Last updated a year ago
Lots of scammers make fake accounts to socially engineer scams.
Expand the Pype Dreams library to create demonstrable proof of provenance for communications.
This is the total amount allocated to Expand PypeDreams - Anti scam community protection tool.
No dependancies
Project will be fully open source
Pype Dreams is a derrivative of "Angry Purple Tiger" developed by Helium Network. The original library contained some duplicate words in the lists. It has been rewritten so that each list has only unique words, and to support a fourth word; taking the potential outputs from 16 Million to 4.3 Billion.
This proposal will be to do the following:
1) Community outreach and feedback to develop a desirable phrasing that aligns with the Cardano Community. Today the package builds phrases that are {adjective} {color} {animal} {clothing}. This outreach would provide an opportunity for feedback to modify the phrases and words within the list.
2) Write a JavaScript library that produces an identical result to the python package.
This proposal would produce a known good package, with a demonstrably reproducible output universally for the major front end and back end languages in use today. It can be used to prove who the originator of a communication is by using an unknown hash/passphrase/etc. It can also be used to simplify difficult to remember strings, such as wallets and stake keys. This could be leveraged in the future for DID generation, smart contract registries, etc.
Success would be two fully operational Python and Javascript libraries.
The project is entirely open source, and can be tracked by the existing repository.
Having succeeded in the writing of the current Python library, success is guaranteed.
The main goal of this proposal is to have fully reproducable results leveraging Javascript and Python.
The entire project can be completed in a 2 month window.
The two deliverables are 1) Implementing a phrase library that is the result of a community feedback period, and 2) Recreating the entire Python library in Javascript.
All funds will be used to offset labor costs.
This project is based around network security, and preventing social engineering attacks. If this library prevents a single wallet from being stolen, it will have achieved its goal.
Huth S0lo - Lead Developer