Last updated a year ago
There are few dReps in the ecosystem, but they’re not well described. This could lead to a lack of interest from voters about dReps, as they don't know which dRep to choose to delegate their vote.
We want to create a simple website that references the existing dReps and sort them by expertise (climate, technological innovation…), with small descriptions as well as links to their website.
This is the total amount allocated to Concentrating informations about dReps.
Liam Bodin
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
The Catalyst community could find it difficult to find a good dRep that is truly representing their opinion. People actually don’t want to take the time to analyze every project seriously to vote well, and they would prefer to delegate to an actively involved dRep. Sadly, there’s a lack of good description of the dReps, and there are several new ones that appear.
The main issue that we found was that it is really hard to find the different dReps, even with some research, there is no information about the different dReps and their purpose.
Our goal is for now to try to group the information about the different dReps by making them come to us, we would like to incentivize the different dReps to come and give us some of their information by the bias of a form that they will need to fill up. All the info will be summarized in a doc or/and an Excel file that will be shared to the community and visible for all.
In our opinion, this will bring a lot more voters to delegate their voting power since the information on “Who is voting with my name?” will be very clear and accessible for everyone.
For the marketing and advertising of the website, we have a few ideas in mind :
It will be beneficial for the dReps to come to us so I think if we do our communication well we shouldn’t have any problem to group them. Moreover, there are around 300 dReps, the ones that will follow up on us would be the most active ones and will be much more exposed to the community.
Projects for the Future :
Our vision for the future funds would be to create a website that groups all of the dReps that we have worked with with some information and details.
The second option would be to collaborate with Catalyst and add the information that we gathered on the voting app, so everything is 100% open and accessible for everyone and the dReps would have much more visibility.
“How much did it contribute to increasing the number of delegates to dReps?” This is a key metrics of the success of this year's challenge around dRep improvement. We truly believe that our project can be the main solution for bringing a great answer to this question.
We also believe that this project can be a really amazing dRep related initiative that will improve the Catalyst ecosystem.
Our solution will make it easier to understand and to choose where to delegate the vote. Delegating a vote can be difficult because of identity. People don’t want to give their voting power to someone that is not representing their opinion well. Unfortunately, they don’t necessarily have the time to analyze the projects to vote with their own beliefs. Doing a website that is bringing them light on the existing dReps, their impact and main beliefs, and why it could be interesting, would definitely allow the Catalyst community to be more involved through its voting power, without having to take too much time.
To finish, the fact that there are more dReps and votes can be a kind of “good pressure” for the proposers, that could incentivize them to bring quality to their proposals in the next funds, which is also good for the Catalyst ecosystem.
We will measure the success of the proposal based on several aspects :
We will share the Excel sheet with all the data gathered from the contacted dReps (contact, their domains…)
We will also share information about how our researches are going through the monthly reports as well as gather all the information on the closing report / video. We’ll also explain the methods we used to check the information if those are not publicly published (for instance, we checked the diploma of a dRep owner, but he doesn’t want to share his identity).
We are both involved in the Catalyst community, and have a lot of connections with other involved people. The dRep owners are logically people that are involved in Catalyst, so we have great chances to find them.
The project is principally based on deep research, which can be driven by us, as we already know well the process of Catalyst. This project is the first step of an overall project of democratization of the use of dReps, and the biggest step will be the project in Fund 11 described above in this proposal.
The accountability is principally based on both qualitative and quantitative data as the work is mostly to find a community of dReps owners, and have their information. So the metrics will be numbers of respondents, accuracy of information (how much we have been able to check their veracity), number of different expertise…
The main goal is preparing the better we can the project for Fund 11. For doing this, we need a lot of information about the existing dReps as well as attracting the news dReps to send their information to us when they launch.
We will validate our approach through the number of respondents and the rate of really truthful information (information that we had the occasion to ensure with documents)
Month 1-2 :
Month 3-4 :
Month 5-6 :
The deliverables are the excel sheet as well as the closing reports of the projects. This project doesn’t have a lot of outcomes as the real big outcome is expected in the next fund.
Total : 23000
This could be a huge opportunity to improve the ecosystem of Cardano since it will incentivize the Catalyst community to delegate their vote more often, which is a key feature of Catalyst and its good running.
The costs represent the work time that is needed from us to create a quality solution for the referencing of dReps. This work needs time because we really want to have truthful information, and ensure the capabilities of the dReps owners to really represent the opinion of the vote delegators.
Liâm Bodin is a 19 years-old student in the University of Geneva, passionate by use cases of blockchain technology
Liam has a Twitter account and a newly launched newsletter dedicated to Blockchain and has participated in several workshops or events related to Blockchain (i.e : Cardano summit in Lausanne)
His role : will analyze and summarize the pools. He will also manage the work of the external developer, helping this person to adapt the website to the vision we had as a “dynamic and understandable” website.
Read more about him :
Benjamin is a young student that is really interested in Blockchain, and that already participated in previous funds.
In fund 8 helped to do the marketing for an art project
Got 3 funded proposals on fund 9 based on the education of students about Blockchain, and especially, Cardano and Catalyst.
Here is a link to the closing report and closing video of the proposals. (Closing video and report already there)
Has also been a reviewer for fund 9 and could give his opinion on really interesting projects.
Read more about him :
Both of them have been to the Cardano summit that was held in Lausanne, and had the opportunity to learn a lot and meet some amazing people.