[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
[GENERAL] Email address of main applicant
Additional applicants
- Thorsten Pottebaum
- Heinz Gassner
- Guilherme Pereira
- Jonas Weinberger
- DLT360 team
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.” .
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] If NO, please describe which outputs are not going to be open source. If YES, please write “Project will be fully open source.”
This project is part of the overall DLT360 mission and business model. The outputs of this project will be of long-term use and will be systematically shared as follows:
The dApp will be free of use and the source code of the dApp will be open-source.
Publicly available (free of charge)
We will produce the following openly available material,
- cyberLEAN auditshare dApp (marketplace, auditor requests, agreements, resource settlement, audit result sharing)
- cyberLEAN auditshare dApp source code (repository)
DLT360 only (IP protected)
- Smart contracts for the KANBAN management (source code)
- Minting logic and mechanism (architecture & operations)
- API backend (architecture and operations)
[METADATA] Category of proposal
This project contributes to the following SDGs
[8] Descent Work and Economic Growth
[9] Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
[10] Reduced Inequalities
[16] Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
DLT360’s overall mission is to drive real-world blockchain adoption in business and industry. Practical experience has shown, that the doors to commercial clients open only if major pain points are addressed or exciting new opportunities are provided. This proposal focuses on one of these potential door-openers: The high costs and the unsolved resource bottlenecks when it comes to ISO certifications.
The outcome of this proposal will be a DAO-like marketplace, which allows companies from business and industry to “share” auditor resources between them. The settlement of this “borrowed” capacity will be settled with a commodity token between the involved parties.
Furthermore, it will be possible for the auditee to share the results of the audit, which will be stored in a secure way on the Cardano blockchain to share parts of the audit findings permission-based with interested parties (e.g. customers).
The results will be:
- a marketplace for the offering & settlement of auditor capacity
- a repository of audit results, which can be permissioned shared with interested parties
- explainer videos and training material
The graphic below shows the positioning of this project in the overall DLT360 approach (The DLT360 Business Ladder: From Aggregating News, over Knowledge Management to Consulting):

[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
The current practice, when it comes to internal or external supplier audits is that companies try to provide this resource themselves, which is often a challenge as auditors are a scarce resource. Providing a pool of auditors is even for international companies a challenge, as qualified resources are not always available where the audit should be performed (e.g. physical security to a site in another country).
Our proposal is bringing the philosophy of a decentralised organisation into the space of commercial use - this will break ground for companies to think about DAO structures also in other areas of the business.
The technical implementations of an “activity” marketspace are easily transferable also into other adoption cases and hence give the potential for further adoption of DAOs on Cardano.
The key takeaway points are:
- Grow awareness about CARDANO: The resulting solution will help us to position CARDANO as a value-adding application suite for future-proof business and industry applications
- Specify promising opportunities: This project will identify promising opportunities for business and industry applications in other areas of business, where DAO would bring new opportunities
- Effective customer acquisition: The results of this project will be used in subsequent DLT360 seminars and workshops. These workshops will use the unique knowledge and material for ideating, initiating and scaling real-world applications in business and industry
[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
We believe once companies have understood the potential of the solution to more effectively manage their audit requirements with a much wider pool of resources and by elimination of redundancies in the overall system (currently suppliers are potentially audited several times by different customers in the same scope), this will drive wide adoption due to network effects.
Intended Effect on Cardano : (short term/end of 1st iteration)
- Number of participating companies
- Number of auditors listed
- Number of audit results shared
Intended Effect on Cardano : (mid-term/end of 2nd iteration)
- Increase in utilization of the marketplace due to network effects
Intended Effect on Cardano : (long term/end of 3rd iteration)
- Adoption of the marketplace of other use cases will drive further growth
[IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
This project is part of the overall DLT360 mission and business model. The outputs of this project will be of long-term use and will be systematically shared as follows:
- cyberLEAN auditshare Marketplace (dApp)
- cyberLEAN auditshare Setup and Implementation guidelines (online)
- Short Solution videos
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?
