Last updated a year ago
Education is crucial for the adoption of Cardano and content creators play a big role in educating newcomers , but they don’t really get the monetary incentives to make it worth it.
Create a DAO for content creation, where the Cardano community joins together to decide the content that should be created, and where content creators are incentivized to create it.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano School: a Cardano Community DAO for Educational Content Creation.
There are no additional applicants.
No dependencies, even though we could leverage partnerships if it makes sense to do so.
Project will be fully open source.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Creation of a DAO to be run by the Cardano Community that will decide and vote on the kind of content that will be created. Anyone that has ADA can get voting rights and join. Users with voting rights can create proposals, and even create themselves content that is relevant to the DAO’s youtube channel. In fact, we aim to attract content creators from the Cardano Ecosystem to contribute with content for the channel and at the same time be rewarded with funds from the treasury from doing so.
The content created will be shared in multiple platforms to try to reach the largest audience possible. We will search to upload it to Youtube LBRY and Odysee, and everything made from content creation will go to the Dao Treasury, and to reward voters and content creators.The focus of this proposal will be on video content, but in the future, if the DAO decides to do so, we can expand as well to other kinds of content, like news or even book creation to reach even more people and support more creators.
Should be similar to Catalyst, but instead of voting on the projects that benefit the ecosystem, the community can vote on the videos and the content they think are important for the education and promotion of the ecosystem. They can create proposals, or even request the Team, (ourselves), or other content creators to create the content they would like to see.
Content creators themselves can also create proposals and a budget for the content they would like to create. This proposals will be voted by the DAO and inserted in the publication schedule when approved. The funds to reward content creators and the community will come from the treasury that is funded with voting passes, earnings from the channel, and sponsorships offered by companies and voted by the community.
Ideally, this youtube channel should be the place that creates impartial and educational content for the blockchain, and that is referred to other people by the community whenever someone wants to learn more about Cardano.
Should be a Channel with educational content, guides, tutorials, how-tos, important updates, news, where we can share and inform about projects building in the ecosystem, and more Important if the community votes to do so this channel can have a huge role in Governance.
This is because this channel could have an extremely important role to play right now in the discussions for the CIP 1964, by sharing recordings of meetings and conversations people are having about Governance so that these ideas are more easily and widely distributed to the general public and community,
A channel where we can share for example some of the products built on catalyst, and how to use them, share use cases, stories, provide important information to more specific areas of the ecosystem like SPOs for example, or even share their work and goals to increase delegation to their pools.
In addition, it should also play an important role, whenever there is voting going on the Cardano Blockchain, by providing a place for people to discuss ideas, to have debates with people from opposite points of view to reach more enlightening conclusions, or even as a place for Dreps to debate with each other, or simply to share what are their ideas about each given topic, so people know which Drep can make more sense for them to delegate their voting power.
The community decides everything, what content to create, what to call the channel, what kind of videos they want to see or in the future, and when this idea is more mature they can even decide who they want to create each video. ( In fact, I have plenty of ideas of how to create a whole economy around this channel with incentives, but these ideas will be proposed in the future, and will then be discussed and voted on by this DAO we are creating)
At any point, the members can create proposals, and suggest changes, and if they are approved by voting of the community they will be implemented.
After its creation, the goal is for this Channel to become an educational Hub, a place where Projects can present themselves to the community, where content creators can collaborate and come together to reach a larger audience and get incentivized and rewarded to create content, and where we can share discussions and strategies to make the Cardano Ecosystem increasingly more vibrant. The vision, is to make this project a completely decentralized and an incentivised ecosystem, where projects can get awareness and build community and market their businesses, where content creators can get rewarded, and where everyone playing a role in the project, including voters, gets economically incentivised to play their part.
Right now, we don’t really have a Cardano Channel, we have channels from IOG, Emurgo, and Cardano Foundation, or even Channels by awesome content creators that have done a lot to educate the community, but not actually a Cardano Channel that caters the needs of the community and it’s run by Itself.
There is so much we can do with Cardano, so much being built and so much we don’t know about. Hopefully, this Channel will bring more awareness to all these projects, and better yet educate people, and new users coming into Cardano while also rewarding the content creators that work so hard to create this valuable content.
Because at the end of the day, education is crucial for adoption, crucial for people to use this technology, and to start valuing it. At least that is what I feel as someone who initially came from a non-tecnical background.
