been iterated on since Fund0, with encrypted private voting in use since Fund6. The team has deep expertise interfacing with the Catalyst Core backend for consuming parameters and key event details, fetching proposal information, and casting votes.
The Voting Center being deployed to Catalyst continuous testnet builds on the foundations of the voting app to incorporate features including delegation and dRep registration for liquid democracy, while improving the overall voting experience. In the delivery of this project, we will collect community feedback on that PoC implementation, which can be incorporated into the final unified product ready for production deployment in future Catalyst funds.
Over the past 9 months of building the Voting Center, Cardano’s ecosystem wallet teams have collaborated with the Catalyst team to implement key features including wallet connect, Cardano mainnet registration, vote delegation, and vote signing on a standalone desktop application.
In the process, communication channels and trusted relationships with wallet teams across Cardano have been established. We have also implemented and led integration efforts for new CIP changes required by our efforts, including CIP15, CIP30, CIP36, and CIP62 as demonstrated in the following link: Cardano Improvements Proposals (see CIP15, CIP30, CIP36, and CIP62 for more details).
Efforts to solve wallet connect design challenges have also sparked deep discussion and exploration of user authentication and authorization. These discussions have produced a well-defined approach for decentralized role-based access control that has received positive feedback from both community contributors and Cardano technical stakeholders.
In Fund10, (if we receive the mandate to continue as the operator of the Catalyst funding process) the team intends to deliver a standalone Snapshot Module that will allow users to easily verify their registration and check tentative voting power. This will serve as a reference for delivering similar capabilities inside the Voices platform, that can be extended to include additional roles and eligibility checks.
These solutions demonstrate team competencies in interfacing with the Cardano blockchain and Catalyst Core backend, while supporting the broad range of human processes required by Catalyst.
The primary technical objectives of the proposed project will:
Benefits for each of the user groups impacted include:
In combination, these improvements will enhance the overall decision quality and thoroughness of the funding process, in addition to the quality of proposals submitted for consideration.
Approach and implementation
Engineering and security best practices will be followed to implement the solution, in addition to consultation with both the Catalyst / Cardano community and internal IOG subject matter experts from cryptography, and game theory domains. Prior user research and community feedback informs our initial understanding of challenges to solve for.
Catalyst Voices intends to develop iOS, Android, and Web applications from a single code base with near-native speed and performance.
We will approach the implementation of sets of features in terms of “modules”. Each module will correspond to a user role, segmenting the experience into sections aimed at completing specific actions.
Role registrations, participation history, and saved preferences will unlock new aspects of the experience to help users engage at their own pace, on their own terms.
Learnings acquired through developing and maintaining existing tools (such as Catalyst Mobile App, Voting Center, Snapshot Module) will be leveraged in order to rewrite the target development frameworks by building a single platform that is highly secure, extensible, and maintainable. While we anticipate unexpected challenges in integrating all features into a single platform, our plan to leverage battle-tested reference implementations should de-risk and accelerate development significantly.
The project will also benefit from maximizing the results of prior discovery and design research. Wireframes and mock-up designs created for and after user testing for the proposal submission module to replace Ideascale will continue to refine the UX with further user feedback gathered during the delivery of this project. This will include features and UX interactions for user profiles, cross-module navigation, and embedded guidance.
Finally, the development of Catalyst Voices will follow the testing and deployment framework planned for the existing Catalyst stack. The latest experimental features will be deployed to a public devnet, and the latest stable features will be deployed to a public testnet. The community will have opportunities to engage with new features and provide feedback before promoting features to the production release candidate.
Recurring voting events will run every 2-weeks on the Catalyst testnet to provide more frequent opportunities to engage with each of the phases of proposing, reviewing, and voting.
