Last updated a year ago
Too much education is done online these days. This might be ok for experienced developers and established communities - but online is not the right way to form new developers and create communities.
On-the-ground training for new developers and SPOs in remote areas and in their native language. Connecting new developers to local businesses and showcasing Cardano capabilities
This is the total amount allocated to Dev Course in Angola in Portuguese.
Dalmo Silma
Ricardo Silva
The project does not have dependencies
Project will be fully open source.
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG Subgoals
1.a Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.c By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States
9.3 Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets
9.4 By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.a Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
9.b Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
9.b.1 Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added
9.3.1 Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added
Too much education is done online these days. This might be ok for experienced developers and established communities - but online is not the right way to form new developers and create communities.
Cardano has a lot of documentation online but very few in-person courses. This can be seen, for example, in the lack of regional CIP-1694 workshops, despite increasing adoption rates, which indicates a need for more dedicated onboarding.
The pandemic has forever altered how people learn and work. A lot of the education sector moved online out of a need to keep students protected and has never come back. Although remote learning has been widely used, it is undeniable that in-person learning offers distinct advantages.
While online has its advantages, there is no substitute for the benefits of in-person interactions.
To address the lack of in-person learning for developers, we have created a Dev Course geared towards giving the general public an overview of what blockchains are and then diving deep into the Cardano stack for those interested in developing on Cardano.
We now want to use that content, translate it into Portuguese and organise in-person Dev Courses to form new Cardano developers in Angola and put them in touch with local businesses.
The educational material has been written by the team at Dynamic Strategies and is available at this link in English:
The Dev Course is split into 2 parts. The first part runs over the first 2 to 4 days and covers the basics of the blockchain and how Cardano fits into it. This part is particularly useful for local businesses. The second part runs over the second 2 to 4 days and is more hands-on and geared towards forming new developers - it teaches them how to interact with and build on Cardano.
We propose to deliver the following:
The project will be delivered by Dynamic Strategies in partnership with two local businessmen. Dalmo and Ricardo are local businessmen with over 20y experience in the fields. Over the years, they have accrued contacts in Telecoms, Natural resources, the Financial sector, Big 4 Consultancies, and Marketing. They will use their contacts to engage local businesses to participate in the Dev Course through local social media and existing contacts on the ground.
This proposal addresses the following questions in the challenge settings:
Q: How do we attract developers from outside of our current community to participate in Catalyst?
A: We are proposing an in-person training course to train developers in isolated regions in their language. This will help onboard new developers into the Cardano and create a local developer ecosystem.
Q: What do developers want, and how do they get it from the Cardano dev ecosystem?
A: A section in the training course provides the new developers with an overview of how they can find help independently and participate in Catalyst.
Q: What are enterprise dev managers looking for to be able to build out enterprise projects - either internal or commercial?
A: The first part of the education program invites local businesses to learn the basics of blockchains and what commercial problems blockchains help to solve. This allows them to interact with the new developer community and the potential for employment opportunities
This proposal also aligns with more than one Direction in the challenge setting. Specifically:
Delivering the Dev Course increases the awareness of what blockchains are in general and Cardano in particular. The first 2 days of the proposal give a general introduction to blockchains and Cardano, and the second 2 days give a hands-on experience of interacting and building on Cardano. This Dev Course gives the tools to participants to start exploring and further progress their knowledge of Cardano. This paves the way for increased adoption.
The training will be organized locally and delivered by a professional with over 20y professional experience in the tech and finance industries. A local company will support the course delivery, it will arrange the logistics, marketing, and engage local sports to provide additional support for the event and longer-term engagement.
Engaging the sponsors early in the process, we will aim to demonstrate the capability of the Cardano blockchain to solve business use cases and connect the participants in the Dev Course with potential employers. A physical course will demonstrate the presence of a Cardano community in the local economy to the large corporations.
This will increase the adoption of Cardano in Africa by discussing the use cases for blockchains and Cardano with participants and local businesses.
The Dev Course will onboard new developers into the Cardano ecosystem and create a base of local experts that local businesses and consultancies can rely on.
