Last updated a year ago
DAOs lack learning resources and proven frameworks for effective collaboration, which stifle creativity, hinder meaningful engagement, and lead to organizational stagnation or demise.
We will explore and identify patterns of effective collaboration in DAOs.
We will build a project-based learning experience to alter the negative habitual formats and introduce positive ones.
This is the total amount allocated to Onboarding for Evolutionary Organizations: A primer for DAO contribution.
Nori Nishigaya (@xeeban)
Newman S Lanier (@Newman5)
YES - we will collaborate with the Andamio Learning Management System (LMS) team of Gimbalabs to deliver on this proposal.
A project-based onboarding course is one of the key deliverables in this proposal. The Andamio LMS provides a ready-to-use platform that supports the outcomes of this proposal.
Additionally, we will coordinate with SWARM, Wada, and Gimbalabs for pilot testing of the learning modules.
Project will be fully open source.
YES - Technically, Open Source does not make sense for a non-software product. We will release this material under an Open Commons license so the community can freely use and adapt this material to their organization’s onboarding materials.
Goal 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
4.3 - By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Goal 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
16.7 - Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
This proposal will research, design, develop and implement a project-based learning course focused on exploring evolutionary organizational patterns and techniques, particularly those outlined by Sociocracy 3.0. The course aims to deliver a comprehensive educational experience that enables participants to understand, apply, and analyze these innovative approaches to organizational development so they are enabled to contribute to organizations and ecosystems that operate in a decentralized, people-positive, and complexity-conscious way using these principles.
The problem of onboarding members / contributors to communities can be mitigated by instruction and activities in a Project Based Learning(PBL) format. The participatory and asynchronous nature of the PBL format matches the needs of the DAO community member better than other styles of instruction.
Additionally, the proposal focuses on methodical research and documentation to create long lasting and valuable contribution to the whole ecosystem now and in the future. Our collective experiences in Project Catalyst afforded us the chance to work with new mechanisms and processes of decentralised communities. These experiences, when curated and packaged in the PBL format, are invaluable to not only new project Catalyst members but all DLT / DAO ecosystems and organisations. We want to leverage this gained experience to build this PBL course on Andamio and build an open, accessible knowledge base and experience library for the benefit of all.
About the process:
About Project-Based Learning:
Project-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach that centers around students engaging in real-world projects or activities to acquire knowledge and develop skills. It emphasizes active learning, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. PBL moves away from traditional lecture-based instruction by immersing students in authentic, hands-on experiences.
About Andamio:
We will use the Andamio platform by Gimbalabs. We are excited by this collaboration and believe that there are great synergies between the Andamio platform, its technology capabilities and our objectives. This collaboration supports our roadmap and the development of both organizations. Gimbalabs is the perfect team to support us with technical development as they have a strong track record in the ecosystem and their goals are aligned with ours.
Many of the services we need are already developed by Andamio, and we will work with the Gimbalabs team to build additional functionality as we go. Then, any new features will be available to teams using Andamio in the future.
About the Team:
ODIN: ODIN is an acronym for the Open Decentralized Innovation Network. Our vision is to empower a dynamic and collaborative community of visionary thinkers, web3 developers, high-trust communities and impact-driven organizations that operate as a decentralized network, uniting their diverse strengths and expertise towards a common purpose of catalyzing innovative ideas from conception to fruition. Together, we will cultivate a culture of continuous collaboration, fostering an environment of radical innovation and sustainable impact that positively transforms our world.
Join us: Discord:
About the KSA of contributors:
This Is a support mechanism for decentralised organizations.
Our proposal is an initiative that introduces a smart contract-based learning management system (LMS) to the Cardano ecosystem. It serves as a comprehensive DAO toolkit, providing education, certification, and fostering reputational identity through Problem-Based Learning (PBL) modules.
Andamio aims to empower individuals and projects with sustainable governance practices, increase Cardano transaction volume, and foster collaboration among various communities. While it cannot guarantee the adoption of Cardano by new DAOs, it positions Cardano as an attractive option for decentralized governance which aims to enhance sustainable governance practices, increase transaction volume, and foster collaboration, thereby contributing to the overall growth and sustainability of the Cardano ecosystem.
The Challenge Brief asks:
How can we make Cardano the go-to choice for building DAOs? What tools can we provide to enable effective DAO's Creation & Operation?
The PBL learning approach, coupled with the on-chain certification of Andamio will undoubtedly inspire many individuals and projects to improve Cardano DAOs operation. People from outside of Cardano and interested in learning about evolutionary organization work, will be initiated into the Cardano ecosystem. .