If this seems like an interesting project and you would like to participate with your input or just ask me some questions free feel to join the discord:
P.S.: Don't suprise yourself if you're the first one besides me! I have just created it
I’m of the belief that we need many kinds of products and services for Cardano to succeed, many of them that are not at all related with tech.
It’s common to focus a lot on developer tools and infrastructure and support a lot of new use cases and projects that can also be used by the community, as we can even see by the Challenges on Project Catalyst, and honestly, that is great.
We need great developers to create amazing products, and amazing products for individuals to use. But that is not enough.
We can have great products but what is the point if people, don’t know about them? If people don’t even know how to use them? Or even why they should want to use them and the benefits it can generate for their life?
For example, Catalyst has funded so many great initiatives, projects, platforms, and features, that most people in the Cardano community never heard anything about. And it’s even worse if we consider the people outside of the Community.
That is why we need content creators, but we shoudn't expected them to create this educational content out of goodwill, we should instead empower and support them by rewarding them for their hardwork.
That is what this DAO aims to do and in the process become a place for education, a place where you can be informed of everything that is being built, where you have simple and entertaining tutorials that allow you to understand not only how you can use something but how you can maximize the utility of what you're using. A youtube channel, that we can send to people looking to learn more about Cardano, and where we can attract people from outside through great content and by showing everything amazing that is being built and this vibrant community.
This proposal is the first step in building decentralized education and marketing run by the Community, and there are no limits to what we can do with it.
A project focusing on empowering and supporting content creators, that so many times create incredibly valuable content for the adoption and marketing of the Cardano blockchain and it's Ecosystem without getting no reward at all. In fact, most content creators besides the time they spend learning and creating content, they invest their own money for the equipment necessary to do so. With this DAO, they have a place where they can not only create the content the majority of the community really wants to see, but they can also be rewarded by doing so.
I believe this is a product, more specifically a DAO that will help bring adoption and awareness to the Cardano community and everything that is being built here. And will help create incentives to support content creation and education, by supporting the creators and giving active voice to the community.
I know this project is not related with creating tools for a DAO, but we will likely use a lot of the tools being built here in this challenge. We will also do a lot of work in terms of creating and defining unique governance structures and logic for DAO, as we have a very specific usecase for this DAO.
In addition, I do believe that more than just tools, Catalyst can play a very necessary role in acting as initial support to establish DAOs and Communities, especially DAOs where the focus is not on making profit but on bringing value to Cardano and its Community. DAOs that can actually test and implement the technology that is being funded and created in the project.
Even though the plan right now it’s likely to use an offchain platform, like discord, in the initial stage, if we can find an efficient and cost-effective way once the voting process is clearly defined, to apply our ideas and requirements right away using tools previously created by other projects we will more than gladly do that. If not we will follow a plan of leveraging a lot on discord, especially for discussion, but always searching to make voting on chain. Nevertheless, even if that does not happen right away, once the proposal is completed, we will have a clear idea of the solutions available, the options, and the requirements for governance of the DAO, and at that stage the community will vote on which tools we should use to move toward a completely decentralized OnChain Governance.
Daos Love Cardano it’s all about bringing more Daos into Cardano and that is exactly what we are doing by approving this proposal.
Considering the metrics that are important for this DAOS Love Cardano challlenge, this is how we believe we will be able to contribute for each of them:
For this project, we defined some KPIs that we share below but besides that, the goals for the project are the following.
We want the project to attract interested members of the Cardano community, that want to contribute with ideas or even video content, to come vote and create proposals of content that should be created.
We also aim to attract content creators, by rewarding them for the work they create for this Educational DAO, and give them an opportunity to reach an even wider audience, especially considering the different content creators contributing to the Channel and that will likely bring different audiences, and the different platforms where we will upload the content.
We would like to have individuals, SPOs, and projects come to engage with us and share some of their ideas, stories, and projects
We would like to be a place where projects can get on the radar of the community, where there are tutorials and simplified content for people to understand how Cardano works, how projects in the ecosystem work, and also tutorials that allow for individuals to use certain products and features. In fact, projects can play a huge role in requesting sponsored content, that if approved by the community, would help fund the treasury, the content creator, and also reward voters of the DAO. For projects this is at the same time an opportunity for marketing, but also an opportunity to create educational content to promote and facilitate the adoption of their products.
We would like to be a place where Cardano is discussed, and where there is relevant information shared about these discussions. This Channel has the potential to play a crucial role in creating awareness and spreading information about the Governance of the Cardano Blockchain, and a place where Dreps for example can share their opinions and ideas for Cardano, or even have debates about different topics. Debates and discussion in this Channel would also be especially valuable for the community, and for people to make their mind whenever there is governance voting.
A channel that facilitates the process of adoption and onboarding of new people into the Cardano community and where the community is constantly updated about the progress.
This is the vision for success, and if this is achieved I believe this would be an extremely impactful project, especially considering the small amount of funds raised to get that much impact.
Some of the things we will search to measure:
Social Engagement:
Some of the KPIs and goals we are setting for the project, during these 12 months are the following:
These are goals set considering that initially in these 12 months, the focus will be on developing and building, and we intend to attract many more individuals for the community and reach much more ambitious goals after this initial period.
This is one of the things we can help the community do with this project. These channels run by the community can be a place for projects from Catalyst to come and share their progress, and everything they have done and to make the features, ideas, and products they developed with the money of the community known to everyone so that they can become more widely used and adopted. This is because it's not enough to just make a great product, you need to be able to market the product and make your target audience aware of it.
IOG and Catalyst are doing an important job of sharing the projects in the town halls. But this channel could give each project even more relevance by for example creating shorter more entertaining videos for each project, and organizing them in playlists so the Cardano Community can decide on what they want to see.
In terms of our project, the main accountability will come from the Cardano Community itself. We are developing a DAO of people interested in Cardano, focused on education and bringing awareness about Cardano through youtube.
The individuals participating in the DAO, and everyone here on Catalyst is welcome to participate, will be making the Team accountable to what was defined here.
We will also start by opening a discord with the community, where we want them to start engaging, give their opinion, and contributing from the get-go, before voting is created. In this public discord open to everyone we will keep individuals posted about the progress.
If we get funding, naturally we have an obligation to Catalyst and the Cardano community, the true founders of this project. As such, we will discuss with the challenge team what is the best way to keep them update and in the loop. We are more than glad to create regular video updates on the project and share wherever it makes sense to do so.
To share the project, progress, and the results of this proposal we will use the DAO Social Media accounts including the channels we are created in different video streaming paltform, I will also use my own Youtube Channel, Decentralized Nation to be able to reach more people, and we will be looking to engage with several YouTubers and content creators in the community, to be able to not only onboard them into the DAO and hopefully make them active contributors, but to also be able to share more about this project on their own youtube channels.
Naturally, we want to try to reach the wider Cardano community as much as we can with this project, from users, to projects, to SPOs, and to the founding companies (Emurgo,IOG, Cardano Foundation)…
The approval of this proposal will be the first step in a long journey. And we intend to use the conclusions we get from this project, and from our MVP on governance to build a better on chain governance system for the future. In addition, I have many more plans and ideas for this DAO, and to make it more of a complete and self-governed ecosystem like Catalyst itself. For that, we will need to develop a lot of infrastructure or partner with current teams to build this necessary infrastructure.
Why not build a more complex infrastructure right away? In my view, this could open the door to a lot of mistakes and bad decisions being made, so the focus is on starting simple, getting a simple but fair voting system working, attracting people from the community, and then creating proposals and getting legitimacy from this community in terms of what should be in the governance process and what kind of on-chain governance platform should we build-
Naturally from the project, we hope to be able to create the community and a simple discussion and voting process, that allows for the future development of the project and the DAO, always having the legitimacy of the community for any decisions made. Ideally, we hope that this work lays the foundation to drive the necessary collaboration and engagement for the community to create and leverage more developed tools for governance that can take us closer to what project catalyst has right now.
I believe I’m the right person and fit for this project because I’ve been doing a lot to prepare for it. I’ve been learning about Cardano, studying Catalyst, and doing my best to keep track of the governance process of Cardano and the development of CIP 1964, even participating in virtual workshops whenever I can. In addition, I’ve also been learning more about other governance processes, like the one in Cosmos or Singularity Net’s governance and their Deep Funding program to learn a bit more about governance.
I have also had the pleasure and opportunity of researching many of the projects in the Cardano ecosystem and some of the Governance systems they created, or plan to create, like for example Agora, the system that is being used by Liqwid. I am a strong believer in Governance and believe a good governance grounded by the rules of blockchain technology is currently the best hope to give more power to individuals and stop the shady decisions we have in many institutions. Good governance, it’s likely the best way to represent the opinion of the majority, and people will be the ones that know what they really need and feel is missing in their life.
In addition, I Created a Youtube Channel about Blockchain and Cardano called Decentralized Nation, where I create and edit my videos. It’s a recent Channel with 170 subscribers, with more than 11500 views, and 750 hours of viewing time, in only a few months. This provides me with some experience in this Cardano content creation and education space and allows me to establish the necessary processes that the DAO needs to take in order to create content regularly. I can and also plan to contribute to the actual content creation process whenever the community votes to do so.
I’ve also, been part of the Dapp 360 Cohort in Partnership with Emurgo, a Cohort created to train full-stack Cardano developers, where I learned a lot about blockchain, cardano, the e-utxo model, Haskell and Plutus, having enough knowledge to use the CLI and create simple smart contracts. This gave me so much more knowlege on the technical side, knowledge I can use with this project.
I’m also pretty used to working in fast-paced environments, and tech-related environments as for the past 5 years I’ve been working for a Tech Startup. In this startup I was lucky enough to have considerable experience in marketing, business development, and product, having the opportunity to manage teams and projects in these areas. I believe this knowledge will be in-most part transferable although of course marketing in Web3 is considerably different and much more community-based.
In terms of Cardano, I have been studying and researching Cardano since 2020, and besides watching and reading content daily since that time, I’ve also completed the Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA) Alpha Program 2 to keep on developing my knowledge about Cardano.
I’m used to create and deliver projects within a budget, as fortunately, in the last project I managed and successfully completed in my Startup, related to the creation of an industry-specific recruitment software based on a pilot we previously ran, I had to plan and request for a budget that was approved by the CEO and that I had complete freedom to manage in order to deliver the project. We were able to deliver a working platform without having to spend the full budget.
The funds requested here will be deployed in its majority to pay for Labor to get things done and development of technological infrastructure, from team members to freelancers and partners while the DAO and the community will make me accountable to use these funds in order to get everything in this proposal done.
That will only change if at any point the DAO votes and decides on a change of plans from the moment that there is a voting system in place.
Finally, as I’m prepared and intend to dedicate myself full-time to this project, I need to use the funds in the wisest form possible, and considering that the funding will only be disbursed according to the achievement of milestones, I have a lot at stake and all the interest to get the milestones ready within the timelines, in order to be able to pay my bills and obligations.
The Main objectives of our project are as follows:
In terms of feasibility that is something we are being highly considerate in this proposal. Ideally, I would love to start immediately with more complex on-chain governance as I’m all for decentralization and that is the value of crypto. But as a project, that will likely need different kinds of voting systems, and different voting thresholds depending on the type of voting we are carrying, on-chain governance can get pretty complex. We would need to either develop our own on-chain governance system( an option considerably costly) or partner with other projects or service providers to create that service. The reality is that not only both of these options would be considerably costly and take a decent amount of time, but also we would be building something completely blind just based on assumptions and research of a topic that is still considerably recent and underexplored.
So to avoid the risk of spending a lot of time, money, effort, and resources building something that does not work or is not what the DAO requires to be able to properly function and fulfill its purpose of producing content consistently and give power to the individuals, we are starting with a minimum viable product (MVP).
A proof of concept that we expect to be done mostly on discord, and with a very simple on chain voting system, if we don’t run into a better option in the process. We will use this MVP to test several different assumptions and ideas for governance, make changes as necessary and as decided by the community, and then with the knowledge gathered in this proof of concept start the work and research to define the kind of platform we need to create and the tools and projects out there working on DAOs and DAO technology that we could leverage to make a more evolved on-chain governance system.
This is a longer-term approach, that might not seem as attractive but that is certainly much more resource efficient, and might be what we need to assure that this proposal has what it needs to become an actual successful and sustainable project.
Below I will share the main actions, milestones, and the timeline for each of these.
Milestone: Marketing and Community Building
Timeline: From first month to End of the Project
Success: Have a running discord, onboard members into discord, create awareness for the project, onboard at least 5 content creators, speak to at least 5 projects.
Cost: 40 000 ADA
Milestone : Voting Pass Minting
Timeline: First Month to beggining of 4th month (3 months)
Success: Voting Passes Available for Minting. We would like to Mint at least 300 Voting Passes, in the first months.
Cost: 50 000 ADA
Milestone: Creating Governance Mechanism for DAO
Timeline: From 5 month to 7 month (3 months)
Success: Have a working Governance system, that allows for regular content creation, and for the promotion of structural changes to the DAO.
Cost: 60 000 ADA
Milestone: Decentralized Content Creation
Timeline: From 7 month to the end of the project
Success: Create the Channel and everything associated, create at least 10 videos voted by the community, have more than 1 content creator creating videos.
Cost: 30 000 ADA
Milestone: Future Development Proposals
Timeline: From from 8th month to 10 month (2 months)
Success: Have a paper to present a better, improved and more decentralized Governance model to be built on Chain.
Cost: 20 000 ADA
Milestone: Marketing Community Building
Milestone : Voting Pass Minting
Milestone: Creating Governance Mechanism for DAO
Milestone: Decentralized Content Creation
Milestones: Future Development Proposals
120 000 ADA - For the Team (Planning, Reporting, Research, Video Creation, Editing, Team, Admin work.)
40 000 ADA - Artwork, Freelancers, Marketing, Possible Community Manager
40 000 ADA - For NFT Minting and governance infrastructure and partnerships
One of the main risks that can lead to the failure of this project is in fact lack of funding to be able to complete this extremely labor-intensive project.
Contrary to previous funds this fund is denominated in ADA instead of US Dollars, which means that we are subjected to volatility of the price of ada that can be considerable. To reduce that volatility we set the price of ADA= 0.2 Us Dollars.
Even though the sad reality is that is likely that the price of Ada can decrease below this value, it seems like a realistic value we can get for ADA during these 10 months, hopefully, the value will be a little higher.
Considering this value, the breakdown of the costs are as follows.
24 000 USD - Pay for the team( Initially the team will only be me, but we might get someone else). This is a very labor intensive project and there is a lot to accomplish in these 10 months. For that reason, if this project is approved I will be leaving my job to work on it full-time to make sure everything will be delivered. This will be what I will get for the whole project pre-tax. This is the minimum amount I can ask to be able to pay for my bills and obligations during this period.
40 000 ADA NFT Minting and Governance - I have done a bit of research on minting services, and there are services where with around 30 000 ADA, all included except for art that could offer us and the community a pretty good and customized experience , considering governance usecases. We will do our research to check other options and engage as well with the community to reduce these costs. In addition, this leaves around 10 000 ada for other partnerships, namely related to the voting process, that in this initial 10 months should not surpass this value, as we will look to make a simple voting system, that will be at the same time a minimum viable product and the initial proof the concept, where we intend to test different parameters and governance structures, before truly investing in building our own on-chain voting structure, if that is what the community decides we should do.
8000 dollars -> For artwork, freelancers, and possible community manager. Not much money but I believe it is enough and we can also use some of the ADA set aside for the NFT minting and governance if we are able to reduce the costs or worst case scenario we can invest more of that money into this side of the business, and pay for the minting costs with some of the revenue we make in the NFT minting process.
I will be the person in Charge of this project.
I created and I’m currently running a Youtube Channel about Blockchain and Cardano called Decentralized Nation, where I create and edit my videos. It’s a recent Channel with 170 subscribers. This is a channel with over 11500 views and more than 750 hours of watch time in just a few months. In this Channel, the blockchain I cover the most is Cardano, having several videos with fundamental analysis of projects building in the ecosystem, and a lot of updates related to Cardano from governance, to Marlowe or even Opshin…
Here is the link for the Youtube Channel:
Been part of the Dapp 360 Cohort in Partnership with Emurgo, a program designed to create Cardano full-stack developers, where I learned a lot about blockchain, cardano, the e-utxo model, Haskell, and Plutus, having enough knowledge to use the CLI and create simple smart contracts, or for example create NFTs, as I’ve done it on Testnet.
More than 5 years, Experience working in a fast-paced environment in marketing, business development, and product in a software tech startup, having the opportunity to manage teams for the last 3 years, and entire projects for 2 years.
Moderator in a Large Community about Blockchain on Facebook. Here is the link for the Facebook group:
For now, there won’t be anyone else on the team, However, there are two positions we might hire if we find the right individuals or find it necessary anytime during the development of the project: a good community manager, or someone to assist in the Minting Process and Platform Development( we might also opt to partner with an existing project with previous minting experience). I have some individuals referenced already, although I do want to find people that could share my passion for this project, and I will certainly be paying attention to the individuals in the community.