Project Catalyst will be discussed during the course and the opportunities that exist within for the locals to participate as proposers and/or accessors
The second part of the Dev Course is a hands-on experience to launch a cardano-node, interact with it, create NFTs and interact with smart contracts. This forms the basis for the participants then to go and launch their own projects. Dmitry Shibaev, who will deliver the course, has projects funded through Catalyst and, therefore, will be able to give practical guidance.
Our two local partners will engage local businesses, large corporations and institutions well ahead of the event. Dalmo Silva and Ricardo Silva have deep connections in large corporations and local institutions gained over the decades by running their businesses and operating the local economy
A report with the following KPIs will be produced at the end of each month
Documentation KPI
Event KPI
Post Event KPI - collected via a poll of participants 1 month after the course
The translation in Portuguese will be published on our website and will be free for the community to use. It will be distributed under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 4.0) that allows copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format, as well as remixing, transforming, and building upon the material for any purpose, including commercial as long as attribution is attribution to the creator is made.
The material will be made available on our website alongside the English version of the text
We will also share updates on the planning and during the Dev Course on our twitter account
Dmitry Shibaev, 20y experience in big tech and financial institutions, runs a blockchain company, speaks at professional events, and builds Cardano tools. Dalmo Silva and Ricardo Silva are local businessmen with contacts in the Telecom, Consultancies and Financial sector.
Dmitry has experience teaching in a classroom setting and talking at corporate events:
Dmitry will do the translation. He is fluent in English and in Portuguese and is also a Cardano developer and has hands-on experience with all the content. He has a Bachelor's in Economics and a Master's in Financial Economics from a top University in Lisbon:
Dmitry is also a respected member of the local business community in Portugal:
The main goals of the project are:
The project has three milestones.
Milestone 1: Translate the Dev Course into Portuguese
The Dev Course is divided into 2 sections. Two types of material will need to be prepared in the first section for the general public and the second section for the hands-on interaction of the Cardano ecosystem. The first part includes PowerPoint slides and teacher’s notes, and the second part is mostly the code with commentary for developers to follow. These will be translated into Portuguese
The workshop’s content that will be translated is located here:
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 2: Organize the event in Luanda, Angola
Search for the physical venue where to run the Dev Course. Create a marketing campaign on local social media to advertise the event and get feedback on the expected number of participants. Engage with local businesses and build their interest in attending the Dev Course to learn about how blockchains can help them reach their commercial targets and network with developers.
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 3: Complete the event in Luanda, Angola
Arrange travel logistics to Luanda, Angola. Meet and greet local businesses and promote blockchain technology. Run the Dev Course and interact with the local developer community. Promote networking, encourage debate between newly formed developers and local businesses, and find common grounds for them to continue working together.
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 1: Translate the Dev Course into Portuguese
Deliverables: Translated slides and teacher notes for the first 2 days of the Dev Course and the code workbooks for the second 2 days of the Dev Course
Outputs: A translation in Portuguese and published alongside this content
Intended Outcomes: A published Dev Course in the Portuguese language, open-sourced under the Creative Commons license for the community to use
Milestone 2: Organize the Dev Course in Luanda, Angola
Deliverables: An organized Dev Course over 4 days in Luand Angola
Outputs: Venue booked, marketing campaign launched, local businesses engaged for their participation
Intended Outcomes: The venue for the course is booked where the Dev Course will be hosted, and an estimate on the expected number of participants who will attend the Dev Course and the number of local businesses that will be present for the first part of the course and to network with participants
Milestone 3: Complete the Dev Course in Angola
Deliverables: Complete the workshop, collect feedback and facilitate introductions between students and local businesses
Outputs: A closing report
Intended Outcomes: The local business that attended gained valuable insight into how blockchains help solve business problems collected through feedback forms. At the end of the course, the participants will have learned how to launch Cardano nodes, interact with smart contracts and apply for Catalyst funding, amongst other things Cardano related.
