Last updated 3 months ago
Currently, Cardano does not have a powerful out-of-the-box traceability and tokenization solution ready mainstream industrial and enterprise-level use-cases. This remains a barrier for mass adoption.
Winter Protocol is a modular, turnkey open source tokenization & traceability suite, designed to be utilized by Cardano developers targeting mass adoption through small to national-level initiatives.
This is the total amount allocated to Winter Protocol: Open-Source Traceability & Real World Asset Tokenization. 3 out of 5 milestones are completed.
Modular Open Source Library
Cost: ₳ 60,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Building APIs for easy front end integration
Cost: ₳ 50,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Building example template libraries + Traceability solutions
Cost: ₳ 45,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Documentation and knowledge base development
Cost: ₳ 15,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Mar 2024
Integration playbook and community education
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
Sam Lambert: Co-Founder of zenGate Global. Previously, worked as a management consultant at Oliver Wyman and helped set up the Global Digital Assets practice. Worked with some of the largest banks, insurance and telecommunications companies around the world.
Luca D'Angelo: Co-lead developer of the Winter Protocol (zenGate dev team). Deep expertise in smart contract development including roles as the Founder / Lead Developer of GuapSwap, Founder of Lilium, Ergo Script Developer for ErgoPad (leading launchpad platform), Phoenix Finance, Blitz TCG and EXLE. Background in Computer Science and Physics from McGill University.
Shishir Pai: Co-lead developer of the Winter Protocol (zenGate dev team). Experienced back-end and smart contract developer with roles such as the Founder of Lilium and ErgoSapiens, and development support for Phoenix Finance and ErgoNames (decentralised DNS platform). Shishir also created Ergpy (a python jvm wrapper for interacting with the Ergo blockchain) as well as Slaternie's Capsule (a web 3 focused camera project).
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
Traceability is becoming more demanded by businesses as upcoming regulation and compliance requirements creep up (e.g the FDA in the US and EU Deforestation requirements). Traceability can capture this data and as such meets a number of the UN's SDG initiatives.
The opportunity and demand for these tools:
Traceability and tokenization has become a dominant use-case for blockchain technology for businesses, governments and consumers all around the world. In some cases, governments are beginning to request businesses to comply with traceability rules (e.g FDA in the United States for Food Safety or the EU for deforestation compliance).
Further, the world of NFTs has been long dominated by use cases that have been mostly linked to intellectual property. However, the NFT is a much more powerful tool in the blockchain arsenal. Originally intended for tokenizing assets, it is only natural for this tool to be utilized in such a way to tokenize real world assets and immutably assign various information like traceability data to them, making them a highly valuable tool for various businesses dealing with real world assets and commodities.
The solution:
A simple open-source turn-key solution is not available for Cardano developers and projects that want to support the growing demand for traceability and tokenization technology. We believe that deploying an open-source toolkit will accelerate the broader vision of Cardano mass adoption and usher a wave of new players into the ecosystem.
This toolkit will include various APIs and toolsets aimed at customizing traceability and tokenization solutions various applications. Some use-cases that we see being deployed using this technology ranges from sectors such as agricultural to manufacturing and many more.
Originally developed to be utilized by the Palmyra Commodity platform, the Winter Protocol will expanded to utilize Cardano and other cross-chain assets in order to tokenize and trace real world assets.
Increasing the suite of open-source tools for developers to leverage
Projects in the Cardano ecosystem will not have to guess about how they will be able to interact with real world assets if their project calls for it. This modular tool kit will give any project the power to tokenize and trace assets - removing any existing barriers for developers looking to utilize this kind of technology.
Laying down the pillars required for enterprise level mass adoption
Many enterprises are looking for blockchain use-cases to improve their business model. Especially with compliance requirements coming around the corner, tools like traceability become more and more important. At zenGate, we believe that traceability should be utilized for many different purposes (some of which lie outside of the scope of the platforms we are building), as such open-sourcing the tools will enable developers and projects to build solutions to meet such demands.
In the short to medium term, more projects will be able to build bigger and better systems without utilizing as many resources they would have to have before these toolkits were available. Additionally, projects from the outside looking in to see which ecosystem is best for them to build their products on will see that this toolkit enables them to roll out traceability and tokenization solutions on cardano with great ease.
Some of the quantitative and qualitative metrics in the short to medium term include:
In the long-term, our north star for success is seeing an increase of projects looking to build on Cardano and within Cardano that are leveraging more real world use cases and broadening mass adoption for the ecosystem. This includes metrics such as :
Github updates:
The project will be fully open source, with any changes visible through the Winter Protocol Cardano Github.
Regular communication and initiatives:
The project will share regular updates with the community regarding which modules are available and which modules will be available.
The project will also come with documentation and a playbook aimed at seamless roll-out in such a way that others can contribute to the playbook, making sure that the project evolves beyond its initial conception.
These initiatives include:
Subject matter experts deploying enterprise grade traceability and tokenization technology
The zenGate team has successfully conducted a number of pilots including a trace and tokenization pilot with one of the largest gold wholesalers in Thailand. This involved building a custom traceability workflows using the Winter Protocol Modules. We are in the process of piloting some of this technology on the ground in Sri Lanka working closely with small producers and factories.
We believe that we have the unique expertise and understanding regarding compliance, technology and customer requirements for delivering traceability and tokenization solutions.
Demonstrated traction to date, delivering open-source projects
The team as well have a strong track record delivering project. Some of the open source projects team members on this proposal have completed or currently working on include:
Project goals:
Build the following features:
Validation of approach:
Workstream 1: Modular Open Source Library | Weeks 1-12
Workstream 2: Building APIs for easy front end integration | Weeks 6-12
Workstream 3: Building example template libraries | Weeks 6-12
Workstream 4: Traceability solutions | Weeks 10-14
Workstream 5: Documentation and knowledge base development | Weeks 10 - 16
Workstream 6: Integration playbook and community education| Weeks 10 - 16
Workstream 1: Modular Open Source Library
Workstream 2: Building APIs for easy front end integration
Workstream 3: Building example template libraries
Workstream 4: Traceability plug and play solution
Workstream 5: Documentation and knowledge base development
Workstream 6: Integration playbook and community education
Developer costs - 185,000 ADA
Majority of the total proposal funds will be allocated to the development of the various modules and toolkit. We anticipate this will require 3 full time developers over 4 months:
Documentation and community education costs - 15,000 ADA
The remaining 15,000 ADA will be allocated to ensuring the documentation is completed and accompanied with digestible educational material to ensure the community and other developers are able to learn about the toolkit and the types of use-cases available.
The creation of this toolkit will essentially create a very low barrier of entry for businesses looking to utilize tokenization and traceability technology. There will be no additional costs for projects except for internal developing resources. This will allow for Cardano to have open source tooling that is aimed for large-scale mass adoption.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Members within the zenGate team have strong experience building and developing open-source systems. Beyond that, we have expertise in the project management space as well, which will ensure a smooth delivery and transparency throughout the completion of the various milestones.
Core Team: