Last updated a year ago
Writing proposals, and social entrepreneurship fund applications that clearly explain your impact while connecting to global impact measurement frameworks is time consuming, and often confusing.
Add an additional framework to the current menu of UN frameworks - Doughnut Economics, and improve the UX/UI of the tool, ready for usage in the SDG Proposer Tool.
This is the total amount allocated to Proposal Framework Tool - AIM.
Cardano AIM
Sustainable ADA
Cole Bartlett
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source.
SDG goals:
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG sub-goals:
12.6 Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle
17.16 Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
17.18 By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts
17.19 By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries
What is it?
SDG Proposer Tool
Connect your ideas and proposals to UN development goals and measurable outcomes
The Sustainable Development Goals SDG Tool is made to help you include SDGs in your proposal development process.
This application will guide you through four selection steps:
- SGD Goals selection
- Subgoals selection
- Key Performance Indicator selection
- Universal Human Rights Index selection
For more info about the SDGs:
To learn more about how Cardano is focused on social, economic and environmental issues:
Why is it important?
Time is scarce and people are generally short of time and resources.
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time based) ideas and solutions are needed to solve global and local problems.
Support for entrepreneurial Catalyst proposers and voters is needed.
“In total, the report identifies a total of $2.3 trillion being invested for impact in 2020. This is equivalent to about 2 percent of global AUM (assets under management). Impact investing remains a small market niche, but one that is attracting growing interest.” - World Bank Group
Funds are scarce and global finance flows must be unlocked and redirected to help entrepreneurs and change agents solve global and local problems by implementing solutions at scale for maximum impact.
A lack of experience and knowledge shouldn’t be an insurmountable obstacle to solving wicked problems.
Since Fund 6, there has been a shift from Catalyst funded projects tending to lack explicitly clear, measurable targets that connect with existing established goals and frameworks.
We seek to continue enabling proposers to offer ideas and solutions that are seeking to solve wicked problems.
The SDG Proposer Tool is already functionally live in the Project Catalyst proposal submission form, enabling proposers to integrate UN goals and KPIs into their proposals and projects.
We seek to improve the UX/UI of the tool, market the tool as well as integrate the Doughnut Economics framework and model as an additional impact framework in the menu of the Proposer Tool. Doughnut Economics is increasingly used by the communities globally, and across the public and private sector.
Examples are here:
Amsterdam is the first city in the world to embrace the doughnut economy on a policy and community level, it plays a big role in shaping a positive story for our collective future. It featured in a new documentary series called 'An Optimist's Guide to the Planet' with Game of Thrones star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.
Community Collaboration
Users of the Proposer Tool will be made aware of the various impact measurement frameworks, and the communities out there working to build a better world.
Drive Cardano's Impact Ecosystem
Proposers using the Proposal Framework Tool to support with their vision and mission, and monitoring and evaluation of the impact of their projects will help drive the Cardano ecosystem towards impact. These stories will be picked up from the outset with their impact intentions, and can be followed on their journey as projects that connect to the SDGs and impact frameworks, will be ported into the SDG Search Tool Database, and our partner Positiveblockchain open access database.
This proposal seeks to address the challenge statement by connecting proposers, and multidisciplinary teams (including developers) and expose them to ideas, frameworks and movements that may sit outside their usual work stream and area of specialty.
With the Proposer Tool being made to be easier to use, and up to date with frameworks currently used across sectors and internationally, this allows the Cardano ecosystem of developers and teams to aspire and tap into the quality of research already published, and in turn feed into the design process and values that drive node operators and builders at large.
We will be looking to measure the following KPIs:
This innovation will affect Cardano’s growth in the short and long term through the positive multiplier effect resulting from the education and inspiration provided to community members who use the proposer tool, and those who go on to successfully receive funding in Catalyst and other sources.
It can prove to be a useful, open source open access tool and educational resource, inspiring impactful and collaborative efforts.
We will communicate updates via our Sustainable ADA social media platforms, and the completion of the project will support proposers in Project Catalyst Fund 11 onwards.
Our Sustainable ADA and AIM team has a strong track record of delivering on our proposals and commitments, as demonstrated in our funded proposals across Fund 4,5,6, 7, 8 and 9.
Sustainable ADA Funded Proposals:
Proposal Framework Tool:
Fund 6:
Tool expansion: to include an additional framework to the Proposer Tool (Doughnut Economics) to assist proposers in creating proposals ready for submission in Project Catalyst and other finance/grant sources.
The Proposer Tool can help with planning projects that integrate connections to common global frameworks, as part of their Monitoring and Evaluation of KPIs, as well as impact measurement and communication.
It will be open access, providing stakeholders with insights into how Project Catalyst is financing projects, the type of projects, and their impact according to UN SDGs, UN Human Rights, and UN HDI (adjusted to planetary pressures), Doughnut Economics.
This open access data and information can help inform decision making within the Cardano ecosystem, and across the different open source communities and sectors to facilitate multi stakeholder decision making, problem sensing and solving, using common global frameworks and languages as used in the UN, the Doughnut Economics and wider impact community.
The Proposer Tool is open access and can be used for free, by anyone globally.
