Last updated a year ago
Mentorship programs for tech companies are very demanding in terms of human resource and time, limiting access for companies and the scale of programs available.
A blockchain-enabled, project-based learning platform, that enables Dev’s and tech companies to access Edify’s proven, powerful suite of business mentoring tools and frameworks, at scale.
This is the total amount allocated to Automation and Scaling of current funded Catalyst Developer Mentorship Program using Andamio learning management system and Cardano Blockchain capabilities.
Edify CoLabs
Yoram Ben Zvi
Edify will use the Andamio platform by Gimbalabs. This collaboration supports the roadmap and growth of both organisations. Gimbalabs is the perfect team to support us with technical development as they have a strong track record in the ecosystem and their goals are aligned with ours.
Many of the services needed are already developed by Andamio and some adjustments and addons will be developed to support specific needs. These specific features will also add value to the other projects using Andamio in the Cardano community. Andamio is an Open Source project and contributions from the Edify platform will be added to this codebase so other projects can learn from and use these features.
Open source ethos
SDG 4 Quality Education
SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Why mentorship & coaching is important
There are incredible tech people working with Cardano technology. However, to grow a solution into a successful company, tech is not enough, even if you have the most innovative solution. To build success and scale, teams also need to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and capabilities. We know blockchain developers hugely benefit from, learning about: clarifying their purpose as individuals and a business, market analysis, customer acquisition, funding, and strategic planning. This empowers developers to not only create innovative blockchain solutions but also build sustainable businesses around them.
We have been working on those issues for many years as mentors, coaches, and consultants, for fast-growth technology startups and mid-tier enterprises.
In the last two years, in particular, we have been proud to be working as part of the Catalyst ecosystem. During this, we have been funded by Catalyst to undertake several projects, to transpose our proven set of tools and frameworks into a bespoke Toolkit designed to support blockchain developers and the wider community, as they undertake the journey from technical solutions to successfully scaleable enterprises.
Our projects include:
F7: Dev Accelerator - closed out
F7 SPO Incubator - closed out
F8: SPO Incubator productisation - closed out
F8: Dev Accelerator - 2:2 bespoke mentoring, Pro bono - closed out.
F8 Train the Trainer Africa - ongoing
F9: Full Value, Organisation Valuation Dashboard - ongoing
Our closed-out projects have been deemed a great success and value-add by the 20-plus community members that have reviewed the closed-out projects so far - as well as the project catalyst team and audience: where we delivered some of our modules as part of the catalyst coordinators programme.
We Are Ready to SCALE
The IP build phase of our projects is now complete.
We have an integrated suite of Fit For Purpose, proven programmes to support teams and companies reach scalable growth.
However, although these programmes add fantastic value to our participants, the process is manual: they are at present provided primarily synchronously with live mentors and coaches, with limited time slots, and restricted participant numbers available - with programmes maybe 80% live, 20% automated.
We would like to change that, now we would like to dramatically increase the number of developers who can access our programmes, enabling them to get access whenever they want and work on them at their own pace and level of interaction.
The opportunity -
Automating mentorship
We have developed a huge amount of content through the programs and our work over the last 20 years, and specifically the last 2 years on Cardano. Our programmes are based upon Exponential Organisation growth (ExO) principles - focussing on how companies can scale through solving ‘wicked challenges’ to harness ‘exponential opportunities’.
With blockchain technology and AI, there is a great opportunity to take our programme delivery to the next level: by automating the process, while providing personalised high service as appropriate to teams and companies.
Our vision is to build an online Dev Accelerator Academy that will overtime automate 80% of the mentorship process and keep 20% for specific areas where companies need help. For that, we are partnering with blockchain and AI companies to develop ‘mentorship 3.0’.
With Web-3. there is also the opportunity to build out our solution to create a mentorship community supported by a dynamic learning environment.
Our Solution for this proposal - A Mentoring programme for Developers, based on a Project Based Learning platform
The main objective of this proposal is to build and deliver a high-value mentorship programme aimed at supporting blockchain developers on their journey from technology solutions to successful scalable businesses. Where the programme itself, being delivered from the Andamio project-based-learning (PBL), enabled platform, can be delivered asynchronously, but with a rich learning experience and is both easily accessible, interactive, affordable and scalable.
The programme will be based upon our highly successful coaching and mentoring suite - that forms the basis of our Exponential Organisation Growth platform.
The Edify Colabs Online Mentoring Programme for Scalable Growth
We have 8 unique PBL Modules to create for this proposal covering the following subject sessions:
Link to miro board for full programme overview of modules and sessions:
About Edify Colabs
Edify Collabs is the on-chain expression of The Edify Ecosystem (Edify) - an impact, innovation, investment-focused consultancy, coaching practice and partner Ecosystem. Edify Colabs was formed to work within the Catalyst community - and have been a proactive member for over 18 months. .
