Last updated a year ago

cardaMEDIA - Increase the market reach/success of your funded proposal through a community-subsidized professional media planning, translation and copywriting service


cardaMEDIA will provide a community-subsidize professional media planning & copywriting service to help funded Catalyst projects to reached their target markets and prospects.


cardaMEDIA will provide a community-subsidize professional media planning & copywriting service to help funded Catalyst projects reach their target markets and prospects.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to cardaMEDIA - Increase the market reach/success of your funded proposal through a community-subsidized professional media planning, translation and copywriting service.

Total funds requested
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Thorsten Pottebaum - he will be responsible for the administration, project management, customer value mapping consulting and draft versions of copywriting items & translations.

Didier Thomas - he will be responsible for the communication consulting part including media plans, copywriting & translations.

Thorsten Pottebaum
Thorsten Pottebaum
Didier Thomas
Didier Thomas