Milestone 1: Translate the Dev Course into Portuguese
Total $5,760
Milestone 2: Organize the event in Angola
Facebook Ads (Facebook and Instagram) $500
LinkedIn Ads $500
PR and Media coverage $1 000
Total $5,840
Milestone 3: Complete the Dev Course in Angola
Return economy ticket Lisbon (Portugal) - Luanda (Angola) = $1 000
AirBnB accommodation in Luanda $100 * 6 nights = $600
Travel in Luanda $20 * 6 days = $120
Presentation Hall: $1 000 * 4 days = $4 000
Refreshments and Snacks for 50 participants: $700 * 4 days = $2 800
Total: $17,720
TOTAL in USD: $29 320
ADA at $0.3
TOTAL in ADA: 97,733
The budget covers a 6 days stay in Luanda, Angola, whilst the event is delivered over 4 days.
One day is planned for arrival, settling in accommodations, and checking that the Event venue and other preparations for the event are in order. Then 4 days for the event proper.
And the last day after the event to ensure the event closes appropriately and allow for time after the event to engage with local sponsors and plan future events there.
Creating a local community well-versed in Cardano and familiarity with Cardano by the local business community can potentially grow Cardano's adoption in that region. Successful delivery of the project will also create a launchpad to translate the Dev Course to other languages and run similar Dev Courses elsewhere.
Portuguese is the 6th most spoken language in the world, with around 215 million native speakers across Europe, Africa and Latin America. This is a very large reach, for context, that is 2/3rds of the population of US.
We will consider the event a success if it attracts 50+ people to join the first 2 days of the Dev Course and 20+ for the second part of the event.
We will engage local businesses and financial institutions before the Dev Course to send delegates to participate and network with course participants. A big success will be if businesses hire participants and show interest in the Cardano technology to integrate into their processes.
In addition to the Dev Course, the community will get written material with slides, teacher notes and code in Portuguese to run their courses and spread the knowledge about Web3 and Cardano.
Project Lead
Dmitry Shibaev will translate the workshop to Portuguese and deliver it on the ground in Luanda, Angola
Linked in profile:
5 years experience in big tech delivering large-scale projects on the SAP system at energy companies in the south of Europe. 15 years of experience in financial markets at an investment bank in London, Singapore and Amsterdam.
Built and delivered tools to manage the bank’s capital, balance sheet and trading positions and led large investment projects and ran workshops on how to use them to 300+ participants
Speaker at conferences:
Dmitry writes on blockchain technology and has produced the content for the 4-day workshop in English:
Dmitry is fluent in English and in Portuguese. He has a Batchelor's in Economics and a Master's in Financial Economics from a top University in Lisbon:
Dmitry is recognized as an entrepreneur in the local business community in Portugal
Dmitry volunteers at the local secondary school where he helps kids learn basic skill of how to manage money, and at a primary school where he gives chess lessons to under 10 year olds.
Dmitry has built a number of community apps and has a good knowledge of how Cardano works:
A wallet connector between DApps and Wallets gives the boilerplate code for new app developers. This is how the Cardano Beam Web App interacts with Cardano web-wallets, and has been open-sourced. The Github repo has over 100 stars. The repo has been forked by IOG
App demo1:
App demo2:
Dmitry is a Contributor to the Cardano Developer Portal with a quick start guide on how to connect the Web Apps to different Cardano web-wallets
A Public GraphQL endpoint with web client letting anyone query the Cardano blockchain from their browser or API.
Staking Reward Calculator synced to the blockchain that shows how much payout can be expected from different pools and analytics around it
Cardano Wallet Functions that can be used in React Native apps to communicate with the cardano-wallet backend service
We received recognition for building community tools at Adafolio:
Dmitry was part of the first cohort of Plutus Pioneers (NFT celebrating course completion is here: )
Dmitry runs a Stake pool on Cardano with ticker DSIO registered in 2020, and previously received twice a delegation from Cardano Foundation. Link:
Dmitry is active on the Cardano forum and Cardano Stack Exchange:
The team has already delivered 2 out of their 3 previously funded catalyst projects, with the third one progressing at pace.
Marketing Manager
Dalmo Silma
14 years of experience in marketing in sectors such as telecommunications, banking, oil and gas and services.
Owns CALOP Digital, a digital marketing agency.
Runs Marcas em acção ( ) which is the go-to website for marketing and advertising news, insights and trends within Angola.
Business Development
Ricardo Silva
Advisor on the project with a broad contact network in Angola