A roadmap for the project’s planned delivery can be found in Appendix A
Milestone 1: Open Source Setup & Initial Voting Module Deployments to Testnet
Delivery Time: Approx. 1 Month
Cost: ₳75,000
Acceptance criteria: The first milestone will lay the foundations for Catalyst Voices to be delivered as a fully open source project. It will include a public repository for the project, appropriate licensing for all code & documentation, and setup of a continuous integration and deployment pipeline that will allow community oversight and feedback from Day 1.
Working frontend implementation for voting and delegation, will be delivered to testnet as soon as viable, and will continue to be refined over the course of the project. Production readiness for the voting module will come in future milestones, as backend enablers and integrations are completed.
This ensures a high degree of auditability and oversight for project delivery, while allowing the open source developer community to benefit from every incremental improvement we make.
We will measure the number of watchers, contributors, and forks of the repo to indicate whether external developers are engaging with the open source libraries.
We will also measure participation in dry runs of new features on the Catalyst continuous testnet over the lifecycle of the project.
Milestone 2: Architectural Updates to Registrations to support multiple roles & Initial Deployment of Proposal Submission to Testnet
Delivery Time: Approx. 2 Months
Cost: ₳150,000
Acceptance criteria: The second milestone will unlock a permissionless authorization framework that will allow users to interact with the platform without sharing personally identifiable information like email. Access control and user accounts will be tied to on-chain registrations, submitted from the platform and written to mainnet.
Decentralized access control will allow us to provide rich experiences to users, while upholding Web3 values like self-sovereignty and data privacy. On-chain registrations help promote accountability and auditability across roles, while laying foundations for reputation.
We will need to collaborate with the Cardano community to approve and implement CIP changes, and we aim to get the support of at least 3 external contributors before initiating the CIP process.
Working frontend implementation for proposal submission and commenting, will be delivered to testnet as soon as viable, and will continue to be refined over the course of the project. Production readiness for the proposal module will come in future milestones, as backend enablers and integrations are completed.
Milestone 3: Backend and Wallet Integration Updates
Delivery Time: Approx. 3 Months
Cost: ₳189,000
Acceptance criteria: The third milestone will deliver wallet connect functionality that will allow users to interface with the platform, as well as backend enablers to support subsequent milestones.
This will eliminate the need for users to take any action inside a wallet, allowing them to stay inside the unified platform across the entire registration process.
We aim to have at least 3 community wallets supporting the latest changes.
Milestone 4: Voting & Delegation
Delivery Time: Approx. 3 Months
Cost: ₳200,000
Acceptance criteria: The fourth milestone will offer an end-to-end experience for voters and representatives. Starting with a connected wallet, users will have the ability to register as an active voter / representative, delegate voting power to a representative, browse proposals, cast votes, and view voter / representative rewards.
This will eliminate the need for users to take any action outside the platform related to delegating voting power, browsing finalized proposals, and casting encrypted votes to the blockchain.
We plan to conduct at least 3 preprod voting events with 50+ participants in each to collect and incorporate community feedback.
Milestone 5: Proposal Submission & Commentary - in Production
Delivery Time: Approx. 3 Months
Cost: ₳226,000
Acceptance criteria: The fifth and final milestone will bring feature-completeness in the form of an Ideascale replacement for proposal submission - that adds new privacy, collaboration, and accountability features. Users will be able to register as a proposer, create new public OR encrypted drafts, collaborate with co-proposers, and submit finalized proposals for voting.
This will eliminate the need for users to interact with a separate interface for proposal submissions, further consolidating the experience.
We will pilot the new proposal submission experience with at least 25 proposers to collect and incorporate community feedback.
To achieve our goals, we have outlined the following roadmap:
Milestone 1: Open Source Setup
To meet and exceed the Open Source requirements required of Catalyst Systems Improvements, the first milestone will deliver a fully open source public repository for the Catalyst Voices project. We will also allocate time to defining and implementing a continuous testing framework with the community that will be carried concurrently throughout the delivery process. This is particularly relevant to completion of Milestones 4 and 5.
