Last updated a year ago
Lack of incentives for Data Contributors to ensure the ecosystem of impact blockchain (SDGs), a.o. built on Cardano, is properly mapped and up-to-date, offering knowledge to both web2 and web3 actors.
PB aims to experiment a decentralized coordination & reward system to mobilize Data Contributors (individual, researchers) around our database. First stage leading to a potential DAO in the future.
This is the total amount allocated to Experimentation of Data Contribution Token Rewards for a future PositiveBlockchain DAO.
Cole Bartlett
Razali Samsudin
Lucas Zaehringer
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
PositiveBlockchain's project proposal connects to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 4: Quality Education -Aligns with SDG 4 by promoting education and knowledge sharing within participating universities and research organizations. By PositiveBlockchain incentivizes data contributions and encourages students to get involved. This initiative contributes to enhancing access to quality education.
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - PositiveBlockchain's Project Directory and its focus on impact blockchain projects directly align with SDG 9. By curating information about innovative blockchain projects, the association supports the development and deployment of new technologies for social and environmental impact. This proposal promotes sustainable industrialization, fosters innovation, and encourages the expansion of reliable and resilient infrastructure.
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals - PositiveBlockchain's collaboration with various stakeholders in the blockchain and impact spaces demonstrates its commitment to SDG 17. The association's Project Directory serves as a platform for collaboration, enabling partnerships among different actors in the ecosystem. Additionally, the initiative to establish a PositiveBlockchain DAO in the future further emphasizes the importance of collective decision-making and collaboration to achieve the SDGs.
PositiveBlockchain's proposals to take the first steps in developing a DAO contributes to SDG 4 by promoting education and knowledge sharing, aligns with SDG 9 by focusing on innovative blockchain projects for social and environmental impact, and supports SDG 17 by fostering partnerships and collaboration within the blockchain and impact space.
PositiveBlockchain is strongly connected to the SDGs and think about them with all activities and project they implement.
PositiveBlockchain is a non-profit association curating a Project Directory of impact blockchain projects, aiming to use the technology for social and environmental impact. This is used by various stakeholders in the blockchain and impact spaces for education, investment, collaboration, publications, academic research, benchmark, and others.
This year, the association celebrates its 5 years of impact in the space. It has also co-launched the BC100+, a leading initiative under the UN Charter of values bringing organizations to sign a Manifesto in support of blockchain for the SDGs.
The database has been established by own researches, web scrapping, partner contributions or submission by project owners directly. Every submission or edit of a database is reviewed by a qualified member from PositiveBlockchain or a partner organization, which ensures high quality and consistency of the database. This is very important when it comes to writing report or doing academic and qualitative research. The system is working well but can have limitation in scale as there are low incentives for data contributors and verifiers - beyond their belief and support in the positive impact for the ecosystem.
Previously, a Project Catalyst fund has supported the revamping the database tooling of PositiveBlockchain: improved database search, web interface, new API, custom forms, download options. This was a great improvement for the administration of the database and also for users on the interface. We are now ready to scale the activity on the Project Directory and create the missing incentives.
To increase our impact, we would like to boost incentives and rewards for more Data Contributions for two categories of contributions
This experimentation is the first stage leading to a possible future PositiveBlockchain DAO, whereby Data Contributors would receive governance tokens in order to participate in the DAO and make collective decisions for the evolution of the Project Directory.
Stages of this granted Project:
Stage 1: Concept
Stage 2: Constitute a Reward Pool with different types of assets
Stage 3: Define Rules of Data Contributions:
Stage 4: Transferring token to Data Contributor claimees
This will help sustain and scale the effort of mapping the Cardano and overall impact blockchain ecosystem, creating incentives for knowledge capture and sharing through the open data platform of PositiveBlockchain.
It will also help mobilize more universities, researchers, and qualitative studies around the work and impact of the projects listed in the project Directory.
Finally, it will help understand how such reward system can be optimally design, focusing of a utility token reward (not a direct monetary compensation) as part of a DAO concept.
