ID: #1000100 | Status:

Last updated 4 weeks ago

Latam Cardano Community Operations - DAO infrastructure for a Wide Purpose



LATAM is very underrepresented in the Decentralization space, but there are amazing opportunities ahead if we can articulate the Talent and readiness that exist in our Region for Cardano adoption.


Thanks to our community, LATAM now has an adequate and frictionless way to collaborate, we need to scale our processes and tools so we can continue to push adoption and LATAM contributions further

Completed outcome

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Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Latam Cardano Community Operations - DAO infrastructure for a Wide Purpose.

Total funds requested
Distributed: ₳93,105
Remaining: ₳0
In progress
To be completed
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Votes no

Monthly report

NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here

Progress report

Status: In progress
On track: Yes
Estimated completion date: -

Progress report

Status: In progress
On track: Yes
Estimated completion date: -


LATAM Cardano Community core team will help to set up the program and appoint the 3 staffs, as we have the experience and contacts to be able to do it on time and with high quality results

Among our core team we can cite:

Alex Pestchanker (Mentor, Host and Speaker, Funded Proposer and PA in F6, 7, 8 and 9, vPA in F7, F8 and F9, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano, Funded Proposer subcircle member. Organizer of Buenos Aires CIP1694 Workshop, Organizer of Pan Latam Workshop, Rep at Edinburgh global workshop)

Rodolfo Miranda (Funded Proposer and PA in F6, 7, 8 and 9, vPA in F7, F8 and F9, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano and F8 Self Sovereign Identity, rep at CIP1694 La Plata Workshop)

Lucas Macchiavelli (Funded Proposer in F7, F8 and F9, PA in F8 and F9, Cardano Ambassador, Swarm contributor,Organizer of Buenos Aires CIP1694 Workshop, Organizer of Pan Latam Workshop, Rep at Edinburgh global workshop)

Jaime Andres Posada: (Latino Stake Pool operator, PA in F8 and F9, Organizer of Bogotá CIP1694 Workshop, Organizer of Pan Latam Workshop)

Mauro Andreoli (Cardano Ambassador, European Cardano Community co founder, Organizer of La Plata CIP1694 Workshop, Organizer of Pan Latam Workshop, Rep at Edinburgh global workshop)

Juanita Jaramillo R (CoFounder Cardano Fem, Collaborator Cardano 4 Climate, Organizer of Bogotá and Manizales CIP1694 Workshops, Organizer of Pan Latam Workshop)

Jose Miguel Gamboa (Challenge Team Lead, PA in F7, F8 and F9, Organizaer Bogotá CIP1694 Workshop, rep at Pan Latam Workshop, rep at Edinburgh global workshop)

Otavio Lima (CoFounder Cardano Feed, PA in F7, F8 and F9, Funded proposer, Organizer of SP Brazil CIP 1694 Workshop, Rep at Pan Latam Workshop, Rep at Edinburgh Global Workshop)