[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Jimmy Lee
[GENERAL] Email address of main applicant
Additional applicants
Vcoincheck.io team - vietcoreteam@gmail.com
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.” .
No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] If NO, please describe which outputs are not going to be open source. If YES, please write “Project will be fully open source.”
Project will be fully open source
[METADATA] Category of proposal
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
Context and problem.
The ETHDAO or ARBDAO has proposed to withdraw the ecosystem fund with a value of hundreds of millions of Dollars or one of the effects that led to the collapse of LUNA-UST with 1 approved governance proposal. without anyone knowing and participating.
CIP-1694 has been implemented since the beginning of 2023 and achieved very good results, but the number of communities participating in official contributions is not much. At least when compared with the number of participants holding ADA through the statistics of the number of ADA stake wallets.
I also encountered this problem, when participating in the sharing and propaganda of CIP-1694 in our community. Most people do not understand what a decentralized governance system must have, what is considered a decentralized governance.

Besides, decentralized governance is extremely complex, different in the size of a project as well as the type of project. For example, the governance of an L1-based blockchain is certainly very different from that of a Dapp.
DAO documents are often only found through the project's own sources and are incompletely reported in the media. There is not a single source that describes, statistics, analyzes, and compares decentralized governance models.
Our solution
Solution 1
1.We will share knowledge about decentralized governance, DAO, and Voltaire regularly in the communities where we are admins or reputable people
Example: Cardano ADA VietNam Facebook group – 46k members
Telegram group – 550 members
Many telegram groups in Vietnam Cardano community
2. Organize mini-games to encourage the community to use Cardano DAO tool (For exp: https://summonplatform.io/)
- A very simple game like we will promote a game that the reward will be Cardano native tokens and the community will vote to choose which token will be the reward.
- This will give the community a taste of how basic decentralized governance works.
- We will collaborate with other projects or communities to join games too
Solution 2
1. We will create a set of documents about typical decentralized governance models in many forms so that the community can learn and increase awareness in the best way.
2. The document will introduce and describe the decentralized governance model of 9 projects. These 9 projects will be divided into 3 sets,
The structure of each set will include
- 2 projects are being developed on Cardano, and 1 project develops in another ecosystem.
- The articles introduce and analyze each project. (from 1-2 articles, each article has a length of 1000-2000 words)
- Articles comparing projects with each other (1 article is 1000-2000 words in length)
- Short clip introduces a project for the community to understand visually. (whiteboard clip with duration 8-10 minutes)
- Short questions for readers to check their own knowledge. (5 questions for each post)
- Live sharing and answering livestream (1-2 hours per session)
Solution 3
To increase efficiency and spread, we will cooperate with other projects and communities through forms such as:
- Collaborating with other projects to make clips
- Cooperate in posting articles
The impact
- The knowledge in the aggregate and diversity helps the community have a comprehensive view of decentralized governance.
- Once understood, it also means that people will actively participate in decentralized governance.
- Using the DAO tools ( like summonDAO tools, etc.,) will not only help the community get acquainted with on-chain voting but also introduce DAO tools developed on Cardano.
- The mini-games will help evaluate how effective the implementation of DAO tools of decentralized governance is in small communities and the cooperation between communities or projects.
[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
This proposal address the challenge criteria below:
Number of Communities engaged in collaboration using Cardano DAO creation tools
If this proposal is approved, it will have the following benefits:
- Help the community have knowledge and insight into decentralized governance. Thereby everyone can participate in contributing and building for Cardano-Voltaire
- Knowledge will help the community understand the project they are investing in, helping them make more informed decisions.
- The division into sets also makes it easy for learners to track and compare. This will make it more efficient to read-only documents from the project's source.
- The expression of diverse knowledge in different forms will also serve the needs of each person at different times.
- The community will also be introduced to the decentralized governance model of projects that developing on Cardano.
[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
- Number of participants using Cardano's DAO tools
- Number of Cardano projects with good decentralized governance model introduced to the community.
- Number of interactions with articles, clips, social media channels.
- Number of collaborative projects or communities
[IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
- Our websites: Articles will be published on our 2 websites (vcoincheck.io and cardanolibrary.net)
- Cardano community official site: https://www.essentialcardano.io/
- Youtube: posted short clip, live stream clip (Vcoincheck and Whiteboard Cardano channel)
- Social platforms: We share activities, project information through social networking platforms
Telegram: https://t.me/ADA_VIET
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet
- Cooperation with other partners: We co-develop this proposal with 2 other projects also funded by catalyst.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?