We will be looking to measure the following KPIs:
The project will directly engage communities, individual and universities external to PositiveBlockchain. The available fund in the pool will be visible for everyone, so will be the Data Contributions.
The results and also feedbacks from the Data Contributors will be used to further refine this system as part of a possible future PositiveBlockchain DAO.
One of the learnings we are looking to develope, is to understand what would have the biggest impact versus effort ratio: incentivizing individual Data Contributor, or recruiting universities and research partners which could be in lower number but have a much bigger and more sustainable capacity to contribute on data. This is why we split the token pool in 2 categories (see above)
PositiveBlockchain has been around for already 5 years. We are an association registered in Paris, France and active globally. We have justed renewed our Board in July 2023 with 6 board members for the new one-year term. There is a great momentum around our work to make this project happen.
The Project Directory has been our core activity since the start. It is the most complete, neutral, high-quality database in this area, focusing on multiple chains.
All our work in open-source and in open data, under CC4 license.
We are currently finalizing a previous Project Catalyst grant project which has delivered its results.
Many organizations are recognizing the quality and role of the database in the ecosystem, hence its use as essential registry for the BC100 + initiative for example.
Sustainable ADA:
We have been a part of the Cardano ecosystem since 2020 and helping educate community members on the connections Cardano has to sustainability and social and environmental impact.
The Cardano Impact Report 2023 is a testament to how dedicated the Sustainable ADA team is to helping grow and expand the Cardano ecosystem.
Sustainable ADA are a registered LLP in USA
Sustainable ADA is expanding under the framework of Impact Web3. Sustainable ADA will be an educational partner and key part of the Impact Web3 ecosystem.
Pre-funding activities:
We have had a lot of success while growing Sustainable ADA over the last few years. We have been closely connected to the Cardano community through our Project Catalyst proposing experience.
Learn more about all of our past funded projects here:
Sustainable ADA has created: 48 individual stories on projects building in the Cardano community and making the world a better place.
More info here:
Sustainable ADA also created the Cardano Impact Report where they highlighted over 65+ Impact Project buildings on Cardano to make the world more sustainable and equitable for all.
Free Version can be found here:
More work we have taken part in:
Impact Measurement research:
Positive Blockchain Cardano integration and Project Catalyst Support:
Our first goal is to create effective incentives for increased and more decentralized Data Contributions.
This results in Increased number of projects sourced, edited, reviewed on the database, improved quality and therefore better knowledge for all user of open data.
In fine, the Project Directory and knowledge created around this is essential to democratize and expand the use of decentralized technologies for a more sustainable world.
By doing this project, our objective is to validate learnings and designs of the reward concept, in order to prepare the implementation of further stages of the PositiveBlockchain DAO.
In the longer-run, the DAO is intended to function as a democratic, transparent, and incentivized data and rating “agency”. We seek to facilitate trust, foster innovation, and promote best practices across the board.
Month 1-2 Milestone #1:
Refinement of reward concept/protocol
Month 3-4 Milestone #2
Based on the concept: implement processes, missing forms and launch communication campaign
Month 5-6 Milestone #3:
Month 7-8 Milestone #4:
Month 9-10 Milestone #5:
Month 11-12 Milestone #6:
Month 1-2 Milestone #1:
Refinement of reward protocol:
Month 3-4 Milestone #2:
Month 5-6 Milestone #3:
Month 7-8 Milestone #4:
Month 9-10 Milestone #5:
Month 11-12 Milestone #6:
TOTAL: 25k
The cost of the project represents value for money as it enables the first stage in forming a DAO around the PB community. The DAO will allow for us to create a stronger relationship with the Cardano ecosystem and will also bring more visibility and recognition of impactful projects building on Cardano. By investing in the Positive Blockchain DAO.
The community will gain access to valuable insights, collaboration opportunities, and inspiration to drive positive change.
