Last updated a year ago
Cardano has a lack of open-source full-stack decentralized application code and documentation to attract new developers and makers.
Publish the code and documentation for a fully functioning hybrid marketplace application currently running on Cardano mainnet ( - including onchain,offchain and UI software.
This is the total amount allocated to Python Based Open Source Permissionless Marketplace and Documentation.
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
Cardano has a lack of fully open-source decentralized application code and guides to attract new developers. With the emergence of multiple smart contract languages developing smart contracts has become far easier on Cardano, yet there is still a considerable lack of reference material for creating a full-stack application.
A decentralized application requires three main parts to operate; An on-chain validator, off-chain code for processing transactions, and a front-end (website) to interact with Cardano wallets. Many projects have open-sourced parts of their application stack but very few release all three parts, let alone release them with reference material or guides.
Most reference material is either rudimentary or piecemeal; very specific parts which are hard to integrate into a whole app. Specific problems like techniques for UTxO management, especially with multi-address wallets like eternl are rarely documented and are seldom shared. Most Cardano reference material is also for functional languages which have a high barrier to entry.
Publish the code and documentation for a fully functioning permissionless marketplace application currently running on Cardano mainnet. The code and documentation would encompass all parts required for a functioning dApp – offchain code written with pycardano, on-chain validator code written in Opshin and the front-end developed with nextJS (typescript). Python is one of the most widely used and approachable programming languages in existence. Increasing open-sourced guides and code based on python encourages a broad set of developers and hobbyists to explore Cardano. Our submission is unique and valuable as we already have a working and tested application.
This proposal addresses the challenge on a number of fronts. Our solution adds to the Knowledge base and documentation, increases availability of resources for developer productivity, and includes usable samples/examples for DeFi. As an open source project and an active SPO we aim to interact with developers/community members to clarify/help address all questions related to our project outputs. Funding has been allocated from the budget to ensure community questions can be answered.
By increasing open-source application code and documentation the project will reduce developer friction and assist in attracting new developers and hobbyists to build on Cardano. I will interact with the community via multiple channels/forums and through discussions on the project repo to help foster new developers and projects.
There are some immediate measurement tools available through the use of the github platform which will be leveraged to gauge the success of this project. The number of github forks/downloads is an immediate metric which can be publicly reviewed.
I am already active and assisting developers in the main Cardano Python developer channels - OpShin and PyCardano. Any direct communication or assistance relating to Nescrow and our proposals will be recorded for publication on the repository. Any useful/standard questions will be published in the repository as a standard F.A.Q which in itself will also represent and gauge the utility and reach of the proposal.
As the single developer only one role is required to achieve the deliverables. This simplifies and de-risks the proposal. Time will be split between documentation/refactoring and administration/project management. The outputs will be available for all to use/modify or simply peruse.
I have developed multiple smart contracts and dApps using Opshin (python smart contracts). The proposed dApp is already live on mainnet and can be used/viewed currently. As a small business operator and Cardano Stake pool operator I will be able to allocate my time and funds appropriately to ensure timely delivery of the project objectives and milestones.
The goal of this project is to enable rapid onboarding of developers into the Cardano ecosystem. The on-chain and off-chain code has been developed in python – a language with one of the largest user bases in existence. A developer or hobbyist should be able to easily understand and use the documentation to create their own decentralized application.
With the existing application already developed the majority of the work is already completed. As the single developer of the project it will not be difficult to comment and document my own code for use by other developers.
Please refer to the spreadsheet image in the budget breakdown for specified activities and deliverables.
The documentation and code published to GitHub will be an easily verifiable deliverable. I hope to increase developer or hobbyist interest in Cardano development and the ecosystem as a whole. As the software is already completed simple time management and spreadsheet records will be used to manage worked hours and budget delivery.
Milestones outputs
The project github page will house the deliverables for this project in a public repository. If github is not satisfactory for presenting the guide I may implement some documentation on gitbook.
Please refer to the attached image for detailed costing/budget.
An average rate of 75 USD/hour was used to cost the project. Smart contract development can typically cost ~ 150 USD/hour so this rate is very competitive. As the code has already been developed a 50% discount was applied to the hours used for application design, development, testing and implementation to ensure exceptional value for the project deliverables.
Marc Purvis: Control Systems Engineer, Cardano SPO, dApp Developer.
Marc has made multiple dApps and cardano tooling while continually building on his knowledge in the cardano ecosystem culminating in the production of the Nescrow Marketplace.
Nescrow is a unique hybrid order-book marketplace that allows users to escrow or trade any cardano native asset for any other cardano native asset. This includes trading one specific NFT for another or an NFT for any token or even ADA. Nescrow is the first orderbook marketplace to offer this functionality. Nescrow, unlike most cardano DEX's, is a permissionless protocol where anyone can run a batcher or arbitrage bot to process trades.
As the sole developer of the platform Marc will execute all milestones.