ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

ADABET.iO | Cardano Betting DApp Platform | Phase 2


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Currently, most of the profits belong to the bookmaker and there is a lack of transparency, the rights, assets of the bettors are violated by the unreliable centralized traditional betting platformsadabet inplay


We build the ADABET.iO platform applying Defi to ensure property rights and increase the benefits for bettors. With the WEB3, &Cardano's tech apply to ADABET to change the traditional betting platform

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to ADABET.iO | Cardano Betting DApp Platform | Phase 2.

Total funds requested
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


===== Co-Team Members & Experiences, Roles in the project =====

1/ Trong Nguyen

Software, cloud engineer, Cardano AC/PA/Proposer, ADA stake pool owner, technology startups. 


A software engineer and IT specialist who worked for many big IT tech firms in Japan such as ISFNet, and IBM. Experienced in software product management, and digital content with 16 years of mobile app, and mobile game development on Android and IOS. Experienced with Cardano technologies. CA, PA, SPO, Proposer and well experiences work on the Cardano and Catalyst project.

Co-Founder ADAboys LAB.

Founder of Technotes.Asia | Specializing in digital transformation for advanced technology and tech startups. 

Founder of Peafone Studio game ( | Develop game content on mobile and applications on smartphones. 

Founder of [ISKY] Pool (

Proposer funded in F7, F8, F9 (ADABET.iO | Sports Betting DApp, IronSky game P2E (, cBlling Cardano DApp(, Bwork) proposals

Roles and responsibilities: 

  • Product management.
  • Digital content.
  • Project Management.
  • Software engineer.


2/ PhiCo

Software & System engineer, programmer, Cardano blockchain engineer

Experience: (8years+ in) Cardano blockchain technical, Coding, Build System, BackEnd.

Roles and responsibilities: 

Project leader Backend and blockchain technical: Responsible for designing APIs in the project, building and implementing APIs.

Blockchain programming, database design in the platform.


3/ LeThang:

Software engineer, programmer, co-proposer

Experience: (10years+ in) Coding, Build Application, APIs, BackEnd, Fullstack, ADABoys_LAB team.

Roles and responsibilities: Project leader, Support programmers and research technology applied to the project.



4/ ThiPhung:

Software engineer, programmer

Experience: (10years+ in) Frontend coding, App, Fullstack, ADABoys_LAB team

Roles and responsibilities: 

Leader of frontend team, responsible for implementing and developing the web interface for the platform. Configure and set up website deployment files.


5/ BaoHoa

Software & System engineer, programmer, co-proposer

Experience: (17years+ in) Coding, BigData, Backend, System architecture, ADABoys_LAB team

Roles and responsibilities: Member of team, responsibilities system design for the ADABET platform.



6/ ThanhTuan

Software & System engineer, programmer, catalyst co-proposer.

Experience: (15years+ in) Coding, Build System, SPO, FrontEnd, Run node Cardano.

Roles and responsibilities: Member of team, responsibilities develop the functions and interfaces of the project.



7/ TrungDang

Software & System engineer, programmer, IT.

Experience: (15years+ in) technology digital transformation, Coding, Build System, BackEnd, Cloud services and bigDATA.

Roles and responsibilities: Member of team, responsibilities develop the functions and interfaces of the project.


8/ Nguyen Toan

Software & System Engineer

Experience: (5years+ in) PHP,MySql, C#, Nodejs, Build APIs backend, blockchain technical

Roles and responsibilities: Member of team, responsibilities implement and connect functional APIs developed in the platform..


9/ VuLong

Designer, Artist, Graphics

Experience: (12years+ in) UI/UX design App Mobile, Web-frontend, Game Artist

Roles and responsibilities: Member of team, responsibilities Graphic design of user interfaces, website interfaces and functions for the project, test product.


10/ NgocKhanh

System engineer, network security specialist

Experience: (17years+ in) Coding, Security, Network, CA and Catalyst co-proposer.

Roles and responsibilities: Member of team, responsibilities Set up server infrastructure for the project including network and system security.


Responsibilities of members: 

  • Consulting technology and researching solutions to solve problems appearing in the project.
  • Executing the assigned tasks in the project.
  • Develop detailed functionality of the designed application.
  • Build and deploy web, submit and build on the Cardano blockchain..
  • Security, network, implementation platform.