The costs are justified and a modest ask given the average salaries for a graduate, and postgraduate researcher and Teacher in our sectors, and given our track record in and out of the Cardano community to date based out of USA (Salt Lake City), and western Europe (London and Paris).
Team Info:
Impact Web3 & Sustainable ADA
Cole Bartlett and Razali Samsudin Co-founded Sustainable ADA and Impact Web 3, and have been shaping it into what it is today.
It all started with the initial idea for Sustainable ADA back on April 20th of 2021 (Sustainable ADA 2021). Together, we co-founded it in June of 2021. We have backgrounds, professional experiences, and knowledge in education, economics, sustainability, and how blockchain technologies can be harnessed for good.
Cole Bartlett:
Co-Author of Recalibrating Value, Identity & Impact Through the Blockchain Cardano Impact Report 2023 | Bachelors in Economics and Sustainability | Blockchain/Sustainability Researcher | Social Entrepreneur | Co-Founder of Impact Web 3 & Sustainable ADA | Positive Blockchain Contributor | Impact Measurement Expertise | US Director for Yagazie Foundation | Blockchain Learning Center Core Member | Co-Founder of Vermont Fishing | Decentralized Lead Generation | UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate | Photographer, Videographer, Editor | Content Creation
Additional Activities by Cole:
Razali Samsudin:
Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA, Impact Web3, Streets of ADA - A Samsudin Brothers Projek
15 years of experience as an interdisciplinary Educator from early years settings to postgraduate level, with a background in social sciences, humanities, and sustainability. Author, Writer, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain, Sustainability and Impact Measurements, Researcher (Research Lead Connecting SDGs to Project Catalyst and lead on the SDG Proposer Tool and SDG Search Tool with Cardano AIM #Blockchain4Good, #Cardano4Good, #NFT4Good). Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor. Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Contributor at Cardano AIM, PositiveBlockchain, Cardano4Climate, Catalyst School, Adafilms.
Lucas Zaehringer
Founder of PositiveBlockchain and Lead Europe at Verity Tracking, a startup using blockchain for collecting, tracking and tokenization sustainable attributes along bio-based value chains in agriculture, biofuels and renewables.
Catalyst Journey:
We joined Project Catalyst, Cardano’s decentralized innovation fund, during fund 4. After applying and learning from both funds 4 and 5 along with lots of support from Cardano community members and teams, we were able to construct a strong proposal together that focused on our goals and ambitions for Sustainable ADA, and the Cardano community’s goals. We submitted a proposal focused on helping Grow Cardano, and Grow Africa.
With this funding, we had more capacity to focus on researching and sharing stories from change-makers in Africa and the diaspora, who are engaging with Cardano, creating a better tomorrow, today.
Thanks to the Cardano community and the use of their voting power from holding and staking ADA, we successfully secured the funding we were seeking. This helped us to take significant steps towards fulfilling our vision and mission having secured these crucial and helpful funds.
Through our time in the Project Catalyst ecosystem, we have been able to create a lot of strong and exciting partnerships with projects and businesses all across the world. This has led us to develop new ambitions for the work we do and to expand beyond education.
More about the projects we have been involved in:
Experience and Expertise
The Sustainable ADA team has experience working with Figma, Canva, Wix, Final Cut Pro, Da Vinci Resolve 17, Adobe CC, Microsoft Products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc).
Sustainable ADA has experience and backgrounds in Sustainability, Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences. Along with work with NGOs, Social Enterprises, Freelance journalism, and blogging.
The team has been a part of the Cardano ecosystem since 2020 and is very dedicated to the Cardano ecosystem. We created Recalibrating Value, Identity & Impact Through the Blockchain: Cardano Impact Report 2023”.
The team also has undertaken the first of its kind Cardano Impact Report.
The Cardano Impact Report is a comprehensive publication that aims to capture and showcase the positive impact generated by the Cardano community. It is designed as a book NFT (Non-Fungible Token) to leverage the unique features of blockchain technology, ensuring authenticity, transparency, and immutability of the content.