ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

Space Trains and Metadata: Scaling our Communities of Trust


The concept of preserving and transferring useful metadata between organizations is largely unexplored using blockchain. We lack standards for publishing emergent reputational value on-chain.


We will initiate research and experimentation of using on-chain metadata to pass emergent reputational value from different communities along a Space Train and publish a CIP to make it a standard.

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About ODIN:

ODIN is an acronym for the Open Decentralized Innovation Network. Our vision is to empower a dynamic and collaborative community of visionary thinkers, web3 developers, high-trust communities and impact-driven organizations that operate as a decentralized network, uniting their diverse strengths and expertise towards a common purpose of catalyzing innovative ideas from conception to fruition. Together, we will cultivate a culture of continuous collaboration, fostering an environment of radical innovation and sustainable impact that positively transforms our world.

ODIN is the community that will do the initial experimentation and exploration of Space Trains and Metadata. ODIN will also create the CIP proposal.

About Andamio:

Andamio will provide the initial experimental platform for us to use metadata to transfer reputational value between spaces. The Andamio Platform provides the smart contracts and UI components we need to perform these experiments and see how they work in real-life communities.