Last updated 8 months ago
Outcomes of on-chain governance votes on Cardano should directly trigger on-chain events (e.g. treasury txs, protocol parameter updates, etc.). This is essential for truly decentralised DAO operation.
We will develop a treasury smart contract, and protocol parameter update mechanisms, and integrate both with on-chain voting solutions, including necessary SCs, backend infrastructure, and frontend.
This is the total amount allocated to DAO Treasury & Protocol Parameter Management via On-Chain Governance - By MuesliSwap.
Cost: ₳ 37,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Implementation of first iteration of contracts
Cost: ₳ 37,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Implementation of parameter change contracts
Cost: ₳ 37,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Finalization of contracts and audit
Cost: ₳ 37,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Mar 2024
Release and Maintenance
Cost: ₳ 37,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
Not applicable.
No dependencies.
The project will be fully open-source.
Governance generally comes in a variety of forms: Its implementations may range from simple non-binding community votings, to completely decentralised treasury management and protocol parameter control. Each such form of governance comes with its own requirements in terms of the trade-offs to be made regarding decentralisation, transaction cost, ease-of-use, etc.
In Fund9, the Cardano community supported us in developing a secure off-chain governance solution that has since been open-sourced and successfully used for the first elections on the MuesliSwap governance platform. The advantages of such an off-chain solution are that there is no transaction fee, no load is put on the chain, and yet the system is still completely secure and even comes with many desirable properties regarding privacy and ballot auditability. Such a solution is ideal for involving the community in further development of a platform, i.e. for elections whose result does not directly trigger other on-chain events.
Governance however also includes processes for which such an off-chain voting system is not well suited: Many DAOs are interested in maintaining a treasury, e.g. to fund further development of their products. For this kind of treasury management, having to rely on a trusted party to execute the outcomes of a vote is obviously undesirable. Instead, the treasury should be smart-contract governed and hence directly linkable to voting outcomes - enabling the DAO to operate in a fully decentralised way.
Another instance where election results should ideally directly trigger on-chain events are protocol parameter updates: For example, DEX protocols suitable for stable coins, such as concentrated liquidity pools (as implemented on MuesliSwap) or other stable swap mechanisms have lately seen increasing adoption on Cardano. Such protocols involve certain parameters governing the exact behaviour of the protocol. These parameters can either be manually set by a trusted party. A more desirable solution though is of course to perform parameter updates via smart contract controlled community governance.
Currently, simple on-chain voting protocols exist on Cardano. However, a key part of leveraging the power of such elections is to link their outcome to other on-chain events as described in above examples. Such integrations are still lacking on Cardano. In particular, we are not aware of any smart contract based treasury implementation that may be used together with such votings. Cardano also does not yet have any (DeFi) protocols whose parameters are controlled via on-chain governance. We think that providing and open sourcing these missing pieces will pave the way for realising the vision of truly decentralised DAOs on Cardano.
Our goal is to provide a full-fledged open-source community governance platform that can easily be adopted by any project building on Cardano that aims to turn into a DAO. This governance package includes our already deployed secure off-chain voting system from Fund9 and will be complemented by the now proposed on-chain voting with treasury management and parameter update integration.
Having such a governance solution available will significantly simplify the process of building DAOs on Cardano. This may lead to an increasing number of DAOs choosing Cardano as their home which in turn enriches the Cardano ecosystem: DAOs <3 Cardano, and Cardano <3 DAOs.
The Cardano Voltaire era is all about turning the Cardano blockchain into a self-sustaining system at a global scale. With our efforts of developing dApp-level governance infrastructure, we hope to greatly contribute to effective and secure governance at a project-level scale. We consider this project a success if not only MuesliSwap itself can benefit from decentralised treasury management and community governed protocol parameter control (which it definitely will!) but also many other projects can reuse our open-source code or even extend it further.
We have a comprehensive plan to share the outputs and results of our project with the Cardano community and the broader blockchain ecosystem. Our goal is to ensure transparency, knowledge sharing, and wide accessibility to the outcomes of our research and development efforts. Here are our plans to disseminate the project's outputs over a reasonable timescale:
By executing these plans and ensuring a consistent and transparent approach to sharing outputs, we aim to maximize the impact of our project, foster collaboration, and contribute to the overall advancement of DAOs on Cardano.
The MuesliSwap Team is well-known in the community and credited with delivering high-tech solutions. We started the first DEX on Cardano, months before its competition launched and to date provides the only hybrid AMM-Orderbook DEX with integrated DEX Aggregator.
In particular, MuesliSwap Team members are known to be particularly strong in developing secure smart contract based dApps, pioneering the development of DeFi protocols since the early days of SCs on Cardano. The described SC-based treasury and voting mechanisms hence fall into our area of expertise.
The Team has also already completed two projects funded in Fund 9 of Catalyst among which is the described off-chain governance solution: During the first successful elections conducted via this platform with the MuesliSwap community, we have received very positive feedback. As a large team of dedicated techies, we have the competence, capacity, and motivation to also complete this second part of our governance infrastructure in time and with high quality.
The main goal is to first develop a treasury smart contract, as well as a generic interface for updating protocol parameters. Then, we will implement integrations enabling to trigger treasury as well as parameter update events as a direct (i.e. linked via smart contract) consequence of on-chain voting outcomes. Regarding on-chain voting, we will consider and evaluate the suitability of various existing implementations and if necessary make adjustments to enable adoption in our setting.
To validate the approach, the team will start by designing a high-level concept of the transactions involved in the process of secure treasure management and parameter updates, and what conditions need to be ensured by the respective smart contracts. We will also deep dive into the codebases of existing on-chain voting solutions to validate their security and applicability. Once this first validation step has been concluded, the second phase of the project will then be devoted to implementation of the designed contracts, respective off-chain back-end infrastructure, and front-end transaction building that is required to interact with the system.
Milestone 1: Research (2 months)
Milestone 2: Development (4 months)
Note: The timeline provided is an estimate and may vary depending on the availability of resources and external factors.
Throughout the project, we will also engage in Twitter spaces and regular technical updates to keep the Cardano community informed about the development process.
By following these milestones and associated activities, we will progress from research, design, and security analysis to development, testing, and documentation. This structured approach ensures the orderly execution of the project and allows for the validation and refinement of the proposed liquidity provision models.
Milestone 1: Research (2 months)
Intended outcomes & measurement of progress:
Milestone 2: Development (4 months)
Intended outcomes & measurement of progress:
The costs are based on the assumption 1 ADA ~ $0.3
Milestone 1: Research (2 months)
Total number of hours for Milestone 1: 350
Total cost for Milestone 1: $10,500
Milestone 2: Development (4 months)
Total number of hours for Milestone 1: 1,500
Total cost for Milestone 1: $45,000
Total cost for Project (sum of cost for Milestones 1 & 2): $55,500
The cost of the project represents value for money in the Cardano ecosystem by reflecting the necessary investment in research, development, and expertise required to achieve the goals of decentralised governance.
In terms of justification, the costs are determined based on the estimated number of hours required for each milestone, considering the complexity of the tasks involved and the expertise of the team members. These costs are comparable to industry standards and reflect the market rates for blockchain development, ensuring that the project attracts and retains skilled professionals.
The detailed breakdown of hours and costs demonstrates a comprehensive approach, including research, design, testing, and security audits. This level of thoroughness is crucial to ensure the reliability, security, and usability of the governance platform. The costs associated with each milestone align with the effort required, ensuring a realistic budget that covers the necessary resources and expertise.
Furthermore, the investment in this project contributes to the long-term success and growth of the Cardano ecosystem. By enabling decentralised governance, the project aims to empower the community, foster innovation, and drive the development of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) on Cardano. The value of achieving a truly decentralized ecosystem and the potential impact it can have on the Cardano community justifies the costs associated with this project.
Overall, the costs outlined for the project are proportional to the complexity of the tasks, the expertise required, and the potential value it brings to the Cardano ecosystem. The investment reflects a commitment to building a robust and decentralized governance infrastructure, providing value for money by laying the foundation for sustainable and community-driven growth on the Cardano platform.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The MuesliSwap Team consists of a diverse group of highly skilled individuals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the project. Here are the key team members and their respective roles:
Each team member brings their unique skills and expertise to their respective roles, working collaboratively to deliver the project with high levels of proficiency and efficiency. Together, the MuesliSwap Team is well-equipped to drive the project forward and achieve its objectives.