Last updated a year ago

Parallel implementation of UI/UX to replace IDEASCALE, Crafted by Community, using Serverless and Edge Computing



The current platform is not intuitive. Displaying content is crowded and often loses context, it is difficult for the user to understand the process and the changes between funds and challenges.


Research and deliver a useful prototype, a hub for management and network, with a focus on collaboration and co-creation of proposals with visualization of the groups/communities involved.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Parallel implementation of UI/UX to replace IDEASCALE, Crafted by Community, using Serverless and Edge Computing.

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Thiago Nunes

I will be the product manager and product owner, with relevant experience on Cardano and good reach in the community, I can guide the UI/UX and technology team on several corners of Catalyst and speed up the process. I will interact with Catalyst and align the team output with the expected milestones described and interact with Catalyst Milestone reports, on top of that I will also be responsible for managing the budget and keeping the expected output on target.

Ana Paula

I will be responsible for developing all the UI/UX design I will be developing all the UI/UX design of the platform through the whole process explained on our milestones.

Lucas Boemeke

I will be the main developer, responsible for the product development, front-end and back-end of the platform throughout the whole process, following the product requirements for the integration with Catalyst Testnet and Edge Computing Deployment.

Thiago Nunes
Thiago Nunes
Lucas Boemeke
Lucas Boemeke