Last updated a year ago

45B - Marlowe workshops for non-tech builders of diverse backgrounds. Simple hands-on learning of Cardano Smart Contracts.



Marlowe is a great tool for intuitive Smart Contract solution development but not so well known in the Cardano ecosystem and outside of it. We need practical sessions and face-to-face experimentation


We will run Marlowe workshops for non-tech users. Providing a clear introduction and hands-on experience by building example use cases and personal projects. No previous knowledge will be required.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to 45B - Marlowe workshops for non-tech builders of diverse backgrounds. Simple hands-on learning of Cardano Smart Contracts..

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Trainer for English and Portuguese cohorts

Pedro Lucas - Technical Business Analyst -

Maestro Developer Experience, BizDez;

Pedro Lucas has over 20y experience in IT. Working as a Technical Business Analyst in Business Process Management and Decision support DataViz solutions in Finance and Banking. He has been in Crypto for 3y and 100% dedicated to Cardano communities and technology for almost 2y. Pedro has helped in Gimbalabs, amongst other communities, created and ran 'Cardano for non-techs' workshop sessions, and now collaborates with Maestro focusing on Developer Experience and Business Development.

45B - Cardano Enablement
45B - Cardano Enablement