Proposal preparation:
In order to have the best preparation for the proposal, we have also made some articles, short clips as mentioned above.
Source: Articles on our website governance model of SingularityDAO , What is DAO (our website)
Short Clip:
https://youtu.be/1uD2I4T9XeULivestream clip:
https://youtu.be/GYMRv3j5gi0Articles on Official Cardano sources

Admin team - Vcoincheck.io
- Vcoincheck.io is a platform or related product for sharing, training and educating about Cardano and blockchain knowledge. The project has 6 funded proposals in fund 7, 8, 9 and all have been completed. (Source lidonation)
- We are also the admin team of the largest Cardano Facebook community in Vietnam with more than 46k members and are reputable people as well as active in the catalyst in Vietnam.
Here is our annual report: Vcoincheck annual report

Media team: Whiteboard Cardano team

[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?
Our main goals after 6 months of implementing
Goal 1: Education on decentralized governance, Cardano's governance for the community.
This goal is defined by the parameters of:
- number of projects introduced (9 projects).
- number of articles 15 (at least)
- number of short clips: 4
- number of questions :45
- number of livesteam 3
Goal 2: Number of interactions with the product
This goal is determined by views, likes, feedback on social media channels, community telegram groups through posts related to our products.
- Articles views: 1000 times.
- Video views: 200 times.
- Amount of feedback turn: 50
Goal 3: Number of projects on Cardano that are introduced to the community naturally.
This goal is defined by the Cardano projects introduced in the articles.
Goal 4: Introduce the community to use one of the Cardano DAO tools
- Target: 3 on-chain voting session
100 participants
Collaboration of 2 projects or 2 communities
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.
Milestone 1. Research and making plan
- Research product structure.
- Study the short clip structure.
- Make a list of recommended projects
- Planning to write articles, make clips, livestream.
- Write and post basically decentralized governance.
Acceptance criteria
- 01 document describes the article structure, the structure of 1 clip, the list of articles, the plan for writing articles, making clips, and livestreaming details by week.
- 02 Basic introductory articles
Est cost: 9000 ADA
Timeline: month 1-2
Milestone 2. Deployment of set 1
- Write articles in set 1
- Make a short clip for a project in set 1.
- Check and post articles.
- Livestream number 1
- Making quizzes for projects of set 1
- 1st Mini-game to encourage community
Acceptance criteria
- 4 articles
- 1 short clip (8-10 minutes long)
- 1 live stream session.
- set of question: 15 questions
- 1 mini-game
- 1 voting on-chain session
Cost: 7768 ADA
Timeline: month 3
Milestone 3. Deployment of set 2
- Write articles in set 2
- Make a short clip for a project in set 2.
- Check and post articles.
- set of question: 15 questions
- Livestream number 2
- 2nd Mini-game to encourage community
Acceptance criteria
- 4 articles
- 1 short clip (8-10 minutes long)
- 1 live stream session.
- 1 mini-game
- 1 voting on-chain session
Cost: 7768 ADA
Timeline: month 4
Milestone 4. Deployment of set 3
- Write articles in set 3
- Make a short clip for a project in set 3.
- Check and post articles.
- set of question: 15 questions
- Livestream number 3
- 3rd Mini-game to encourage community
Acceptance criteria
- 4 articles
- 1 short clip (8-10 minutes long)
- 1 live stream session.
- 1 mini-game
- 1 voting on-chain session
Cost: 7768 ADA
Timeline: month 5
Milestone 5. Closing and reporting
- Make No4 short clip
- Write an analysis, summarize all
- Introduce and report results to the community.
Acceptance criteria
- 1 articles
- 1 short clip (8-10 minutes long)
- 1 report document.
Timeline: month 6
Cost: 4368 ADA
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.
Milestone 1:
- The document describes the article structure, the structure of 1 clip, the list of articles, the plan for writing articles, making clips, and livestreaming details by week (public shared document).