Deliverables: Apache2 and MIT Licensed GIT Repository for the Catalyst Voices application; and minimally functional version of voting module deployed to testnet
This milestone is foundational development infrastructure work. It is necessary to ensure that licenses are appropriately applied, and that the development work can proceed smoothly from a solid foundation. It includes:
We will apply the appropriate licenses to all code and documentation from the project's inception. We will conduct all development in public. We will set up Full Continuous Integration and Deployment into our testing environments and deliver each milestone as community-operable and reproducible tagged releases.
The initial version of Catalyst Voices will be functional but minimal to capture the basis from which we will apply iterations for all future work. Voters, representatives, and proposers will have a single end-to-end home to complete required activities, but future refinements will be needed to optimize the experience and incorporate tools that maximize quality of activities completed.
Milestone 2: Architectural Updates to Registrations to support multiple roles & Testnet deployment of Proposal Submission
This milestone includes preliminary standardization which is necessary to deliver the later milestones. The process incorporates both public feedback with the Catalyst Community and with the CIP Editors. Parts of this milestone can not be completed until the earlier standardization efforts are sufficiently advanced to eliminate unnecessary and costly re-work.
Deliverables include updated versions of CIP36 and CIP62 required to support role-based registrations, as well as snapshot tool improvements to support the changes to CIPs; minimally functional version of proposal module deployed to testnet
2.1 Updated CIP-36 on-chain registration to support DApp specific roles.
2.2 Updated CIP-62 to support the CIP-36 changes:
2.3 Snapshot Tooling enhancements:
Milestone 3: Backend and Wallet Integration Updates
Deliverables will include updates to Catalyst Core backend to support role-based registrations and wallet-connect capabilities for the browser-based application. More detailed deliverables are as follows:
3.1 Enhance the Catalyst Core backend Database:
3.2 Browser Code Updates to interface to the Wallet:
This is a necessary component of the full UI implementation and will be used extensively, but it will be produced as a stand alone module so that other DApps written in Flutter/Dart can simply re-use the library to access CIP Conformant bindings and interface to all compatible wallets.
Milestone 4: Voting & Delegation - Production Readiness
Deliverables will include front and backend changes to support registration, voting, and delegation, including rewriting of code from the existing Voting Center into the target Flutter framework. Also included in this milestone will be backend changes required to support the proposal submission module delivered in Milestone 5.
4.1 First Front End Module of the Catalyst Voices UI:
This module will start development in an earlier milestone but due to the dependencies on CIP finalization and Backend plus Wallet integration can not be delivered until those components are finalized and delivered.
Redevelopment of the Voting Center Front End to enable integration to the updates role registrations and to allow seamless upgrade to incorporate further modules as they are developed. Flutter is being used so that this code base can be used to build Native, Mobile and Browser based applications. However only Browser will be initially delivered as there is no current standard for Cardano Wallet integration for Native or Mobile based DApps.
4.2 The UI to include the following features:
4.3 Update Catalyst Database Schema to support Proposal Submission:
4.4 Update Catalyst Database Service API to support Proposal Submission:
This is completed in this Milestone to enable the work of the next milestone to be completed efficiently.
Milestone 5: Proposal Submission & Commentary - Production Readiness
Deliverables are a production-ready user interface for submitting proposals, effectively replacing Ideascale with the capabilities of collaborating on and editing proposals with co-proposers, and submitting comments and reviews on proposals.
5.1 Proposal Submission and Commentary - Front End
The requested total budget for developing this first iteration of Catalyst Voices as a functional replacement for Ideascale, the existing mobile application, and wallet interface for registration is 840,000 ADA. This is a 12 Month project.
Fund 11 Period : Open Source Activation ₳75,000
Fund 11 Period : Voices Architectural Changes, ₳150,000
Fund 12 Period : Backend & Wallet Integration ₳189,000
Fund 13 Period : Voting & Delegation Implementation ₳200,000
Fund 13 Period : Voices First Release -
Proposal Process Implementation ₳226,000
Total: ₳840,000
To deliver this work we require a small team of rust backend developers, QA engineers, front end developers, site reliability engineers and UI designers.
This is a moderately complex proposal due to the development of fully decentralized role based access control to replace the Web2 authorizations and user management required by Ideascale and other typical systems. It will also require throughout the entire project, Architectural Design to work on and refine the proposed CIPs and other technical aspects of the system, Engineering Management to keep the project on track, and Product Management that the final product delights and empowers users across the community.
This project will also require regular updates to the community and high levels of community engagement to properly respond to and evaluate feedback or queries we are receiving. Especially as it relates to refining and finalizing the CIPs necessary to underpin the operation of this Project, which will also be critical work underpinning future work both in Catalyst Voices and in future work envisioned for the “Athena” distributed Project Catalyst which we ultimately desire to have all the functionality proposed here.
We will also be building and deploying test versions of Catalyst Voices continuously to our internal test deployments, and these will be publicly accessible. This is to allow the community to easily see what state the development is in and the available functionality without needing to run the system themselves. We want to allow the greatest number of Project Catalyst community members to track our progress as possible.
This proposal will realize both near-term value by improving the experience for Catalyst users, as well as long-term value for Cardano by improving the quality and depth of community engagement and dialogue with proposers, that in turn helps to produce higher quality proposals and in turn better outcomes with a more informed voting populace about funding decisions to be made, generated by a unified and seamless experience.
Our team is positioned to realize that value with minimal risk due to established expertise, validated solutions to hard problems, and prior research and discovery efforts. Continuous testing and established community feedback channels give further assurances that the finished product will meet the requirements and empower users. Fully open-source development provides another value, and enhances project accountability and feedback.
We expect to see compounding benefits over time as community contributors leverage our open-source foundations to either add new capabilities to the existing platform, or create entirely new interfaces to the Catalyst backend based on our reference implementation.
Continued refinement in collaboration with the community will best support the evolving needs of Catalyst. We will design and develop the platform in such a way as to support the integration of new modules whether they are developed by external contributors or internally, broadening opportunities for independent experimentation and entrepreneurship.
Improvements will benefit from system-wide solutions implemented with this proposal, for instance, on-chain role registrations and decentralized user authentication, without requiring additional development. Robust user profiles or reputation systems may be built on top of role registrations. The same role-based access control and reputation systems may even be applied outside of Catalyst, similar to how the same OAuth standard is widely used across organizations and applications today.
The outcomes of this proposal will also extend the role-based access control to all future roles in Catalyst without requiring additional CIP changes or other heavy community-wide coordination.
Ultimately, this proposal offers significant value relative to the funds requested. With open-source foundations for a collaboratively built, operated, and maintained community platform that can be both replicated and extended by contributors outside of IOG.
To start, we’d like to eliminate context switching between apps, establish always-on pathways for meaningful participation, and greatly reduce the cognitive load of managing and engaging with complex processes.
With your permission, we’d like to co-build the future alongside you.
We hope you’ll consider voting for and approving the funding of Catalyst Voices.
The Catalyst Team has 21 core members, who can also utilize, as necessary, resources across IOG, allowing the Catalyst Team to dynamically increase or scale back its resource capacity when needed to leverage UI/UX design research, full-stack development, technical and cryptographic research, and product marketing as required.
In combination, the Catalyst leadership and core team have 400+ years of deep technical expertise that enable Cardano to benefit from Catalyst’s decentralized innovation funding programme and innovative voting system. The organizational structure is cross-functional and multidisciplinary in nature, represented across two core teams: Catalyst Core and Fund Administration as illustrated in the following Organizational Chart.
To deliver this project, the majority of resources will be drawn from the Catalyst Core team resources and Catalyst team leadership.
