Last updated a year ago
The ecosystem of developers, artists and entrepreneurs is without a real-world home to incubate innovation, promote cross-pollination of ideas and collaboration, and broaden the reach of the Cardano.
We will launch a programme of 30-day residencies, giving participants expert mentorship, time and the freedom they need to elevate ideas that add value to the blockchain to the next level.
This is the total amount allocated to Camp Cardano.
We are currently in discussions with some of our favourite Cardano-based projects and our existing community members, including Claymates and Sustainable ADA. While not part of the formal delivery team, they provide excellent advice and support in various aspects of the project.
No dependencies
While the Incubator process itself does not have any clear outputs that are able to be covered under IP or made open source, selected projects that take part in the residency will be nurtured to ensure that they include either open-source or community-owned outputs.
SDG Goals
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG Subgoals
12.8 - By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
8.1 - Sustain per capita economic growth in accordance with national circumstances and, in particular, at least 7 per cent gross domestic product growth per annum in the least developed countries
8.3 - Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
9.1 - Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
We are curating a collective of leading artists, academics and entrepreneurs from the Cardano community to develop innovative ideas into collaborative solutions and world-leading content for the blockchain.
We will equip and support selected projects by providing the co-mentorship networks, physical space and expert development required to take projects from ideation to pre-seed.
Public members will submit projects that add value to the blockchain in four categories: arts, social impact, development and infrastructure, and open. Selected projects will be developed at funded 30-day residencies in inspiring locations worldwide, giving participants the expert mentorship, time and freedom they need to elevate their ideas to the next level. Experts will include accountants, legal professionals, an artist and an entrepreneur in residence, curated to benefit the selected projects.
Residencies culminate in a Closing Ceremony, where the Campers will introduce and launch the projects they have developed to the broader community. The Cardano community will be invited to attend, and for those who can’t join in person, the celebration will be live-streamed, physically and virtually uniting the community.
The ultimate goal of this project is to provide a working Incubator Programme that can function as a pre-cursor to Project Catalyst, focused on accelerating interactions between the existing community, an onboarding programme for entrepreneurs, academics and artists and accelerating the ideation phases of innovation: ultimately increasing Project Catalysts' effectiveness as an Accelerator.
What we’re measuring
How we’re measuring it
All outputs will be communicated on an ongoing basis:
Each core team member has a high degree of capability and experience in their relevant fields, and collectively, the team has been managing a live-in workspace for 40 artists, academics and entrepreneurs for over eight years in Brighton, UK. Internally, we have all the relevant experience in managing a community of this type and specialise in managing the cross-pollination of ideas and people from different backgrounds.
In our eyes, the 100% success of Camp Cardano will provide the following:
October - Residency dates and location confirmed and booked.* 50% budget
November-December - Project launch - submissions open.
January -Shortlisting. Project selection announcement, end of Jan.
February - Confirm entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants and artists in residence. * 15%
March - announcements, q+a sessions with successful applicants.* 10%
April - Practical set-up.
May - Camp Cardano 1.
June - Feedback, Evaluation, analysis.
July - Closing video, learnings. *15%
*Milestones & overall budget percentage requirement
October - Residency dates and location confirmed and booked.* 50% budget
November-December - Project launch - submissions open.
January -Shortlisting. Project selection announcement, end of Jan.
February - Confirm entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants and artists in residence. * 15%
March - announcements, q+a sessions with successful applicants.* 10%
April - Practical set-up.
May - Camp Cardano 1.
June - Feedback, Evaluation, analysis.
July - Closing video, learnings. *15%
*Milestones & overall budget percentage requirement
Due to the recent fluctuations in price, ADA requirements have been calculated at the recent floor price of 0.20GBP to ensure that project is fully deliverable. In the event of remaining funds, additional funds will be put towards each participating project to help support their outcomes.
£60k - Physical space rental for 1-3 months, suitable for 10-30 persons
£15k - Catering budget at £5k pcm
£5k - Videographer/production budget
£20k - Experts in residence budget, £5k fee per expert
£20k - Team wages: £5k per person
£10k - Travel
£20k - Contingency
The equivalent programmes that Camp Cardano is based on, organised by the likes of MIT and Mass Challenge, have a budget of over £1Million per season. We can deliver at a fraction of the cost due to the social focus over commercial intent, leveraging cost in kind and long-standing relationships with professionals to bring the cost down to less than 20% of other programmes' budgets while retaining an extremely high quality.
Andrew Faley - Project Lead
Acclaimed major-label Musician, Serial Founder and Artist Development specialist with a passion for Education and Technology, Andrew is one of the UK’s most innovative entrepreneurs building platforms and communities that help others reach their full potential.
Nick Parker - Head of Operations
With director-level experience across both the private and charity sectors, Nick has a broad skill set and a keen eye for everything operational. Building upon his event production and venue management background, Nick is responsible for ensuring our residency programmes run smoothly.
Laurie Denman - Head of Technology
Founder of the most popular virtual reality venue in Europe, Promoter and Producer Laurie is a world leader in creating ground-breaking performances that blend the best of art and technology into genuinely immersive experiences for audiences.
Colette Batten-Turner - Managing Director and Head of Social Impact and Community
Social enterprise Founder, Director, Filmmaker and Development Consultant to the charity sector, Colette is committed to social justice and always looking for ways that Cardano can benefit marginalised communities. Passionate about the power of uniting communities for global social impact.