[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
Ben Gordon
[GENERAL] Email address of main applicant
Additional applicants
Clint Alexander
Marjan Zadeh
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.” .
No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] If NO, please describe which outputs are not going to be open source. If YES, please write “Project will be fully open source.”
Project will be fully open source
[METADATA] Category of proposal
Dev Tools, API or Library
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2030
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
How you perceive the problem you are solving
The problem we are solving is the lack of a dedicated decentralized and on-chain educational platform for developers transitioning from Ethereum to Cardano. We recognize that transitioning from one blockchain ecosystem to another can be challenging and developers often struggle to find reliable resources and a supportive community database during this process. The scattered nature of existing educational materials further exacerbates the problem, making it difficult to access comprehensive and up-to-date information.
Your reasons for approaching it in the way that you have
We have chosen to address this problem by creating a decentralized and on-chain collection of builder terms offering several advantages. By leveraging the power of the Cardano blockchain, we ensure the security, transparency and immutability of educational content and user interactions.
Who your project will engage
Developers will benefit from a centralized hub of educational resources tailored to their specific needs, including tutorials, articles, videos and other learning materials. The community-governed upvoting/downvoting tool of terms and information submitted, will encourage active participation and collaboration. This will help to foster a vibrant ecosystem where developers can share their knowledge and experiences, as well as suggest edits and corrections to existing entries. Additionally, our project will engage the broader Cardano community as the on-chain Eth2Ada Dictionary will become a hub for sharing resources and further contribute to the growth and adoption of the Cardano ecosystem as a whole. Community members can contribute their expertise by creating and sharing educational content thus expanding the available resources and enhancing the platform's value.
How you will demonstrate or prove your impact
We will demonstrate our impact through a number of ways which we have listed below:
The Users
Using a Cardano wallet address (1 address = 1 account) connect to sign in system (web3 registration rather than traditional email based) will allow us to easily track the number of active users, engagement levels, user feedback, edits per account etc .to gauge the platform's adoption and effectiveness.
Resource Quality
The community-governed upvoting/downvoting tool will provide a measure of the quality and relevance of educational resources. We will code the ratings and reviews to ensure that the most valuable content rises to the top. Users will also be able to suggest edits and improvements to others content and these changes too will be subject to the upvoting/downvoting system.
Developer Success Stories
We will showcase success stories of developers who have successfully transitioned from Ethereum to Cardano using the resources and community support provided via the use of the Ethereum2Cardano Dictionary and the Eth2Ada University as a whole.
Partnership and Integration
Through strategic collaborations with key projects and initiatives, our Eth2Ada Dictionary will showcase the tangible impact and value we deliver to the community. By providing user-friendly CSS Tooltip code and HTML formatting guides, we empower developers and content creators to seamlessly reference and cite the Eth2Ada Dictionary. This valuable resource not only benefits developers but also enables content creators to effectively communicate Cardano-specific terms to a wider audience, including those less familiar with technical jargon. Our commitment to collaboration and integration ensures that the Eth2Ada Dictionary becomes an essential tool for knowledge dissemination within the Cardano ecosystem, fostering growth and accessibility.
[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
Our proposed solution directly addresses the challenge of providing a comprehensive educational platform for developers transitioning from Ethereum to Cardano. By leveraging the Cardano blockchain and introducing community-governed tools to moderate the educational resources, our solution offers several benefits to the Cardano ecosystem listed below:
- Provides a centralized hub of educational content specifically tailored to developers transitioning to Cardano. This streamlines the learning process, reduces the time and effort required to find reliable resources whilst promoting a smoother transition experience. Developers will have access to endless learning materials that focus on Cardano's unique features, terminology, architecture and developmental practices.
- Secondly, the community-governed upvoting/downvoting tool empowers developers to actively participate in the curation and rating of educational resources. This promotes collaboration, knowledge sharing and the identification of the most valuable and relevant content. It encourages developers to engage with the platform, contribute their own expertise, and build a vibrant ecosystem of high-quality educational materials. Users shall be rewarded for such interactions at a later date.
- Content creators will have a reliable reference point to explain Cardano-specific terms to a broader audience, including those less technically inclined. This promotes understanding and engagement with Cardano's concepts and technology. For example the incorporation CSS Tooltip code generator and formatting guides allows developers and content creators to easily reference and cite the Eth2Ada dictionary in their own writing and work, fostering effective communication and knowledge dissemination.
- The impact of this project extends beyond funding the project team in creating their vision. It brings significant value to the Cardano ecosystem by attracting developers to the community, strengthening the ecosystem's knowledge base whilst fostering collaboration among developers transitioning to Cardano. The on-chain Eth2Ada Dictionary serves as a key resource for developers seeking to understand Cardano's unique features and leverage its capabilities, ultimately contributing to the growth and adoption of Cardano as a blockchain platform.
Quantifying the exact impact of the project is challenging, as it depends on various factors such as user adoption, community engagement and the overall growth of the Cardano ecosystem. However, we anticipate that the Ethereum2Cardano on-chain Dictionary will attract a substantial number of developers who are interested in transitioning from Ethereum to Cardano. We aim to achieve a significant increase in the number of active users on the platform and a high level of engagement through community led initiatives to incentive users to interact with the platform.
While specific numbers and targets may vary our overarching goal is to achieve an increase in the number of developers transitioning to Cardano and actively participating in the platform within a reasonable timeframe. By providing an accessible and robust educational platform, we aim to solve a key problem faced by developers and contribute to the overall strength and growth of the ecosystem.
[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
We intend to measure the success of our project through several key indicators and metrics. These measurements will help us evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the decentralized and on-chain Ethereum2Cardano Dictionary in achieving its objectives. Some of the metrics we will consider include:
- User Adoption: We will track the number of wallets (i.e. registered users) on the platform and monitor the growth rate over time. Increasing user adoption indicates the attractiveness and relevance of the educational resources offered by the Eth2Ada University.
- User Engagement: We will assess user engagement metrics such as active users, session durations, and frequency of interactions. Higher levels of engagement demonstrate that users find value in the content, actively participate in the community, and continue to return to the platform for ongoing education and support.
- Content Quality and Popularity: The community-governed upvoting/downvoting tool will allow users to rate and review educational resources. Monitoring the ratings, reviews and popularity of content will provide insights into the quality and relevance of the materials available on the platform.
- Citations and Backlinks: The number and quality of third-party content creators linking to the Eth2Ada diction can be monitor and analyzed using public SEO tools such as SEO Spyglass and Semrush. This will provide a reliable and independent measure of success and the adoption of the Eth2Ada in the broader Cardano ecosystem.
- Developer Success Stories: We will collect and showcase success stories from developers who have successfully transitioned from Ethereum to Cardano using the educational resources provided by the Eth2Ada University. These stories will serve as testimonials to the effectiveness and impact of the platform.
- Community Engagement: We will measure the level of community engagement through metrics such as forum activity, participation in discussions, and contributions of additional educational content by community members. A vibrant and active community indicates a successful and thriving platform.
- Feedback and Surveys: We will actively seek feedback from users through surveys and feedback mechanisms integrated into the platform. Gathering feedback will help us understand user satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions for platform enhancements.
By tracking these metrics and collecting feedback from users, we will have a comprehensive understanding of the project's progress and impact. This data-driven approach will allow us to continuously improve the Eth2Ada University and ensure its effectiveness in supporting developers transitioning to Cardano.
[IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
We have a comprehensive plan to share the outputs and results of our project, ensuring transparency and accessibility to the Cardano community and beyond. Here are our key strategies:
- Online Platform: We will create a dedicated section on the Eth2Ada University platform to share project updates, reports, and relevant information. This section will serve as a central repository of project outputs and results.
- Blog Posts and Articles: We will regularly publish blog posts and articles on relevant platforms, such as the Cardano official blog, Medium, and other industry-related websites. These publications will highlight the progress, achievements, and impact of the Eth2Ada University project, reaching a wider audience.
- Social Media Engagement: We will actively engage with the Cardano community and the broader blockchain community through social media channels, such as Twitter, Reddit, and Discord. Regular updates, announcements, and discussions will be shared to keep the community informed about the project's outputs and results.
- Community Events and Conferences: We will participate in relevant community events and conferences to present our project and share our findings with a larger audience. This will provide an opportunity to engage directly with stakeholders, gather feedback, and establish collaborations.
- Reports and Documentation: We will produce comprehensive reports and documentation that outline the project's objectives, methodologies, outcomes, and impact. These documents will be made available for download on the Eth2Ada University platform and shared with relevant stakeholders, including the Cardano Foundation, IOHK, Emurgo, and the broader Cardano community.
