Last updated a year ago
Running Cardano’s Db-Sync pipeline is expensive and thus out of scope for small and medium sized projects on Cardano. This project’s goal is to provide an affordable & reliable solution for them.
We are developing and maintaining a high-availability infrastructure running Db-Sync to minimise downtime. Cardano projects can be hooked up to our Db-Sync Enterprise solution in short time.
This is the total amount allocated to Db-Sync Enterprise: high-availability setup of Cardano’s Db-Sync to run queries and access on-chain data as a service.
Thomas Kaliakos (@thomaska)
Bitseat Tadesse (@bitseatt)
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
We will offer on demand all the on chain data in a relational database that can be used by any client. In this way the pain of querying on-chain data, combining realtime and historical data will be mitigated.
We will offer to Cardano’s ecosystem a low barrier entry for querying realtime and historical on-chain data. It will be “Db-Sync as a Service”, pay as you go, and scalable to the user’s project needs.
We aim for 99% guaranteed uptime of the read replica:
We offer Cardano projects two types of Db-Sync connections:
We have more than two years experience with our own developed Db-Sync Enterprise protocol which minimises downtime of a Db-Sync pipeline.
The project team covers all aspects required to achieve the stated goals.
G1: setup redundant and high-availability pipeline of Db-Sync
Public dashboard that shows system metrics
G2: dynamically add read replica and provide user access
Automatise signup procedure
G3: monitor pipeline uptime
Public dashboard to show uptime
M1: setup redundant and high-availability infrastructure for the project (2 months)
M2: create monitoring and dashboard view (2 months)
M3: automatise user signup (2 months)
D1: redundant and high-availability pipeline of Db-Sync setup
D2: monitoring in place and dashboard views of system metrics
D3: automatised user signup (payment with ADA?)
B1: 20 PD architecture & design, project management, communication
B2: 20 PD system engineering (Devops) for pipeline setup
B3: 20 PD software engineering
B4: 20 PD data science: dashboard development
B5: hardware costs: est. $1000 per month
By sharing our redundant high-availability Db-Sync pipeline we can provide users with a sophisticated and reliable Db-Sync connection for a fair price.
We believe this offering enables a number of Cardano projects as it lowers entry barriers.
Alexander Diemand (@cardanobigquery): architect, design, project management
Thomas Kaliakos (@thomaska): data quality responsibility, devops lead
Bitseat Tadesse (@bitseatt): data science, dashboard creation, social networks