We include a quote from SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals:
"17.18 By 2020, enhance capacity-building support to developing countries, including for least developed countries and small island developing States, to increase significantly the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by income, gender, age, race, ethnicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts"
Essentially, open source data is KEY to achieving all sustainable development goals:
"We must undertake a concerted global effort to encourage and invest in the creation of digital public goods: open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content." (United Nations, 2020)
"Even when the relevant digital public good or open source solution is found, support and additional investment are still required to scale them up and successfully implement them" (2020, p. 9). Hence here we are, in this decentralized innovation fund experiment that is Project Catalyst! *-*
Milestone One (2 months from receiving funding):
User experience and tool user interface updated
Implement additional framework
Milestone Two: (3 months from receiving funding):
Code Review, public release, Project close out report and video.
The Proposer Tool will include the Doughnut Economics as an additional framework and resources.
The UX/UI will be enhanced.
Development: $4000
Code Review: $750
UX/UI Revamp: $2500
Project management/general admin and social media promotion:
Research and development to adapt the framework for the tool:
Total: $8750 @ .257 = 34000 ada
We are operating on a lean budget and given that our team is distributed globally, we are working according to modest rates given the industry standards of paid research, tool development and UX/UI work.
Team Info:
Cardano AIM:
Cardano AIM (Assembly Inspiring Masses) include Phil, Razali, Cole and a number of supporters.
We are all active Catalyst Community members and currently design and build tools that support the community. These include the popular voter-tool (, the Community Advisor Tools (CA and vCA-tools) ( & as well as the community landing page (, Proposer Tool ( and SDG Search Tool (
Impact Web3 & Sustainable ADA
Cole Bartlett and Razali Samsudin Co-founded Sustainable ADA and Impact Web 3, and have been shaping it into what it is today.
It all started with the initial idea for Sustainable ADA back on April 20th of 2021 (Sustainable ADA 2021). Together, we co-founded it in June of 2021. We have backgrounds, professional experiences, and knowledge in education, economics, sustainability, and how blockchain technologies can be harnessed for good.
Razali Samsudin: Editor | Lead Author | Subject Expert | Partnerships
Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA, Impact Web3, Streets of ADA - A Samsudin Brothers Projek
15 years of experience as an interdisciplinary Educator from early years settings to postgraduate level, with a background in social sciences, humanities, and sustainability. Author, Writer, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain, Sustainability and Impact Measurements, Researcher (Research Lead Connecting SDGs to Project Catalyst and lead on the SDG Proposer Tool and SDG Search Tool with Cardano AIM #Blockchain4Good, #Cardano4Good, #NFT4Good). Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor. Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Contributor at Cardano AIM, PositiveBlockchain, Cardano4Climate, Catalyst School, Adafilms.
Cole Bartlett:
Co-Author of Recalibrating Value, Identity & Impact Through the Blockchain Cardano Impact Report 2023 | Bachelors in Economics and Sustainability | Blockchain/Sustainability Researcher | Social Entrepreneur | Co-Founder of Impact Web 3 & Sustainable ADA | Positive Blockchain Contributor | Impact Measurement Expertise | US Director for Yagazie Foundation | Blockchain Learning Center Core Member | Co-Founder of Vermont Fishing | Decentralized Lead Generation | UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate | Photographer, Videographer, Editor | Content Creation
Additional Activities by Cole:
Catalyst Journey:
We joined Project Catalyst, Cardano’s decentralized innovation fund, during fund 4. After applying and learning from both funds 4 and 5 along with lots of support from Cardano community members and teams, we were able to construct a strong proposal together that focused on our goals and ambitions for Sustainable ADA, and the Cardano community’s goals. We submitted a proposal focused on helping Grow Cardano, and Grow Africa.
With this funding, we had more capacity to focus on researching and sharing stories from change-makers in Africa and the diaspora, who are engaging with Cardano, creating a better tomorrow, today.
Thanks to the Cardano community and the use of their voting power from holding and staking ADA, we successfully secured the funding we were seeking. This helped us to take significant steps towards fulfilling our vision and mission having secured these crucial and helpful funds.
Through our time in the Project Catalyst ecosystem, we have been able to create a lot of strong and exciting partnerships with projects and businesses all across the world. This has led us to develop new ambitions for the work we do and to expand beyond education.
More about the projects we have been involved in:
Experience and Expertise
The Sustainable ADA team has experience working with Figma, Canva, Wix, Final Cut Pro, Da Vinci Resolve 17, Adobe CC, Microsoft Products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc).
Sustainable ADA has experience and backgrounds in Sustainability, Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences. Along with work with NGOs, Social Enterprises, Freelance journalism, and blogging.
The team has been a part of the Cardano ecosystem since 2020 and is very dedicated to the Cardano ecosystem. We created Recalibrating Value, Identity & Impact Through the Blockchain: Cardano Impact Report 2023”.
The team also has undertaken the first of its kind Cardano Impact Report.
The Cardano Impact Report is a comprehensive publication that aims to capture and showcase the positive impact generated by the Cardano community. It is designed as a book NFT (Non-Fungible Token) to leverage the unique features of blockchain technology, ensuring authenticity, transparency, and immutability of the content.
Sustainable ADAs community partners: