Last updated a year ago

Formando OSD en Ecosistema Cardano Forming OSD in Cardano Ecosystem


More open source developers are needed to improve the Cardano ecosystem.


25 OSD will be trained and a Venezuelan OSDGroup will be formalized

Awareness the philosophy and technology of OSD, benefits and opportunities, which integrate the Cardano Blockchain platform and ADA.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Formando OSD en Ecosistema Cardano Forming OSD in Cardano Ecosystem.

Total funds requested
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Votes yes
Votes no


Brief description of the team members

Breve reseña de los integrantes del equipo


Prof. Félix Enrique Dávila, Project Coordinator.

Francis Josefina García, Project Supervisor.

Jean Carlos Aguilar, Teacher/facilitator

Prof. Nando Vitti, Teacher/facilitator

Prof. David Jaen, Teacher/facilitator

Prof. Yaqueline Colina, Teacher/facilitator

Prof. Lennys Blanco, Teacher/facilitator

Prof. Félix Enrique Dávila, Coordinador del proyecto.

Francis Josefina García, Supervisor del proyecto.

Jean Carlos Aguilar, Docente/facilitador

Prof. Nando Vitti, Docente/facilitador

Prof. David Jaen, Docente/facilitador

Prof. Yaqueline Colina, Docente/facilitador

Prof. Lennys Blanco, Docente/facilitador

Felix Enrique Davila
Felix Enrique Davila