The Andamio platform (by Gimbalabs)
Edify Collabs is partnering with Andamio to provide the core technology required.
The Andamio Platform:
The Andamio MVP was built and tested around the Plutus PBL - for more info check
You can find an introductory overview of the Andamio platform here:
As a result of the work Gimbalabs has done over the past years through the Plutus Project-Based Learning (PBL) program, Gimbalabs Playground, and Gimbalabs Live Coding, the Gimbalabs team created Andamio which provides an LMS platform for any organization to onboard and reward contributors. Contributors can earn skills that enable them to contribute to projects. Our Plutus PBL ( is a good example.
Link to example Plutus PBL course, which is the Andamio MVP:
Fig 1. The PBL Framework. A high overview description of a PBL module.
Project based learning courses (PBL):
Edify Collabs will use the Andamio platform to develop the following courses:
Andamio features to be used by Edify Collabs:
Essential Toolkit development
It is well known that around 50% of new enterprises fail within 2 years of inception and 80% fail within 5 years. Many of the reasons for this failure rate are not because of a lack of technical expertise, but a lack of time, knowledge or experience about how to build a successful enterprise around the initial team. Our solution addresses this need by providing an integrated Catalyst-developed and proven system for supporting tech-based teams as they start the journey of transitioning into successful scalable Exponential Organisations.
Attracting developers
This platform and programme development is centred around being able to deliver our content in a PBL format at scale. Therefore after the initial launch, it will be proactively marketed both internally to catalyst developers and externally to other blockchain and AI-focused developers and teams.
Supporting Developer wants
Over many years working in the tech space we understand that all developer teams need entrepreneurial smarts alongside a system to support them to successfully scale their business.
Our programme for scaling mentorship on Cardano will provide entrepreneurial developers in the Cardano dev ecosystem with access to a structured, proven system for achieving scalable growth for their enterprise over time. It will be there to support those that need it within the Catalyst community, when they need it as they need it, at a cost that they feel reflects the value they have received.
Augmenting and developing dev motivation
Blockchain devs are notoriously focused and hard-working. Our programme provides them with the Business Toolkit: covering areas such as purpose and business model, product and go-to-market strategy and funding support- that will enable them to more effectively undertake the business growth journey, focus on what they love and so set and reach their desired outcomes.
Delivering easier, more effective, faster, enterprise project development
From our experience successful dev teams have developed the balance between technical capabilities, entrepreneurship focus and financial acumen. Which allows them to deliver better projects, in less time, and more easily. Our programme will help support them to develop their entrepreneurial and business capabilities allowing them to scale their business: easier, faster, and with better results
We plan to measure the following KPIs
Additional programme metrics will be developed with Andamio, but will typically include:
Finally, as we have done with all our F7 and F8 projects, participants will be asked to complete a review survey of the programme - which is also used to iterate the programme structure, content, and delivery.
As with our previous F7 and F8 projects all KPIs and reviews are included in our project close-out reports and the community will have access to it.
Also as this is an MVP, and we have used online Learning Management Systems before we understand how complex and time-consuming this process can be. Therefore we plan to compile a brief set of - train-the-trainer videos explaining the main elements of the programme development initially as a guide - for use by Edify team members and partners. We plan to make this open access as well, to support subsequent members of the Catalyst community that may wish to use the Andamio platform.
We also plan to run multiple taster sessions during the programme development and delivery period to both build on the MVP and also build awareness of the programme within the community.
Edify and Andamio are working with the mindset of Open source. In some cases for business, legal or privacy reasons some information will not be openly available.
Team activity within the community
Our team has been actively involved within the Catalyst community for around 2 years now, and we have worked on multiple projects and successful community initiatives with several partners - and programme clients including: WADA, SWARM, Treasury Guild, Sanada, Fluid 7, CNC Bridgebuilders, C4C and the Catalyst Coordinator team.
Our Catalyst Website:
Fund 7 and Fund 8 results
Our completed fund 7 and fund 8 programmes - both funded and Pro Bono, have proven to be highly successful. Our three closed-out programmes: Innovation Accelerator and 2 iterations of the SPO incubator, received highly positive reviews, with all 20 reviewers stating that they would recommend the programme to other community members.
