ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

Bring Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate, Gimbalabs Plutus Project-Based Learning(PPBL) and Catalyst School to developers


To enable onboarding the developer in Vietnamese community to the Catalyst and Cardano Ecosystem, a system is necessary that caters to the languages spoken by the non-English speakers

Image file


The group of decentralized community educators will educate about Blockchain Fundamentals, Gimbalabs Plutus Project-Based Learning (PPBL) and Catalyst in native language.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Bring Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate, Gimbalabs Plutus Project-Based Learning(PPBL) and Catalyst School to developers.

Total funds requested
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Our core team member are:

Linh P

Role: Project Quality Manager, Instructor

Dr Linh Pham is Australia based, has completed his professional doctorate in information technology (DInfoTech), was a computer network and security consultant and turned to become an academic specialised in digital forensics and cybersecurity academic since 2004. He involves with Cardano Ecosystem and Project Catalyst in the following community roles: Fund 7 Challenge Team member for “Disarm cyber disinformation attacks”. Team Lead in Fund8 and Fund9 for “Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano” and Fund10 Team Lead for “Development & Infrastructure” challenges and Co-host and Moderator for Eastern Hemisphere Townhall since Fund 7.


Ideascale account: @linhcardano

Mie Tran

Role: Marketing lead, Project Catalyst Instructor,

Bio: Cardano Ambassador, Eastern Townhall Moderator, Funded proposer, Challenge Team member, Cardano Catalyst TV host.

Ideascale account: @mie.tran.0407

Nguyen Anh Tien

Role: Project Manager, Product Owner, Blockchain Developer, Instructor

Bio: the founder of the VILAI stake pool, and a computer science expert working in the Cardano/Crypto space since 2018. Cardano Ambassador, Funded Proposer, member of Plutus, Atala Prism Pioneer Program, a Challenge Team member and Co-host for Eastern Town Hall.

Nguyen Van Hieu

Role: Senior Blockchain/Full stack Developer, Instructor

Bio: founder of HADA stake pool, member of Plutus Pioneer Program, and Lead Technical Support at many successful startups.

Hoang Van Tam

Role: Mentors, Community Moderator, Instructor

Bio: Blockchain enthusiastic, Participated in the Haskell Course, Plutus Pioneer Program #4 (IOG Academy), and the Plutus Project-Based Learning 2023 (Gimbalabs).


