Last updated a year ago
Cardano's Smart Contract is built on Haskell. But there is no book or document about Haskell for developers in Vietnamese. It is a big barrier for developers in Vietnam to build Dapps on Cardano
We will translate the book "Practical Haskell" into Vietnamese and share it to Developer communities in Vietnam. It will bring a huge amount of developers to Cardano
This is the total amount allocated to Haskell Book Translation - The Way to Migrate Developers to Cardano From Other Chains.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
For today's Blockchain platforms, especially Cardano, developers are one of the most important roles helping to develop decentralized applications on Cardano.
Vietnam is one of the countries with a very large number of developers. But English is one of the huge barriers for developers in Vietnam. Vietnam scored 486/800 points, ranking 66/112 countries and territories on the adult English proficiency index.
Developers in Vietnam have very limited access to Blockchain and Smart Contract documents. This prevents Cardano's number of developers from growing in Vietnam. Besides, Cardano's Smart Contract is also built on one of the rarest programming languages in Vietnam, Haskell.
At fund 8 and fund 9 we completed the translation of the book Real World Haskell (2008, O'Reilly Media) and "Learn You A Haskell" into Vietnamese and shared it with the developer communities in Vietnam (You can download this book here: and But the book Real World Haskell is a book about practical applications of Haskell and Learn You A Haskell is a beginner's book. The developers need a book about practical projects. It will help them build real project in the future
So we are going to translate the book "Practical Haskell" (A Real-World Guide to Functional Programming) into Vietnamese and share it to developer communities in Vietnam. This book will help more people know how to make projects by Haskell and then they can build products on Cardano
Creating multilingual Haskell documents, especially Vietnamese, is one of the first necessary steps to help developers in Vietnam easily access to building projects on Cardano.
Haskell is an uncommon programming language in Vietnam and there is very little documentation on Haskell in Vietnamese.
Therefore, this proposal will help to develop "Number of developers actively building on top of Cardano"
After completing the translation of the book "Practical Haskell" (A Real-World Guide to Functional Programming). We will be bringing this document along with other Haskell documents that we have translated previously to the developer communities interested in blockchain in Vietnam. We will share about Cardano's Blockchain technology and the superiority of programming with Haskell on Cardano
We will measure how many people download this book to use. Here are the number of people who have downloaded and used the Haskell books we translated at fund 8.
The more people download this book, the more people learn about Haskell => More developers can code on Haskell => Increasing the number of developers building projects on Cardano.
We are administrators of
A Facebook group with 5,700 members:
A Facebook group with 46,500 members:
A Telegram group with more than 500 members:
And a telegram group learning Haskell:
We will share this book to our communities (More than 50.000 people) when we finish translating this book.
And then we share this book to developer's communities in Vietnam too
We have 4 funding proposals in fund 8 and 9 and all of those proposals were successfully completed
We are one of the greatest team in Developer Ecosystem Challenge in fund 8 & 9
So we can completely make this proposal success
We will complete the translation of the book "Practical Haskell" (A Real-World Guide to Functional Programming) - 600 pages in 2 months. The book Real World Haskell (650 pages) and Learn You A Haskell (400 pages) we only needed 1 month to complete the translation. So 2 months to do the translation is feasible.
Then we will share this book with developer communities in Vietnam. Our goal is to reach 1,000 downloads in the next 2 months. We have also achieved this goal in the previous two books, so it is completely achievable
Milestone 1 (2 months): We will translate the entire book "Practical Haskell" (A Real-World Guide to Functional Programming) into Vietnamese (600 pages)
Milestone 2 (2 months): We will share this book to our communities and developer's communities in Viet Nam. Target: 1,000 downloads
Milestone 1 (2 months): We will upload the book after translating on Google Drive. So everyone can download it and read it
Milestone 2 (2 months): We will check number of people click on our link to know how many people have downloaded this book.
Translation cost: 30 ADA/ page
Total pages: 600
Total: 18,000 ADA
With a budget of around 18,000 ADA (~$4,500), we can bring in at least 1,000 people who want to learn Haskell and become developers on Cardano. Because we are managing communities that are interested in Cardano, the percentage of people who learn Haskell through this book and become developers on Cardano is very high.
Besides, creating multilingual Haskell documents is a great way to help many non-English speaking developers to access Haskell and become developers building projects on Cardano in the future.
Mr. Curtis D'Alves: Haskell Developer
He will help us understand deeply terminologies to translate it correctly
Mr. Quang Daniel: English Teacher and Translator in Vietnam
He will translate the book and share this book to the communities