Last updated 3 months ago
CIP 27 royalties are static & held in offchain metadata which can’t be enforced without reliance on offchain help. CIP 68 solutions can solve this, but are rare, unstandardized & often undocumented.
We have submitted a CIP 68 royalty standard for review. This proposal ensures adoption by finishing that standard, creating a reference implementation, and adding support to open source libraries.
This is the total amount allocated to CIP 68 Royalty Standard & Developer Resources. 3 out of 4 milestones are completed.
Cost: ₳ 25,495
Delivery: Month 1 - Nov 2023
Cost: ₳ 25,494
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Pilot Integration
Cost: ₳ 25,495
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Final Integrations
Cost: ₳ 50,989
Delivery: Month 5 - Mar 2024
Philip DiSarro
Jonathan Rodriguez
Krzysztof Szymański
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
There are three stages to the proposal, each of which build on the ones before, but can be started before the previous ones finish.
With these three pieces in place there will be plenty of resources and documentation for any project or dapp to use CIP 68 onchain royalties without needing to worry about implementation or ambiguity.
The inability to create trustless onchain royalty validation is a major drawback to Cardano NFTs. By upgrading the standard to support onchain validation, we can eliminate that drawback and demonstrate better support for NFT creators, ultimately attracting dapps & NFT projects that would otherwise have taken their talents to another blockchain.
The reference implementation also makes Cardano more attractive to dapps & projects. When it comes to choosing a platform for your dapp, limiting uncertainty is a major consideration. With the reference implementation, developers will be able to more quickly gauge how much effort it will be to implement the standard, allowing them to make a more informed decision.
By creating a reference implementation we also help to kickstart adoption of this new standard, as developers in the ecosystem will be able to refer to it to more quickly & easily implement the standard in their own products & libraries. In order to amplify this effect, we also plan to wrap up the project by assisting these developers in the implementation process.
Most of the metrics will need time for adoption, so we will share updates as the three stages of the project are completed, as well as fourth retrospective once some time has allowed for developers to implement the new standard.
We are a team of experienced smart contract developers backed by Ikigai Technologies, one of the largest private companies in the ecosystem. We’ve worked on and with Emurgo, anetaBTC, WingRiders and more. We built Discovery, an open-source LBE for DAOs, and are in the process of launching Grabbit, a NFT marketplace built on the first fully decentralized auction protocol on Cardano, which will be leading the way by making use of this royalty standard.
The goal for this project is to create a better scheme for NFT royalties that is consistent and can be adopted on a wide scale. In doing so, we hope to increase confidence in Cardano’s fitness for NFT use, driving further adoption of Cardano among NFT collectors, artists, projects and dapps. When Cardano grows, we all grow.
Every part of the process has well-documented precedents. The CIP process has been used for nearly 100 CIPs, and over 500 individual contributions to CIPs. A reference implementation for a CIP has been done many times, and is already done for other uses of CIP 68. CIP 68 royalties have also been done before by projects like Nebula, which the standard is based on. Because proof of concepts are already available for everything proposed, we have no doubt of feasibility.
These milestones will overlap to some degree. All will be finished within 6 months.
For each of these milestones we will announce on social media when they are reached and how to view the code.
According to Crunchbase & LinkedIn, the average global salary for a smart contract developer is $146,259 per year. The following calculations are based on that estimate.
**Total - $**36,564.75 / ₳127,472.87
While the estimate using 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 devs may look strange, please take into account that some of these stages will overlap each other, and that our devs are busy people with other work obligations.
The project's cost offers value for the Cardano ecosystem beyond its deliverables.
All money spent on this project goes directly into open source developer community resources. This project will establish a better standard for NFT royalties, create reference materials for implementing that standard, and make utilities for working with the new standard immediately available for all projects on Cardano and easily integrated without changing tooling for most.
It will also help drive adoption as the legitimacy and fitness of Cardano for NFTs grows. The newfound confidence in Cardano NFT royalties will attract many more new users, creators, developers, investors and more.
All this for the cost of employing a single, average US smart contract developer for less than 3 months. We’re confident this is one of the most efficient value-adds the ecosystem has available at the moment.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Sam Delaney - Project Lead, Smart Contract Developer
Philip DiSarro - Smart Contract Developer
Jonathan Rodriguez - Smart Contract Developer
Krzysztof Szymański - Full Stack Developer
Sam will oversee the proposal, the CIP review process and the implementation and integration work.
Philip, Jonathan & Krzysztof will assist in the implementation and integration.