Last updated 10 months ago
Currently, there are no tools that allow DAOs to seamlessly track skill-based collaboration, hindering efficient governance and community growth.
An open-source system that facilitates efficient DAO governance and collaboration through skill & contributions tracking connected to a smart contract.
This is the total amount allocated to DAOs <3 smart contracts for skill-acquisition and contribution tracking..
Contribution platform beta launch
Cost: ₳ 48,685
Delivery: Month 1 - Nov 2023
Andamio platform beta launch
Cost: ₳ 45,150
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Pilot project expansion and integration
Cost: ₳ 42,301
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Launch and community adoption
Cost: ₳ 25,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Mar 2024
Close out report
Cost: ₳ 33,498
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
SDG goals:
End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors.
Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill.
Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person.
Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added.
In DAOs, monitoring member skills and contributions is a crucial but persisting challenge. While we know who is a great contributor to the Cardano community, we need a quantitative method to measure skill, skill acquisition, and tangible contributions. This hurdle needs to be solved for Cardano to be the premier choice for building DAOs.
As a result of Gimbalabs's work over the past years engaging with different organizations in the Cardano ecosystem through Gimbalabs Playground, we have seen how this problem affects decentralized organizations. After two years of insightful observations and continuous improvement, we have developed and reached a significant milestone—an MVP that tackles the issue of tracking skills and contributions head-on.
Our solution
We created the Andamio platform to help organizations collaborate and build relationships within the community based on trust. Andamio's infrastructure is built with Cardano blockchain technology and integrates the following:
We designed Andamio to engage organizations that are looking for a way to onboard contributors to their projects.
Our Impact
Various organizations within the Cardano ecosystem, like Wada, Cardano Foundation, Emurgo, MeshJS, and Swarm's Governance Guild, have already shared their interest in using Andamio to onboard contributors and improve their governance and community-building efforts.
Andamio is a unique innovation on the Cardano blockchain that offers organizations a smooth onboarding process. We will provide this open-source platform to Cardano organizations as a solution to simplify contributor onboarding through a skills and contribution tracking system powered by smart contracts.
We will demonstrate our impact on the Cardano ecosystem by helping organizations adopt and use our platform and evaluating improvements in their contributor onboarding processes.
This proposal aims to provide funding to take the Andamio platform from its MVP stage to a pilot project where we will offer it to other DAOs active on Cardano.
For this, we have identified the following needs:
Our long term plans include, but are not limited to:
The tools we are developing and will offer to communities include:
This set of tools could be used for many scenarios within a community for more efficient and fruitful collaboration.
The challenge asks “What tools can we provide to enable effective DAO’s creation and operation”?
While there are tools to create DAOs, there are no tools to help DAOs operate effectively. In order for DAOs to grow, they need mechanisms to define and distribute tasks and projects to their communities, onboard contributors and reward them for their work. Using the Andamio platform, organizations will seamlessly track contributions to their projects as well as provide onboarding and background material for contributors. Providing educational material will enable contributors to acquire the necessary skills to contribute to real-world projects. Tracking skills acquired and contributions to real-world projects will create a positive feedback loop of skill-building, contributions and community growth.
Quantitative impact
Over a period of six months, we will track:
In the short-term, we expect organizations using the Andamio platform to greatly improve their contributor onboarding process. In the mid-term, we expect to attract new developers to the Cardano ecosystem offering a more rewarding, low-risk/high-reward training and onboarding process. In the long-term, we estimate the Andamio platform will reduce the time and amount of resources spent in educating and onboarding contributors to real-world projects by at least 50%.
We expect that, In the future, the Andamio platform will be used not only by the Cardano community but by the education and learning services industry in general.
We will share our progress reports through our website and through Project Catalyst channels.
Gimbalabs' work within the Cardano community has focused on onboarding developers to the Cardano ecosystem through innovative and interactive educational programs like the Plutus PBL ( and engaging with the community through events like Gimbalabs Playground and Gimbalabs Live Coding. The work that Gimbalabs has done for the benefit of the community speaks for itself, and its value far surpasses the funding it has received.
Gimbalabs's work over the years within Cardano has yielded valuable insights into the unique challenges organizations adopting blockchain technology have to face. Decentralized organizations, in particular, are venturing into uncharted territory and need more tools to forge a path forward when scaling their operations. The team developing this open-source solution for decentralized organizations, deeply rooted and aligned with the values Gimbalabs espouses, has worked for six months with no remuneration to establish another solution for the benefit of the community. This solution is not only open-source, which speaks to its accountability; it uses Cardano blockchain technology to provide an on-chain record of its use, providing an unprecedented opportunity to showcase the results of its use with the utmost transparency.
The main goals for the project are:
As stated in the previous section ([IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?), we will validate the feasibility of our approach through quantitative measures.
Over the past 6 months our team has worked without pay bootstrapping a solution for the benefit of the Cardano community. Through our pilot Plutus PBL program, we have provided free education and onboarded new developers to the ecosystem.
Milestone 1: Andamio platform beta launch [ 6 weeks ]
Stage: Beta testing
Stage: Adoption and implementation
Stage: Lead generation
Milestone 2: Pilot project expansion and integration [ 8 weeks ]
Stage: Adoption and implementation
Stage: Research and development
Milestone 3: Launch and community adoption [ 10 weeks ]
Stage: Design and prototyping
Stage: Adoption and implementation
You can find the online version of this document here
You can find the online version of this document here
For a more detailed budget breakdown, please see: Fund 10: DAOs <3 Cardano Budget
Over the past years, we have actively engaged with the community to gain insights into their needs and challenges. Leveraging the power of Cardano blockchain technology, we have developed a minimum viable product (MVP) already delivering value to the Cardano community. We have worked on the project without any financial compensation for over six months, showing our commitment. In line with Cardano's mission to drive meaningful change and promote adoption, we are now seeking funding to develop further and scale this open-source Cardano product, which has the potential to make a significant impact on organizations both within and beyond the Cardano ecosystem, as well as the broader blockchain industry.
Some important benchmark metrics to keep in mind:
In the U.S
These problems are exacerbated in decentralized organizations, which depend on bootstrapping or seed funding to find and train talent. This problem is especially true within the Cardano ecosystem, which has a notoriously steep learning curve for new developers.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
You can find more detailed information about our team here.
PBL Design Team
James Dunseith
Teacher, Coach, Smart Contract Developer and Facilitator
Sebastian Pabon
Social Entrepreneur and Educator
Software Engineering Team
HongJing (Jingles) K
Innovative Solutions Developer
Nelson Kshetrimayum
Software Engineer
Juan Salvador Magán Valero
Software Engineer
Smart Contract Design Team
M.Ali Modiri
Smart Contract Developer
Adrian Hüetter
Smart Contract Developer
Business Strategy and Product Development Team
Roberto Mayen-Hess
Business and Innovation Manager
Yoram Ben Zvi
Business Models Lead
Nori Nishigaya
Software Development Expert
Community Building and Engagement Team
Sebastian Pabon
Nori Nishigaya
Project Management
James Dunseith
Roberto Mayen
Partnerships and go to market
Roberto Mayen
Yoram Ben Zvi