DLT360 was founded by an ambitious core team coming from many years of leadership experience in business and industry, combined with the fresh perspective of young talents in various disciplines (see team description later in this proposal). The senior founders have also been active members of and contributors to the Catalyst community since early on.
DLT360's core team and extended domain expert team in the knowledge areas of
- Economy
- Technology
- Regulation
- Politics
has grown to approximately 25 people (the majority still part-time) during the past 2 years. With Fund 10, we also want to finance the launch of the DLT360 Token as the incentive basis for growing a vibrant global community of content contributors and solution partners.
DLT360 has successfully completed various projects in Funds 6, 7 and 8. Fund 10 is now dedicated to finalizing DLT360's foundational developments. This will get us to scale up our activities in 2024, for which we are aiming for a strategic partnership-based financing round - with the vision to become THE major think-tank and commercial consulting entity in the dynamically growing CARDANO/Web 3.0 space.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?
This project is focusing on achieving the following goals and deliverables
- Creating a DAO-like marketplace for audit on Cardano:
- Due to the nature of the project, we will drive the amount of collaboration and sharing of resources between participating companies
- Increase the adoption of Cardano in the commercial and industrial space:
- Currently, there is limited adoption of public permissionless blockchain solutions in the commercial and industrial space. This solution will lower the cost per audit through the introduction of resource sharing (verifiable credentials) and audit results (zero-knowledge proof)
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.
The project will be delivered with an agile methodology broken down into 4-week cadences (2 x two-week sprints) for delivery as follows:
Milestone 1: Project, Processes & Team in place
- Timeline: End of Week 2 of 52 | Sprint 1
- Method: DLT360 program- and project management
- Activities:
- Setting up project infrastructure & Web-landing page, kickoff meeting
Milestone 2: Architectural vision defined
- Timeline: End of Week 4 of 52 | Sprint 2
- Method: Enterprise architecture
- Activities:
- Creation of architectural vision
- Definition of requirements & documentation
Milestone 3: Architectural design drafted & finalized
- Timeline: End of Week 8 of 52 | Sprint 3 & 4
- Method: Architectural evaluation & rapid prototyping
- Activities:
- Definition Business architecture (processes), Information architecture (data), Technology architecture
- Selection of the most promising architectural design
Milestone 4: Development of a PoC draft & finalized
- Timeline: End of Week 12 of 52 | Sprint 5 & 6
- Method: Rapid prototyping, Interviews
- Activities:
- Initiate rapid prototyping to create a demonstrator
- Feedback from industrial clients
Milestone 5: Refinement
- Timeline: End of Week 16 of 52 | Sprint 7 & 8
- Method: Architectural design
- Activities:
- Update & refinement of architectural design
Milestone 6: Development partnership / UX Design
- Timeline: End of Week 20 of 52 | Sprint 9 & 10
- Method: Sourcing - development partnerships
- Activities:
- Select development partners
- UX design (first drafts)
Milestone 7: UX Design & Development (Web 2.0/Smart Contracts)
- Timeline: End of Week 24 of 52 | Sprint 11 & 12
- Method: UX Design, Programming
- Activities:
- UX design frontend
- Development backend & frontend
Milestone 8: Development (Integration Web 2.0 & backend & smart contract)
- Timeline: End of Week 28 of 52 | Sprint 13 & 14
- Method: Programming, Testing
- Activities:
- Development frontend, backend, smart contract
- Integration testing
Milestone 9: Testing
- Timeline: End of Week 32 of 52 | Sprint 15 & 16
- Method: Testing, Programming
- Activities:
- User Acceptance Test (design)
- Bug fixes
Milestone 10: Documentation, Training & Marketing (Phase 1)
- Timeline: End of Week 36 of 52 | Sprint 17 & 18
- Method: Creation training, writing documentation, PR & marketing
- Activities:
- User documentation
- Marketing & PR (product demos)
- Customer presentations
Milestone 11: Documentation, Training & Marketing (Phase 2)
- Timeline: End of Week 40 of 52 | Sprint 19 & 20
- Method: Writing, Communication
- Activities:
- Creating training material
- Creating product videos
- Creating explainer videos
- Writing user documentation
- PR & Marketing
Milestone 12: Development wrap up | Sprint 21 & 22
- Timeline: End of Week 44 of 52
- Method: Documentation
- Activities:
- Finalizing training material
- Scheduling pilot training
- Media communication
Milestone 13: Roadshow & Pilot customer presentations
- Timeline: End of Week 48 of 51 | Sprint 23 & 24 (one week)
- Method: Presentation
- Activities:
- Pilot training
- Roadshow
- Pilot customer presentation/onboarding
Final Milestone: Project completed
- Timeline: End of Week 52 of 52 (one week)
- Method: Reporting
- Activities: As a last step, we establish the close-out report and the close-out video as required by the Catalyst guidelines
Project Management:
- Monitoring progress using Github
- Tracking budget usage via Excel
- Submitting a monthly report to Catalyst IOG Team
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.