Project Leadership:
Vice President, Governance: Nigel Hemsley
Nigel led the delivery of five Cardano hard-forks since Allegra, including Alonzo smart contracts and further improvements with Vasil. Nigel has been an integral member of the Cardano Ecosystem having advised across many individual elements from product strategy of the Djed stablecoin to supporting community members to build NFT DApps. Nigel now leads Voltaire which puts him into a unique position to support and oversee Catalyst. Nigel built up his expertise on distributed networks initially in the Reinsurance industry building the first grid-computing solutions for the Risk Models of Lloyd's of London and Swiss Re.
Group Lead: Kriss Baird
Kriss joined the Catalyst team in April 2021 as the first Product Owner. He has played a pivotal role in introducing new features and enhancements to the Catalyst system including privacy-preserving voting, project accountability management, Catalyst natives experiments,, proof of achievement and milestone-based funding, and upgrading the Community Review process. Kriss is principally responsible for overseeing Catalyst's services. He has been involved in Cardano since 2017 and is deeply passionate about this disruptive startup ecosystem. With over a decade of innovation management experience, Kriss has a background in design thinking and delivering national-scale startup funding programs. He previously worked at Innovate UK, the UK Government's innovation agency, leading 25 iterations of the IC tomorrow digital innovation competition and funding hundreds of startups to develop and trial digital prototypes with leaders such as Google Chrome, Samsung, Sony, IBM Watson, McLaren, Intel, Universal Music Group, Unilever, Mozilla and more. Kriss has also held roles as a program manager for Ufi VocTech Trust's social impact digital innovation grant program, lead at University College London's EDUCATE EdTech Accelerator, and innovation expert-in-residence at Imperial College London.
IC tomorrow: Impact evaluation for UKRI
Lead Architect: Steven Johnson
Steven has been the Lead Architect for Project Catalyst since joining the project in 2022. He has been a Software Engineer since the late 80’s, Architecting both hardware and software systems since the early 90’s. Steven led the systems architecture of a number of large scale projects in the Gaming and Wagering industry including casino wide monitoring systems, jackpot systems, financial auditing systems, LED display Systems and Privacy preserving routers. He designed systems delivered to Conrad Casinos, IGT, Jupiters Limited, Queensland TAB, Max Gaming, Mikohn Gaming and others in Australia, USA and Canada. Steven has a wide range of expertise as diverse as embedded hardware, communications systems, real time OS, Kernel development, Virtual Machines, Applied cryptography and Blockchain technology. He founded several successful companies and holds Patents in Time based statistical methods for Jackpot prize awarding in the USA, Australia, UK and other territories. His diverse set of interests led him to contribute to a number of Open Source projects include such projects as GDB and the ZFS File system.
Technology Lead: Sasha Prokhorenko
Sasha has been leading software development at Catalyst since joining in 2022. He is a skilled Software Engineering Lead, with over ten years of experience building software products for clients including PepsiCo, Liberty Global, and Philip Morris International. Sasha has proven expertise in multiple programming languages and frameworks and has successfully led cross-functional teams through all stages of the software development process. He embraces continuous improvement and innovation.
Product Owner (Catalyst Core): Mike McNulty
Mike joined the Catalyst team in September 2021 as Product Owner for Catalyst Core. He has played a key role in implementing new features like continuous snapshot, dreps / delegation, and various incentives upgrades, while refining the voting experience based on user feedback. Mike’s deep roots in the Cardano community have led him to champion community-first initiatives, such as end-to-end auditability and the Catalyst Continuous Testnet, helping promote decentralization and accelerating community development efforts. He is passionate about distributed collaboration and digital self-sovereignty, and he sees Catalyst as a testing ground for tools that can help solve coordination problems at a global scale. Prior to joining the IOG Catalyst team, Mike was an active contributor in the Catalyst community, leading the first-ever community retrospective, and helping grow some of the earliest sub-communities. Before that, he served Fortune 100 clients in the financial services sector as a management consultant at Accenture. In that role, he helped lead large digital transformations to optimize enterprise workflows at scale, as well as small experimental pilots to improve agent work quality and efficiency using ML/AI-based decision-assist tools.