We plan to use quantitative and qualitative approaches to measure the success of our project. Numbers matter, but so does Joy and mental health.
The success of this project can be measured through:
We will release created material under an Open Commons license so the community can freely use and adapt this material to their organization’s onboarding materials.
Furthermore we provide monthly reports through the IOG Catalyst Milestone reports.
Our intention and hope is that the project becomes a foundational tool for DAOs onboarding process. For example, DAOs would encourage and support new members participating in the Evolutionary Organizations PBL Course.
This Proposal is a collaboration across several projects which are highly engaged and committed at Project Catalyst since the earliest funding cycles which have built serious capacity for addressing the challenges of this proposal.
Groups engaged in this proposal are; ODIN, Gimbalabs, WADA & SWARM
Through our engagement with Project Catalyst and other decentralized communities, we gained crucial understanding, experience and expertise on how to build decentralized communities and ecosystems.
Our gained knowledge, expertise and capacity over the past years in this ecosystem makes it very likely that we are able to deliver on the proposals successful implementation, if not we wouldn't propose :)
Our proposal has a monthly budget for accounting and has an agreement with the Treasury Guild to manage the income and disbursements to project contributors
Our high level goals:
Our specific objectives:
Milestone #1: Research & Learning Objectives Definition
Milestone #2: Project-based Learning Module Development
Milestone #3: Assessment Component Creation, Curriculum Timeline Development, Pilot Phase and Course Revision
Milestone #4: Course Launch
Milestone #5: Finalization and Project Closeout
6 months total
Starting on November 2023 and ending April 2024
Research and Content Familiarization:
Learning Objectives Definition:
Module Development: (3 Andamio PBL modules)
Assessment Component Creation:
Curriculum Timeline Development:
Pilot Phase and Course Revision:
Course Launch:
Finalization and Project Closeout:
Miscellaneous costs
Treasury Guild (6 months * ₳2750)
buffer for price drops
Project Tools (Miroboard, Zoom, Buffer, etc)
This project delivers exceptional value for money. By making a reasonable investment, we ensure that new members entering the Cardano ecosystem are welcomed and equipped for success. This strengthens Cardano communities and safeguards against past mistakes.
Through this project, we generate valuable outcomes and knowledge that will be widely shared and sustained over time. The value of onboarding and empowering community groups using Cardano DAO tooling as a foundation cannot be overstated. We have partnered with prominent Cardano community groups to provide them with access to our comprehensive course materials and project resources.
By practicing and exposing the S3 community governance patterns for Cardano project teams, we foster a vibrant and innovative community. This investment is crucial for sustainable, creative, and innovative organizational community practices, increased transaction volume, and enhanced collaboration among diverse communities. It positions Cardano as an enticing option for evolutionary organizations.
Overall, the our project offers substantial value to the Cardano ecosystem by testing the Andamio, adding evolutionary organization patterns to the DAO toolkit. This type of education is not able in the Cardano ecosystem, yet. It is a strategic investment that has the potential to greatly enhance the growth, resilience, and performance of the Cardano ecosystem.
Nori Nishigaya
Nori is the Founder of the Salmon Nation Decentralised Alliance (SANADA) and co-founder of Bridge Builders. He is a member of the Governance Guild, a core member of the Andamio team, organizes meetups and events as a Cardano Ambassador, and is a funded proposer. Nori brings over 30 years of experience in software development, agile methodologies, leadership in managing teams, and founding and running technology startups. His passion is discovering governance and organizational best practices for radically decentralized and self-managed communities through experimentation and hands-on practice.
Felix Weber
Felix has a strong track record of leading and implementing community governance, infrastructure, and innovation funds, demonstrating his passion for driving constant progress in the field. He is a Cardano and SingularityNET Ambassador, co-founded Catalyst Swarm and has initiated numerous grassroots projects and networks in the DLT ecosystem.
Newman S Lanier
Newman is a Project Catalyst contributor since Fund5. Member of several Catalyst Groups such as the DAOs love Cardano challenge team. Designed, Developed and implemented online courses with Blackboard and Moodle Learning Management Systems at the University level. For this project, I will accept the role of coordinator and Instructional Systems design consultant.
The SWARM is a Grassroot network of Blockchain, AI & Cypher punks, exploring the Future of decentralized Society & Governance. The SWARM will contribute to this project by supporting the proposals implementation and facilitating further collaborations around the proposal.
An international organization with local footprints We aim to equip local developers and entrepreneurs to build decentralized applications and businesses of the future.
Andamio Team (@andamio)
The Andamio Platform:
Treasury Guild (Miro and Andre)
Project accounting and treasury management