Last updated 4 months ago
Lack of a language-agnostic mechanism to specify the types used in Cardano Dapps reduces cross-language interoperability and increases the time spent on connecting on-chain, off-chain, and analytics.
Configuration-based mechanism for specifying DApp data types and associated tooling for producing type libraries with common operations for Rust, Javascript and Aiken language environments.
This is the total amount allocated to MLabs - LambdaBuffers (was Cardano dApp schemas) code generation backends for Rust, Javascript and Aiken.
Rust support
Cost: ₳ 65,143
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Javascript support
Cost: ₳ 65,143
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Aiken integration research and development
Cost: ₳ 26,057
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
Separate PlutusTx backend and improvements to existing LambdaBuffers facilities
Cost: ₳ 52,114
Delivery: Month 11 - Sep 2024
Project scaffold for Rust, JavaScript and PlutusTx
Cost: ₳ 52,114
Delivery: Month 12 - Oct 2024
Drazen Popovic
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
There are no language-agnostic mechanisms for specifying the types of information and values used in Cardano DApps, a detrimental fact to productivity and cross-language environment interoperability. A significant percentage of DApp development effort is spent on dealing with serialization/deserialization issues between on-chain code types, off-chain/frontend, and analytics/databases. This major source of delay in project timelines could be eliminated if types would be language agnostically defined once per DApp; with serialization/deserialization code for multiple targets generated automatically from the agnostic definition.
Currently, type definitions for a typical Cardano DApp must be specified in the Haskell programming language. Together with the PlutusTx or Plutarch libraries, Haskell is the de-facto main tool for writing Plutus programs. However, we want to facilitate expansion to other languages getting traction in this space, specifically Aiken for on-chain Plutus scripts.
The lack of language-agnostic tools for specifying Cardano DApps data types (e.g. datums, redeemers, etc.) hurts productivity. Furthermore, it constitutes a fundamental hurdle to cross-language environment interoperability and the proliferation of generic tooling to enable rich interaction with DApps (e.g. database explorers).
The mentioned issue of language-tied typing has become more severe with the proliferation of different PAB platforms, each written in different languages. PAB platforms enable developers to build software that gives users the ability to interact with Cardano DApps from a variety of platforms (e.g., server, desktop, browser, mobile etc.). Examples of such platforms include Atlas (Haskell), Cardano Transaction Lib (Purescript), Lucid (Javascript) and Cardano Serialization Lib (Rust).
To make Cardano DApps available across all the aforementioned platforms, structured information needs to be effectively shared in a language-agnostic manner and made available to different language environments. Furthermore, blockchain analytics applications, DApp aggregators, and DApp interoperability will require light DApp-type schemas that are decoupled from the DApp’s implementation code - it is not very practical to have to import a DApp’s codebase in order to interpret its datums, redeemers, and other on-chain data.
We want to consolidate the solution to this issue into a single project that takes type definitions out of a language-specific environment and into a configuration language that can be then fed to a reliable code generation tool that targets a number of different language environments.
The intent behind this project is to align the Cardano tech environment with modern best practices that facilitate building robust, technology stack-agnostic Cardano DApps.
Under Catalyst Fund9 we’re nearing completion of the LambdaBuffers project (was Cardano dApp schemas) and are looking to extend our support from Haskell and Purescript to Rust, Javascript and Aiken language environments.
The project implements a configuration language for specifying DApp types/schemas. The language makes use of code-generation tooling, which using the schemas produces ‘type libraries’ (aka. typelibs) for different language environments. Each typelib is generated alongside supporting libraries for handling encoding, serialization and other essential operations. All the mentioned processes are automated, maintaining correctness and compatibility between different language environments.
LambdaBuffers serve as a language-neutral, extensible mechanism for specifying type definitions and code-generating different language environments library implementations.
Developers building Cardano DApps and extended tooling and infrastructure.
Related work
For the reader’s reference, the following standards and technologies have solved a similar problem in traditional software sectors:
Intended Challenge – Fund10: Developer Ecosystem - The Evolution
Challenge Statement – “How do we equip and support developers with tools and working infrastructure? How do we make Cardano their first choice when it comes to building dApps, innovating and collaborating?”
What does this proposal entail?
The current iteration of this project entails building support for 3 new languages, namely Rust, Javascript and Aiken.
How does increased throughput on Cardano help developers?
Typical Cardano DApp projects involve a very diverse team. For instance, Plutus scripts are written in Plutarch, PlutusTx and Aiken.
The frontend and backend teams use various PABs to build transactions, which include Atlas (Haskell), Cardano Transaction Lib (Purescript), Cardano Serialization Lib (Rust) and Lucid (Javascript).
We hope this proposal will make such diverse teams work together more effectively by consolidating all data type definitions in a single place and reusing them reliably across their respective technological environments.
The successful adoption of this project would radically increase developer productivity while decreasing the amount of unnecessary, tedious, error-prone and boilerplate code that needs to be manually written and curated. Type definitions would serve as documentation for the project, as well, and could very well be foundational to the proliferation of generic tools and infrastructure that can interact with schema-enabled Cardano DApp projects.
We will measure:
We expect growth/positive results in these areas and are committed to meeting the milestones we have established throughout this proposal.
In the spirit of complete transparency with the Cardano community, the outputs of our proposal will be widely available. Foremost, as an open-source project, the GitHub repo at will be the obvious resource for updates, documentation, and educational resources. This repo will be updated as the project progresses - a primary deliverable of this proposal.
MLabs has a noteworthy social media presence. We'll make active use of these channels to share regular updates with less technical community members. Finally, we'll actively share progress reports through the typical, publically-available Catalyst channels. MLabs has a strong compliance record, and this will not change throughout the progress of this proposal.
LambdaBuffers project is nearing its completion in terms of its Fund9 deliverables, and with that, the overall research, design and implementation has already been done. Adding new language backends comes with little uncertainty as the framework was designed with such additions in mind.
The main goal in this iteration of the LambdaBuffers project is to add support for 3 new additional languages, namely Rust, Javascript and Aiken. The initial research phase will be necessary to understand if there are any technical limitations to the targeted backends and may prove to require some additional work in relevant upstream code bases (Aiken in particular).
1st month - Rust support
2nd month - Javascript support
3rd month - Aiken support
1) Rust support
2) Javascript support
3) Aiken support
Subtotal: 576 hours @95/hour = $54,720 USD
Total (@ rate $0.21 USD / ADA): 260571
**In the interest of full transparency, please note we have applied a conservative USD/ADA exchange rate in pricing this proposal. This is to ensure our operations remain stable regardless of market conditions. Although we firmly believe the future of Cardano is bright, we recognize the price of ADA and all cryptocurrencies is inherently volatile. Our financial obligations are denominated in fiat. Most importantly, this includes the salary of our engineers whose hard work makes projects like this possible.
In the unlikely scenario of severe negative price movement beyond our forecasted rate, it is possible that MLabs may need to temporarily suspend work on this proposal until the market recovers. Rest assured, this decision would be made solely to protect our business's long-term viability and never taken lightly.
We appreciate your understanding and support, and we are excited to see what we can achieve together.
In a survey ran by the LambdaBuffers team and made available at it was determined that 10-20% of a DApp project time is spent on managing PlutusData encodings of DApp types. The goal of this project is to eliminate this cost in its entirety.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
MLabs has quickly become one of the premier development firms in the Cardano Ecosystem. We are an IOG Plutus Partner and work regularly with IOG to develop the Cardano blockchain and ecosystem. Our team is composed of talented developers who have helped build community projects such as:
Through our work with early-stage projects, we have one of the largest groups of Haskell/Plutus developers in the community.
Core Team
Drazen Popovic
Full-stack Cardano distributed application (dApp) developer and auditor, working on several Cardano dApps that span Haskell, Purescript, Rust and Nix language environments. Worked on decentralized protocols based on the Cardano blockchain including decentralized exchange, synthetic assets, oracle protocols and programmable money. In particular, he was the technical lead on the Cardano Open Oracle Protocol and was responsible for design and implementation.
Technical lead on the LambdaBuffers project, which is a novel toolkit for sharing types between different languages. Led the design and implementation which included common compiler topics such as type checking, type class resolution and code generation into various languages.
Less notable, but mention worthy, a maintainer of a Purescript Bridge fork (now deprecated in favor of LambdaBuffers) and a contributor to Cardano Transaction Lib Purescript library which is one of the foundational tools in the Cardano ecosystem.