Our F7 and F8 Accelerator Participant Reviews:
Testimonials for Edify CoLabs Accelerator programmes within the Cardano Catalyst Innovation hub
Text Reviews
Catalyst Treasury Guild - decentralised, emerging tech treasury function
"It was great to be a part of Harry's workshops. As a team, we went through interesting aspects that Harry elaborated down to the smallest details that are necessary for the success of individuals, teams, and large companies. Harry made a great impression on me with his humor, seriousness when needed and vast knowledge. The entire workshop concept was prepared with great experience which Harry seems to have been building for many years. I would definitely recommend the workshops because there is something for everyone. The period we spent together definitely broadened my horizons and gave me tools that help me in my business! Harry with his personality left a positive impression on me as an individual and on our entire team."
Miroslav & Andre
Catalyst Treasury Guild
Carpool SPO - Emerging Tech, decentralised Education Tech developers
"The Edify Accelerator program is an outstanding resource for any entrepreneur looking to better define and align their own personal purpose with their business. The program provides a comprehensive framework to work from, and yet starts with foundational tools and skills from which to build on. The program is designed to help businesses of all sizes and in any specialization to clarify their vision, refine their strategy, and execute more effectively. The step-by-step guided process along with coaching has been tremendously helpful and has assisted, in some small or large part, the development of nearly every aspect of CarPool Education. One of the most impressive things about the Edify Accelerator program is the breadth of expertise of the team that leads it. The program leaders are experienced business professionals who have a deep understanding of the various challenges that businesses face in today's fast-paced and constantly evolving environments. Edify provides valuable insights and guidance on a wide range of topics, from developing a clear and compelling vision to creating a business model that is sustainable and scalable. The program is also very hands-on. There was a strong focus on helping CarPool Education to put the ideas and concepts that are covered into practice. We had access to ample support throughout and beyond the program. The program leaders work closely with every participant to help them identify the areas that may need the most work, and then provide then coach you through the steps to make progress. This includes things such as marketing and sales, customer and product propositions, and business culture. In sum, I highly recommend the Edify Accelerator program for any business, new or established, that is looking to gain a deeper understanding of its purpose, business models, customers, product, and more. The program expertly led and provides a wealth of resources and support to help any entrepreneurs or company take their business to the next level".
Fletcher Carpool Education
Video Reviews
One Up One Down - AI-based decentralised mentoring platform & Natalie
Loxe Inc - Decentralised dispute resolution platform developers & Mathius
SWARM - Organisational structure experts for decentralised impact innovation hubs
"Very valuable program for projects to have strong fundamentals and a strategy to help SingularityNET community".
Also, the collaboration with the experienced Andamio team itself, and the fact that Andamio is already functional and powering the Plutus PBL course at Gimbalabs, gives high confidence for the success of the project as we will be incrementally evolving with Andamio, not writing it from scratch.
Immediate Goals
Future plans
This programme is the foundation (MVP) of our online digital PBL offering.
We plan to use this platform and programme to expand our delivery of our service offerings, both in terms of the depth and breadth of programmes offered and our business model offerings.
Planned future product, market and business developments will include:
Business platform expansion and integration
All of these programmes and initiatives will both serve members of the catalyst community as well as bringing potential users of Cardano services into the community.
Milestone 1,
Weeks 0-4
This phase will include:
Milestone 2,
Weeks 0-16
This phase will include:
Milestone 3,
Weeks 5-20
This phase will include:
Milestone 4,
Weeks 5-20
This phase will include:
Milestone 5,
Weeks 21-29
This phase will include:
Milestone 6,
Weeks 25-34
This phase will include:
Milestone 7,
Weeks 34-36
This phase will include:
Future plans - revenue/opportunities
The next phase of the project will include considering and evaluating different potential revenue models for the project, such as:
Milestone 1: Weeks 0-4
Deliverables and Outputs:
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 2: Weeks 0-16
Deliverables and Outputs:
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 3: Weeks 5-20
Deliverables and Outputs:
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 4: Weeks 5-20
Deliverables and Outputs:
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 5: Weeks 21-29
Deliverables and Outputs:
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 6: Weeks 25-34
Deliverables and Outputs:
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 7: Weeks 34-36
Deliverables and Outputs:
Intended Outcomes:
Link to miro board for full programme overview of modules and sessions:
Milestone 1,
Weeks 0-4
This phase will include:
Total ₳ 11520
Milestone 2,
Weeks 0-16
This phase will include:
Total ₳7680
Milestone 3,
Weeks 5-20
This phase will include:
Total ₳ 66434
Milestone 4,
Weeks 5-20
This phase will include:
Total ₳12288
Milestone 5,
Weeks 21-29
This phase will include:
Total ₳ 11520
Milestone 6,
Weeks 25-34
This phase will include:
Total ₳ 8640
Milestone 7,
Weeks 34-36
This phase will include:
Andamio costings
Programme Development and Deployment Costs
Course Development and Promotion
Total ₳ 119920
Loading onto the Andamio platform as a Project Based Learning Course
Total ₳ 125000
Total Investment Requested to deliver working PBL Mentoring Course
₳ 244520
Rates used are average for those in each industry, in Europe. Tech and Content IP in this area are specialist driven and in very short supply.