Milestone 1: Project, Processes & Team in place
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Proof of Life
- [2] Statement of Milestones
- [3] Project environment
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] & [2] PoC & SoM completed
- [3] Project environment available
- Evidence:
- [1] & [2] Collected by IOG/CT teams
- [3] Short video
Milestone 2: Architectural vision defined
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Architectural vision document
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Architectural vision documented & reviewed
- Evidence:
- [1] Document
Milestone 3: Architectural design drafted & finalized
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Architectural documents
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Architectural design(s) documented & reviewed
- Evidence:
- [1] Document(s)
Milestone 4: Development of a PoC draft & finalized
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Prototype
- [2] Interviews
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Prototype is available
- [2] Interviews have been performed (at least 3)
- Evidence:
- [1] Short video
- [2] Documents (interview notes)
Milestone 5: Refinement
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Update architectural design
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Update on architectural design documented & reviewed
- Evidence:
- [1] Document(s)
Milestone 6: Development partnership / UX Design
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Agreements with development partner
- [2] UX design
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Agreements signed (at least 2 partners)
- [2] UX design
- Evidence:
- [1] Agreement (signature page)
- [2] Figma file
Milestone 7: UX Design & Development (Web 2.0/Smart Contracts)
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Frontend (prototype)
- [2] Backend
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Frontend is developed according to the UX design
- [2] Backend is functional
- Evidence:
- [1] + [2] Short video (demonstration)
Milestone 8: Development (Integration Web 2.0 & backend & smart contract) | Sprint 13 & 14
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Smart contract(s)
- [2] Integration frontend & backend
- [3] Integration smart contracts
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Smart contracts functional
- [2] Integration functional
- [3] Smart contracts can be executed from Web 2.0 elements
- Evidence:
- [1] - [3] Short video
Milestone 9: Testing
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] User Acceptance Test
- [2] Bug fixes
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] User Acceptance Test successful
- [2] Major bugs fixed
- Evidence:
- [1] Document(s) UAT
- [2] Repo submits (Short video)
Milestone 10: Documentation, Training & Marketing
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] User documentation
- [2] Product demos
- [3] Customer presentations
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Documentation available
- [2] Product demos available
- [3] Customer presentations available
- Evidence:
- [1] Documentation (online)
- [2] Short video
- [3] Presentations
Milestone 11: Documentation, Training & Marketing
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Training material outline
- [2] Product videos
- [3] Explainer videos
- [4] User documentation
- [5] PR & Marketing plan
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Training material outline available
- [2] Product video available
- [3] Explainer videos available
- [4] User documentation online
- [5] Communications plan available
- Evidence:
- [1] Document(s) (training material)
- [2] Product videos
- [3] Explainer videos
- [4] Documentation (online)
- [5] A short video (overview comms plan)
Milestone 12: Documentation, Training & Marketing
- Deliverables:
- [1] Training material (finalized)
- [2] Pilot training scheduled (online)
- [3] Media communication started
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Training material available (finalized)
- [2] Pilot training scheduled & invitations sent
- [3] Communication document(s)/video(s) available & comms plan activated
- Evidence:
- [1] Document(s) (Training material)
- [2] A short video (Bookings/confirmations)
- [3] Document(s)/video
Milestone 13: Roadshow & Pilot customer presentations
- Deliverables:
- [1] Pilot training
- [2] Online roadshow (different time zones)
- [3] Pilot customer
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Pilot training delivered
- [2] Roadshow started (at least 2 events)
- [3] Pilot customer acquired
- Evidence:
- [1] Short video
- [2] A short video (impressions)
- [3] Document(s)
Final Milestone:
- Deliverable(s):
- [1] Closeout report
- [2] Closeout video
- Acceptance Criteria:
- [1] Report available & submitted
- [2] Video available & submitted
- Evidence:
- [1] Document (report)
- [2] Short video
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Budget Milestone 1: Project, Processes & Team in place
- Project & Team Kick-off (5 hours x 250 ADA = 1,250 ADA)
- Backoffice (10 hours x 125 ADA = 1,250 ADA)
- Total: 2,500 ADA
Budget Milestone 2: Architectural vision defined
- Document architectural vision ( 30 hours x 2500 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- Requirements (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Total: 20,000 ADA
Budget Milestone 3: Architectural design drafted & finalized
- Document architecture ( 50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Selection design (5 hours x 250 ADA = 1,250 ADA)
- Total: 13,750 ADA
Budget Milestone 4: Development of PoC draft & finalized
- Prototyping demonstrator ( 100 hours x 150 ADA = 15,000 ADA)
- Feedback (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Total: 27,500 ADA
Budget Milestone 5: Refinement
- Refinement design (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Total: 12,500 ADA
Budget Milestone 6: Development Sourcing / UX Design
- Select partners (25 hours x 250 ADA = 6,250 ADA)
- UX design (first draft) (30 hours x 250 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- Total: 13,750 ADA
Budget Milestone 7: UX Design & Development (Web 2.0/Smart Contracts)
- UX design frontend (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Development backend & frontend Web 2.0 (200 hours x 150 ADA = 30.000 ADA)
- Total: 42,500 ADA
Budget Milestone 8: Development (Integration Web 2.0 & backend & smart contract)
- Development Web 2.0 (full-stack) (300 hours x 150 ADA = 45,000 ADA)
- Development Smart Contract (150 hours x 300 ADA = 45,000 ADA)
- Total: 90,000 ADA
Budget Milestone 9: Testing
- Testing (50 hours x 150 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- Bug fixes:
- Web 2.0 (full-stack) (50 hours x 150 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- Smart contract (50 hours x 300 ADA = 15,000 ADA)
- Total: 30,000 ADA
Budget Milestone 10: Documentation, Training & Marketing (Phase 1)
- User documentation (100 hours x 150 ADA = 15,000 ADA)
- Product demos (50 hours x 150 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- Customer presentations ( 30 hours x 250 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- Total: 30,000 ADA
Budget Milestone 11: Documentation, Training & Marketing (Phase 2)
- Training material (100 x 150 ADA = 15,000 ADA)
- Videos (100 hours x 150 ADA = 15,000 ADA)
- User documentation (150 hours x 150 ADA = 22,500 ADA)
- PR & Marketing (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Total: 65,000 ADA
Budget Milestone 12: Development wrap up
- Finalize training material (30 hours x 250 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- Schedule pilot training (30 hours x 250 ADA = 7,500 ADA)
- PR & Marketing (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Total: 27,500 ADA
Budget Milestone 13: Roadshow & Pilot customer presentations
- Pilot training (25 x 250 ADA = 6.250 ADA)
- Roadshow online (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Pilot customer onboarding (50 hours x 250 ADA = 12,500 ADA)
- Total: 31,250 ADA
Final Milestone: Project complete
- Closing report & video
- Total: 5,000 ADA
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
The following background is important for understanding our project-costing
- The DLT 360 Team is located in Europe, the UK and Brazil
- Europe-focused topics can be directly approached in Brussels
- Flexible on-demand access to experts in various disciplines (the DLT360 Domain Expert Team)
- Our Brazil location allows us to do intelligent and efficient cost-arbitration (back-office, project management, web development, design assistance and alike)
[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agreed to Fund10 rules and also that data in the Submission Form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept