Last updated 4 months ago
There are limited number of women involvement in the Cardano ecosystem in Ghana and we are going to focused on women inclusion, extension and aid in expansion of Cardano ecosystem in Ghana and beyond.
This is the total amount allocated to Extending Cardano Participation of Women In Ghana.
We will promote Cardano participation among the women in Ghana not only in schools But women interested in blockchain and we will organized workshops to introduce cardano to them and other events.
Yes, there is a dependency which is a women led organization an NGO Foundation for Women Empowerment and Development (FoWED).This organization will help us leading and implementing our project successfully. This organization have executed many projects with minimum funds requests and successfully delivered and we can therefore say that Cardano can entrust us with funds to implement projects successfully. This organization will help us engage more women in communities and introduce projects catalyst to them. A lot of women has the potential and love to join cryptocurrency but they luck the technology to participate in cryptocurrency and we believe working with this organization will help us engage potential women in Ghana.
There will be publication of monthly reports and videos will be published on Facebook page, twitter, YouTube etc, such information will include the number of people who participate in the workshop, school conferences and also details of people who have successfully been on organizational socialization, there will also be an update about number of women who accepted to use cardano for their trade.
Our proposal seeks to raise awareness of the Cardano ecosystem among the woman in Ghana with emphasis on women largely involve and growing Cardano in Ghana. The target is to reach a total 500 women within the ages of 18 to 46. This group of people are the proactive and ready to learn and adapt new systems and are with a high exposure to technology.
The plan of action we shall utilize will be to engage women in set up plan to visit to various schools and engage young minds by telling them of the opportunities that exist in Cardano. A follow up meeting, we shall now schedule the first meeting for all the participants at one venue. Here, we shall educate and emphasize on opportunities that exist on Cardano and how Cardano will help shape and enhance their current and future fields of endeavor.
Subsequent meetings will be held and active participants will be onboarded. The new 'converts' will be encouraged to take up the role of community reviewers. Subsequently, they will be encouraged to register as proposers and gradually take up more involving roles in the ecosystem.
Various seminars will be held for the purposes of education and training. Excursions will be organized to add a touch of fun to the whole experience. Participants will be actively engaged in cardano activities and all participants will be maintained through participating activities and workshops.
A minimum of 500 people will be onboarded thereby increasing the population of Cardano ecosystem.
A larger population out of the targeted number of women may be interested in becoming community reviewers
Financially, the participants will earn some income through reviewser rewards from their participation in the Cardano project thereby reducing the incidence of unemployment in Ghana, the beneficiary country.
Yoroi wallets will be opened for for all participants with some amount of ADA to demonstrate how transactions are made on Yoroi wallets.This move will significantly increase the number of ADA holders,community reviewers and proposers in the Community.
Mohammed Mustapha Yakubu is a Cardano Ambassador and Lead of the Cardano Ghana Community. He has rich experience in organizing Cardano meetups, organizing Catalyst workshop to educate and onboard individuals and organizations to build on Cardano. Under his leadership, the Cardano Ghana Community has a growing number of 250+ members with 50+ active participants on project catalyst. He will be a valuable contribution to the project by providing coaching, support and guidance to enable us execute successful.
Herine Omollo
She is a coordinating lead of Cardano Kenya Community. She was a reviewer in F10 and a moderator in F11 equipping her with hosting skills She hosted the Catalyst working group Nairobi 2024.She co-hosted the first meetup for cardano Kenya Community in 2024. she will help the team by ensuring all plans and partnerships are perfectly executed.
Bonjak Baloon Juliet: She is the CEO\Founder of Foundation for Women Empowerment and Development (FoWED) an advocate for women and children empowerment, an NGO base in Ghana, which will help in spearheading activities of this proposal. She is now part of the Cardano ideascale community ready to support and grow the community.She has about 7 years of experience in the area of women and girls advocacy and support by working with CAMFED,CAMFED-Association, Northern media ladies, Ambassador for breast cancer in the north east region and won an award in 2021 as best gender show in the whole northern region of Ghana. Juliet is also an experienced good public speaker and has the ability to convince people to believe in his ideas.she will bring her leadership experience and organizing to the success of this project. Juliet is with women lead organization in which she is already mentoring young girls and this will help us reach out to women that are not in schools and onboard them as well. In addition, she has good organizational ability and would therefore help in coordinating and organizing various events for the team.
400 is a range number. The team will be able to gain more than the numbers given and increase level of participation among the participants which will eventually culminate in populating Cardano ecosystem.
onboard them as well. In addition, she has good organizational ability and would therefore help in coordinating and organizing various events for the team
Lambon Solomon
I will be the Chief organizer of the event. I have been a proposal reviewer from F9 to F11 where i was a level 0 reviewer and due to good work i am now a moderator which has equipped me with more knowledge and skills. Am now very keen to details and improved my decision making skills through thesame. I have been involved with crypto currency trading for 2 years now I will lead the team by ensuring all plans and partnerships are perfectly executed. I am a focused leader, well-travelled and well-connected across GHANA.I leverage my network of friends and partners across Ghana to ensure this event a success.
Concerning validating the feasibility of our approach, the proposal seeks to target prospective participants in various women in Ghana. The approach will involve a sensitization drive where the project team members will move from school to school to educate, train and sensitize them about Cardano ecosystem .Having identified interested participants, a meeting will be organized at a chosen venue where the team will take them through the insight of Cardano. This project is going to an impact and plus to women that have interest in Cardano blo. A lot of women are left out in this kind of great initiatives. We have work closely with women and all the need to the education and opportunity like Cardano to show and also explore.
Currently, a lot of women are going in technology, crypto training and many others which have been encouragement of other women in those areas and Cardano will be an excellent initiative if this proposal is approve and more women to actively participate in Cardano.
Concerning validating the feasibility of our approach, the proposal seeks to target prospective participants in various women in Ghana. The approach will involve a sensitization drive where the project team members will move from school to school to educate, train and sensitize them of Cardano. Having identified interested participants, a meeting will be organized at a chosen venue where the team will take them through the insight of Cardano. This project is going to an impact and plus to women that have interest in Cardano ideology. A lot of women are left out in this kind of great initiatives. We have work closely with women and all the need to the education and opportunity like Cardano to show and also explore.
Currently, a lot of women are going in technology, cypto training and many others which have been encouragement of other women in those areas and Cardano will be an excellent initiative if this proposal is approve and more women to actively participate in Cardano.
One school out of three schools will be contacted. The first school will be Accra Technical University for the workshop.
Marketing of the workshop to students of the particular school chosen.
Set date for the program.
Topics for the workshop include Cardano Blockchain; Project Catalyst and its opportunities.
3 Presenters for the three topics
Target of 110 students for the workshop
Number that attend recorded
Number that get interested and register on Ideascale recorded
Video coverage of program and photographs taken as evidence of achievement'
Monthly report covering pdf document of program, pictures taken at program and video of program already uploaded on YouTube, Facebook pages and twitter.
Budget for Milestone 1 is 16575 ADA, broken down later below.
Project will be executed at the Tamale Tamale University: this schools in this category will be contacted and the plan out date will be given for the program.
Technical: Second school targeted out of three schools contacted. Set up work workshop.
Marketing of the workshop to students of the particular school chosen
Set date for the program
Topics for the workshop include Cardano Blockchain; Project Catalyst and its opportunities
3 Presenters for the three topics
Target of 150 students for the workshop
Number that attend recorded
Number that get interested and register on Ideascale recorded
Links will also be shared with the participants to obtain more information on Cardano community, project catalyst and Yoroi wallet creation
Video coverage of program and photographs taken as evidence of achievement'
Monthly report covering pdf document of program, pictures taken at program and video of program already uploaded on YouTube, Facebook pages etc.
Budget for Milestone 2 is 16575 ADA.
The three school which nalerigu nursing and midwifery collage will be contacted and all necessary arrangement will be made for the workshop.
Marketing of the workshop to students of the particular school chosen
Set date for the program
Topics for the workshop include Cardano Blockchain; Project Catalyst and its opportunities
3 Presenters for the three topics
Target of 110 students for the workshop
Number that attend recorded
Number that get interested and register on Ideascale recorded
Video coverage of program and photographs taken as evidence of achievement' Links will also be shared with the participants to obtain more information on Cardano community, project catalyst and Yoroi wallet creation.
Close out summary video uploaded on YouTube, sent with a pdf document as monthly report
Links will also be shared with the participants to obtain more information on Cardano community, project catalyst and Yoroi wallet creation. It is expected that about 50 percent of the participants will be on boarded. They will be aided to register on the ideascale platform and Yoroi wallets will be created for them.Budget: 16850 ADA
Lambon Solomon
I will be the Chief organizer of the event. I have been a proposal reviewer from F9 to F11 where i was a level 0 reviewer and due to good work i am now a moderator which has equipped me with more knowledge and skills. Am now very keen to details and improved my decision making skills through the same. I have been involved with crypto currency trading for 3 years now I will lead the team by ensuring all plans and partnerships are perfectly executed. I am a focused leader, well-travelled and well-connected across GHANA .I leverage my network of friends and partners across Ghana to ensure this event a success. He will be a co presenter for this project.
Mohammed Mustapha Yakubu is a Cardano Ambassador and Lead of the Cardano Ghana Community. He has rich experience in organizing Cardano meetups, organizing Catalyst workshop to educate and onboard individuals and organizations to build on Cardano. Under his leadership, the Cardano Ghana Community has a growing number of 250+ members with 50+ active participants on project catalyst. He will be a valuable contribution to the project by providing coaching, support and guidance to enable us execute successful.
Herine Omollo
She is a coordinating lead of Cardano Kenya Community. She was a reviewer in F10 and a moderator in F11 equipping her with hosting skills She hosted the Catalyst working group Nairobi 2024.She co-hosted the first meetup for cardano Kenya Community in 2024. she will help the team by ensuring all plans and partnerships are perfectly executed.
• Venue Hire – 1100 ADA
• Snacks, Refreshments and Water for participants - 2600ADA
• Lunch for participants and team – 2925 ADA
•T-shirts,baners/graphics printing for participants and team – 3250ADA
• marketing and transportation - 1100 ADA
• Media and Course materials 1400ADA
Team’s Impetuses
• Team lead - 1400 ADA
• Event Organizers = 1200 ADA
• Ambassador= 1200 ADA
ADA give away to participants = 400 ADA
Total ==== 16575ADA
• Venue Hire – 700 ADA
• Accommodation for team – 750 ADA
• Snack, Refreshment and Water for participants and team= 3000ADA
• Lunch for participants and team = 3375 ADA
• T shirts,banners/graphics printing for participants and Team = 4000 ADA
• Transportation for team = 950 ADA
• ADA giveaway to participants = 510 ADA
• media = 800 ADA
Team’s Impetuses
• Ambassador - 1000 ADA
• Event Organizers = 920 ADA
• team lead = 970 ADA
Total ==== 16975 ADA
• Venue Hire – 1380 ADA
• Accommodation for team – 850 ADA
• Snack and Water for participants and team= 2450 ADA
• Lunch for participants – = 2870 ADA
• T shirts, banners printing for participants and Team = 3500 ADA
• media and transportation = 1150 ADA
• ADA giveaway to participants = 650ADA
• course materials= 850 ADA
Team’s Impetuses
• ambassador - 1200 ADA
• team lead = 1000 ADA
• Event Organizers = 900 ADA
TOTAL === 16850 ADA
OVERALL BUDGET TOTAL ==== 16575 + 16975 + 16850= 50400 ADA
Milestone 1 - In person workshop session in the first school Greater Accra. Total budget covering venue hire, transportation, event capturing, publicity, etc will cost 16575 ADA.
Milestone 2 - In person workshop session at second place Tamale, Northern region- total budget covering all the above is 16975 ADA
Milestone 3 - In person workshop session at Nalerigu,north East Region - total budget is 16850 ADA.
This project proposal provides great value for money. This can be gleaned from the fact that an estimated number of 450 will be added to the Cardano community thereby increasing community enrolment and participation in Nalerigu,north east region, Tamale, northern region and greater Accra and Ghana as a whole. The use of ADA will also significantly be enhanced. It will also provide an avenue for the target community to get rewarded for decent work done. The proposed project costs are justified by their alignment with industry standards, the scale and impact of the planned activities, and the overall value they bring to the Cardano ecosystem. The event is investment that aims to create a lasting and positive impression of Cardano in Ghana, contributing to its global growth and adoption.
Various items in the budget have been reasonably priced, considering inflation and the general cost of living in Ghana. Only items relevant for this research have been included in the budget. The various costs attached to each item were arrived at after carefully comparing prices on the market to ensure value for money and comfort of our participants. Social media will be relied on extensively for awareness creation in order to reduce cost of publicity. The project team members are professionals with several years of experience and therefore need to be reasonably compensated.
SDG 5 aims to achieve gender equality by ending all forms of discrimination, violence and any harmful practices against women and girls. It also calls for the full participation of women and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making