Link to miro board for full programme overview of modules and sessions:
Exponential leverage of existing catalyst investment
This proposal is designed to allow us to leverage our existing funded catalyst projects - where we have transposed our proven set of tools and frameworks into a bespoke Toolkit designed to support blockchain developers and the wider community, as they undertake the journey from technical brilliance, to successfully scaleable enterprises.
Now we want to be able to provide those resources at scale to the developer community - and loading our proven content onto the Andamio platform developed by Gimbal Labs allows us to do that in a robust, cost-effective solution.
Our robust toolkit for scalable business growth - once delivered as an online PBL programme will allow developers to turn their tech solutions into successful businesses, more systematically, and with more confidence: supporting them to generate more revenue, in less time, with less stress.
this will result in more successful business growth for more developer teams already in the network
Bringing more developers into the Cardano ecosystem
As this programme is highly scalable it will mean that it can be promoted to other developers within the blockchain ecosystem - so engaging more developers into the catalyst community. Both driving more Dapps on the network and increasing network usage and so overall building the brand of Cardano across the blockchain developer world.
Harry Hellyer Course Expert, Content Expert
Harry specialises in helping enterprises and organsations of all sizes and flavours, deliver scalable growth based around full-value based, impact innovation. He believes that Education should be delivered debt free - as a basic human right. And his focus is to support people to appreciate, attain and realise their full value. He has coached and mentored hundreds of leadership team members from small tech firms to global organisations, including Fellows at Cambridge University, and Imperial College London’s Education dept. For the last 18 months he has been actively involved in the Catalyst community, working with the Edify Colab team to deliver funded proposals around scalable exponential growth, in F7, F8 and F9.
Yoram Ben Zvi, Course Expert, Content Expert
Yoram has 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, management, and business development, working with multinational teams. Since 2018, he has focused on helping impact-driven companies adopt technology solutions for community engagement, new business models, and social and environmental impact. Yoram is a cardano ambassador, active at Cardano4climate, New member onboarding challenge team, CA/VCA and overall very active in creating partnerships and onboarding companies to the Cardano ecosystem.
Jude Ugwuegbulam
Jude help’s Coaches & Consultants digitise their customer journey and turn strategic ideas into business assets. Resulting in more leads, more sales and automated support. Helps Professional Practices (HR, Legal and Dental) struggling to implement and manage their data protection/GDPR compliance to gain clarity, control and, accountability.
Dr Julie King, Programme Advisor
Head of the Centre for Academic English, Imperial College London.
Julie is an educationalist and head of Imperial’s world renowned CfAE, and long time Edify client. Experienced at building and providing education modules internationally, delivered both asychronously and synchonously for students and Academics. Julie will overses the process of adapting our course content successfully into the LMS envisonment and Andamio platform
Roberto Mayen-Hess, Andamio project lead
Roberto is a Business and Innovation Manager and brings a diverse skill set to the project encompassing software development, business, program management, and law. Roberto’s experience with early stage startups in Latin America allows him to offer a unique perspective on problem-solving and driving innovation. He’s also involved in leading efforts to bring Cardano to spanish-speaking communities through initiatives like Cardano Sin Tecnicismos and the Spanish translation of the Plutus Project-Based Learning program.
M.Ali Modiri, Andamio Smart Contract Developer
is a versatile individual with experience in Mechatronic studies and a background in the Iranian young mathematics association. With a cybersecurity background as a malwares analyst and penetration tester, he excels at addressing digital threats. Ali's programming proficiency spans from low-level languages like Assembly and C to high-level languages like Golang and JavaScript. As a proud student of Gimbalabs, he specializes in Plutus smart contract development for blockchain projects. He contributes to the Cardano community as a member of the Cardano Certification Group and an author of CIP 96, while his ultimate passion lies in helping humanity transcend its current struggles.
James Dunseith, Project advisor
James is a Teacher, Coach, Smart Contract Developer and Facilitator with extensive experience in creating engaging learning experiences and facilitating problem-solving. James has successfully implemented project-based learning and mastery-based grading methodologies. Additionally, he has contributed to developing, creating resilient and reusable components. James leveraged his expertise in learning design and community engagement for this project.