- Basic introductory articles (source vcoincheck.io, cardanolibrary.net)
Intend outcome
Milestone 2:
- Articles of 2nd set: vcoincheck.io, cardanolibrary.net
- 1st short clip: youtube vcoincheck
- 1st live stream: youtube vcoincheck
- 1st Mini-game: website cardanolibrary.net
Intend outcome:
- Articles: 4
- short clip: 1
- live stream clip: 1
- Mini-game: 1
- Question: 15
Milestone 3:
- Articles of 2nd set: vcoincheck.io, cardanolibrary.net
- 2nd short clip: youtube vcoincheck, whiteboard Cardano
- 2nd live stream: youtube vcoincheck
- 2nd Mini-game: website cardanolibrary.net
Intend outcome:
- Articles: 4
- short clip: 1
- live stream clip: 1
- Mine-game: 1
- Question: 15
Milestone 4:
- Articles of 3rd set: vcoincheck.io, cardanolibrary.net
- 3rd short clip: youtube vcoincheck
- 3rd live stream: youtube vcoincheck
- 3rd Mini-game: website cardanolibrary.net
Intend outcome:
- Articles: 4
- short clip: 1
- live stream clip: 1
- Mini-game: 1
- Question: 15
Milestone 5:
- 4th short clip: youtube vcoincheck
- Analysis report: cardanolibrary.net
- Report result of project: cardanolibrary.net
Intend outcome
- Short clip: 1
- Report: 1 document
- Analysis report: 1 articles
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Total budget 36672 ADA
Milestone 1: 9000 ADA
- Research fee: 8000 ADA (40 working hours)
- Writing articles: 800 ADA ( 8 working hours)
- Editing, Finalizing, publishing fee: 200 ADA (4 working hours)
Milestone 2: 7768 ADA
- Writing articles: 1600 ADA (16 working hours)
- Editing, Finalizing, publishing fee: 400 ADA (8 working hours)
- Making clips: 1768 ADA
- Livestream: 800 ADA (2 working hours)
- Mini-games: 1000 ADA (1 strategy)
- Making questions: 600 ADA (15 questions)
- Admin fee: 1600 ADA ( 107 hour)
Milestone 3: 7768 ADA
- Writing articles: 1600 ADA (16 working hours)
- Editing, Finalizing, publishing fee: 400 ADA (8 working hours)
- Making clips: 1768 ADA
- Livestream: 800 ADA (2 working hours)
- Mini-games: 1000 ADA (1 strategy)
- Making questions: 600 ADA (15 questions)
- Admin fee: 1600 ADA ( 107 hour)
Milestone 4: 7768 ADA
- Writing articles: 1600 ADA (16 working hours)
- Editing, Finalizing, publishing fee: 400 ADA (8 working hours)
- Making clips: 1768 ADA
- Livestream: 800 ADA (2 working hours)
- Mini-games: 1000 ADA (1 strategy)
- Making questions: 600 ADA (15 questions)
- Admin fee: 1600 ADA ( 107 hour)
Milestone 5: 4368 ADA
- Writing summary articles, comparative analysis: 800ADA (8 working hour)
- Editing, Finalizing, publishing fee: 200 ADA (4 working hours)
- Making clips: 1768 ADA
- Admin fee: 1600 ADA (107 hour)
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
Labor fee:
- Researching fee: 200ADA/hour
- Writing fee: 100 ADA/hour
- Editing, Finalizing, publishing fee: 50 ADA/hour
- Livestream fee: 400 ADA/hour
- Making quiz fee: 40 ADA/question
- Admin fee: 15 ADA/hour
- Whiteboard clip fee: 1768 ADA/video
-Script: 37.5ADA/1hour (~ 16hour/video)
-Creative: 30ADA/1hour (~10hour/video)
-Design: 27 ADA/hours (~14hour/video)
-Edit video: 42 ADA/hours (~12,5hour/video)
Admin's workload: 2 people
- Working hour (~2h per day)
- Post articles on facebook, telegram, website
- Interact and answer directly with the community
- Manage game campaigns (create questionnaires on the website, control the entire game process, make quick daily reports)
Resources that can be used
- We have experience in doing most of the work mentioned above. So we know how to optimize costs.
- We have a huge community available, so marketing costs are also reduced.
- Website operation fee, Zoom account fee: 0 ADA
[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agreed to Fund10 rules and also that data in the Submission Form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept