ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

Community Decentralisation Index - Measuring the Decentralisation Gaps of DAOs


Decentralisation is key to what DAOs are - but we have no way to measure how decentralised a community is, or to assess what we should focus on to become more decentralised.


Work with DAO communities to create a weighted index to measure how decentralised a community is (inspired by the Edinburgh Decentralisation Index's measurement of how decentralised a blockchain is).

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Community Decentralisation Index - Measuring the Decentralisation Gaps of DAOs.

Total funds requested
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Votes yes
Votes no


The 3 core team members are:

Vanessa Cardui:

Community engagement professional with 20+ years' experience of working with communities to record and collate their information, archive it, and make it discoverable (see for example and ). Part of QA-DAO where she led on documentation of Catalyst Circle (see ); part of CGO (Community Governance Oversight)’s Fund 8 project, where she facilitated meetings and edited the closing report; founding member of The Facilitators’ Collective.

Mercy A

Has been in the Cardano ecosystem since 2017. Was the Funded Proposer's Rep on Catalyst Circle v3 and is keenly interested in decentralized governance, inclusion and community building. She has a combined 25+ years' experience in Project Management and Engagement (Ghana, Canada) Healthcare (UK, Canada) and brings a wealth of experience and passion to this project. Mercy is responsible for Wada ( coordination, and building partnerships.

Jeremy Bolander

Integrated systems engineer with 20+ year’s experience as a field troubleshooter for Bergen, meeting people where they are, in some of the harshest environments on earth, in order to keep the lights on. In the Cardano ecosystem you can find him applying systems theory, pattern-spotting, and sensemaking to topics from governance, to systemic change, to analyzing community dynamics. When he isn’t scoping standards, he is probably writing, and playing with his kids on their off-the-grid farm, on a remote island off the coast of Alaska.

We plan to work collaboratively, rather than defining individual roles, since the nature of the work means each element will benefit from input from all of us. Relevant skills that we all have include:

  • facilitation on complex issues;
  • experience of the issues around decentralisation for communities;
  • understanding of how to measure things in communities;
  • qualitative and quantitative data analysis skills;
  • community engagement skills;
  • insight into complex systems;
  • project management experience;
  • research and technical writing skills;
  • knowledge management;
  • documentation.