- Collaboration with Cardano Ecosystem: We will actively collaborate with other projects and initiatives within the Cardano ecosystem to share our outputs and results. This may include joint publications, cross-promotion, and integration of our educational resources with other platforms, further expanding the reach and impact of our project.
By implementing these strategies, we will ensure that the outputs and results of our project are widely disseminated and accessible to the Cardano community, developers transitioning to Cardano, industry stakeholders, and blockchain enthusiasts. We believe that open sharing and transparent communication are crucial for fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the continued growth of the Cardano ecosystem.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?
With a successful completion and launch of phase 1 of the Eth2Ada Dictionary (eth2ada.com successfully funded during F9 - proposal here), we have a proven track record of delivering projects with trust and accountability. Our capability to maintain these standards is grounded in our experience as a team, full time 9 strong, transparent communication - be it in Town Hall breakouts of elsewhere, community engagement - 5k + active community, adherence to timelines and commitment to continuous improvement. The team has also delivered their staking app which is live at: https://app.tangent.art. TVL is in excess of 550,000 ADA at present.
We want to stress that we are a full time team with commitments to build on Cardano.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?
Our main goal is to develop a decentralized and on-chain version of the Eth2Ada University, offering comprehensive educational resources to support developers transitioning from Ethereum to Cardano. We will facilitate knowledge transfer, empower developers with essential skills and foster community engagement.
To validate our approach, we will gather user feedback through surveys, testing and community interactions. We will track adoption and usage metrics, community growth, and monitor collaborative projects. Additionally, we will collect and showcase success stories from developers who have successfully utilised the Ethererm2Cardano on-chain Dictionary when making the transition.
Implementation-wise, we will leverage our expertise in development of on-chain software before, UI / UX design and community management. Through collaboration with the Cardano community, we will ensure a user-friendly platform that continuously improves.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.
2023 Q3:
- Apply for Catalyst funding (done)
2023 Q4:
- Commence development of backend platform
- Cardano Community consultation on plan
- Incentivised contributors meeting 1
- Launch marketing campaign on social media (push 1)
2024 Q1:
- Incentivised contributors meeting 2
- Soft launch of on-chain dictionary
- Conduct community consultation and gather feedback
2024 Q1:
- Full launch on-chain dictionary, allowing community contributions to entries
- Launch marketing campaign on social media (push 2) to attract Ethereum developers to Cardano
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.
Milestone 1:
Apply for Catalyst funding
- Deliverables: Completed Catalyst funding application
- Intended outcome: Secure funding to support the development of the on-chain Eth2Ada dictionary project
- Measurement: Successful submission of the funding application
Milestone 2:
Commence development of backend platform
- Deliverables: Development of the backend platform infrastructure
- Intended outcome: Establish the foundation for the on-chain dictionary platform
- Measurement: Completion of the backend platform development tasks according to the defined timeline
Milestone 3:
Cardano Community consultation on plan
- Deliverables: Gathering feedback and insights from the Cardano community on the project plan
- Intended outcome: Incorporate community input and ensure alignment with the needs and expectations of the Cardano ecosystem
- Measurement: Number of community members engaged, feedback received and adjustments made to the project plan based on community input
Milestone 4: Incentivised contributors meeting 1
- Deliverables: Organise a meeting for incentivized contributors to provide guidance and address questions
- Intended outcome: Foster collaboration and involvement of contributors, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives and knowledge in the dictionary project
- Measurement: Number of incentivized contributors participating, level of engagement during the meeting, and subsequent actions taken based on the meeting discussions
Milestone 5: Launch marketing campaign on social media (push 1)
- Deliverables: Executed marketing campaign on various social media platforms, including targeted content and advertisements
- Intended outcome: Generate awareness about the on-chain dictionary project, attract potential contributors and users to the platform
- Measurement: Reach and engagement metrics of the marketing campaign, such as impressions, clicks, and user interactions
Milestone 6: Incentivised contributors meeting 2
- Deliverables: Conduct a follow-up meeting with incentivized contributors to provide updates and gather feedback
- Intended outcome: Maintain engagement and collaboration with incentivized contributors, address any concerns or challenges, and ensure progress aligns with their expectations
- Measurement: Number of incentivized contributors participating, level of engagement during the meeting, and actions taken based on the meeting discussions
Milestone 7: Soft launch of on-chain dictionary
- Deliverables: Release the initial version of the on-chain dictionary platform with a focus on user experience and core functionalities
- Intended outcome: Allow users to access and utilize the on-chain dictionary, gather initial feedback, and identify areas for improvement
- Measurement: Number of users registered, user feedback and satisfaction ratings, and identification of potential enhancements based on user input
Milestone 8: Eth2Ada CSS Tooltip Generator
- Deliverables: CSS Tooltip Generator to create html code for linking to Eth2Ada
- Intended outcome: Allow creators to easily to generate the required html code to define terms link to the Eth2Ada dictionary
- Measurement: Google Analystics independent measurement of the number of backlinks by third-party content creators that are linking to Eth2Ada using this method
Milestone 9: Conduct community consultation and gather feedback
- Deliverables: Engage with the Cardano community to collect feedback on the on-chain dictionary, gather suggestions for enhancements, and address any concerns
- Intended outcome: Ensure that the on-chain dictionary meets the needs and expectations of the Cardano community and provide an avenue for continuous improvement
- Measurement: Number of community members engaged, feedback received, and actions taken based on community input
Milestone 10: Full launch of on-chain dictionary
- Deliverables: Release the complete and enhanced version of the on-chain dictionary platform with community contributions incorporated
- Intended outcome: Provide a comprehensive and valuable resource for developers transitioning from Ethereum to Cardano, fostering the growth and adoption of Cardano
- Measurement: Number of users registered, usage metrics (such as content consumption and completion rates), and user feedback on the enhanced platform features
Milestone 11: Launch marketing campaign on social media (push 2) to attract Ethereum developers to Cardano
- Deliverables: Execute a targeted marketing campaign aimed at attracting Ethereum developers to explore Cardano and the on-chain dictionary platform
- Intended outcome: Increase awareness among Ethereum developers about Cardano as a viable alternative, driving their engagement and adoption of the on-chain dictionary
- Measurement: Reach and engagement metrics of the marketing campaign, such as impressions, clicks, and conversions from Ethereum developers to registered users on the platform
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Development Costs: 80,000 ₳
- Backend platform development: 30,000 ₳
- On-chain dictionary development: 40,000 ₳
- User interface and experience design: 10,000 ₳
Community Engagement and Marketing: 30,000 ₳
- Marketing campaign creation and execution: 15,000 ₳
- Community consultation events and meetings: 5,000 ₳
- Incentivized contributors program: 10,000 ₳
Research and Documentation: 10,000 ₳
- Conducting user research and gathering feedback: 5,000 ₳
- Documentation and content creation: 5,000 ₳
Operational Costs: 20,000 ₳
- Web hosting and server expenses: 5,000 ₳
- Software licenses and subscriptions where necessary: 5,000 ₳
- Miscellaneous operational costs: 10,000 ₳
Contingency Fund: 10,000 ₳
- Set aside for unforeseen expenses or adjustments in the project plan
Total: 150,000 ₳
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways. Firstly, the proposed budget aligns with the scope and complexity of the project, ensuring that sufficient resources are allocated to deliver a high-quality and comprehensive decentralized and on-chain version of the Eth2Ada Dictionary. The cost breakdown takes into account various factors such as development, community engagement, marketing, research, documentation, and operational expenses covering all essential aspects of the project.
The costs described in the budget are based on careful consideration and industry standards. We have taken into account typical rates for software development, user interface design and content creation. Additionally, the budget includes operational costs, such as web hosting and software licenses, which are necessary to maintain the platform's functionality and security.
Furthermore, the cost of the project has been evaluated in comparison to similar initiatives and educational platforms in the blockchain industry. By benchmarking against industry standards and considering the value that the project will bring to the Cardano ecosystem, we believe that the proposed budget represents a fair investment in building a valuable resource for developers transitioning to Cardano.
We recognize the importance of ensuring value for money and are committed to cost-effective management throughout the project. Our team will closely monitor expenses and prioritize efficient resource allocation.
In summary, the cost of the project is justified by the comprehensive nature of the proposed solution and the overall value it will bring to the Cardano ecosystem. By financially backing the development of the on-chain Eth2Ada Dictionary, we will provide an invaluable educational resource that empowers developers, fosters community engagement and supports the growth and adoption of Cardano as a leading blockchain platform.
[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agreed to Fund10 rules and also that data in the Submission Form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept