Last updated a year ago
We lack an overview of interactions between the Catalyst community roles in different funding stages.
I am opening a discussion space to gather all the knowledge about different topics from roles to connections.
Together we will organize Catalyst research on Miro Board for visualization.
This is the total amount allocated to Innovation Fund Research - Nodes and Connections.
I'm submitting this
No dependencies
The project will be fully open source.
Collecting information about the specific roles and their interactions in different funding stages will be done in public workshop sessions using Miro Board. This way, participants can actively add information and interact with other members while analyzing a single funding cycle.
We answer these questions for each of the selected roles:
In addition, we improve our experience and vision by answering the selected questions below.
As we go through the collected resources, we will learn to understand what is required to run an Innovation Fund process.
We can use the research to map problems and help improve Project Catalyst processes.
This research focuses on members who already have experience participating in Project Catalyst.
Outcomes are up-to-date Miro Board visualizations with accompanying overview videos.
There will be an audit trail on Miro Board, and workshop sessions will be uploaded to the Swarm Youtube channel.
At a high level, what will be on the Miro Board:
We allow room for systemic improvements in Project Catalyst Processes by creating a public discussion space and using Miro Board for documentation and visualization, we aim to gather knowledge about different topics related to Project Catalyst, these include roles, connections, funding stages, and the interactions between various participants.
The solution encourages active community participation by allowing individuals to get involved in the discussions, share their experiences, and interact with other members. Engaging with the community in this way fosters a more decentralized and inclusive decision-making process.
We will use the session and review feedback to recognize whether the research we provide is acceptable.
Workshop videos will be uploaded to the Catalyst Swarm Youtube channel.
Here are videos from past Innovation Fund Workshops: 1, 2, 3.
The Miro Boards used for this research will be publicly available.
I have hands-on knowledge of most of the roles and have actively been learning to understand Innovation Fund from all sides of aspects. I have experience in facilitating workshops to acquire the required information.
I am closely connected with Catalyst Community Governance entities.
Will be managing funds through the Swarm Treasury System.
Rewards to contributors are sent out the first week of every month.
There will be at least one workshop session every two weeks. These sessions will produce information about the roles and their connection with the funding cycle on the Miro Board.
The sequence of which roles or questions we want to research and analyze is based on the participant's feedback.
We will use the session and review feedback to recognize whether our research is acceptable.
Setting up the intial environment - 1 month
4 milestones for research roles - each takes a month
3 milestones for alternative research - each takes a month
Closing Report - 1 month
In the first milestone, I will create a space where it will be easy to participate and ensure it's easy to find, navigate and access the resources.
In the last chapter, we put together a report that gives a good overview of all the work done.
The rest of the chapter in between helps to maintain and document research done towards advancing the state of the art of Catalyst.
We answer these questions for each of the selected roles:
In addition, we improve our experience and vision by answering the selected questions below.
Here are videos from past Innovation Fund Workshops: 1, 2, 3
These give an idea of what the results will look like
As we go through the collected resources, we will learn to understand what is required to run an Innovation Fund process.
We can use the research to map problems and help improve Project Catalyst processes.
Outcomes are up-to-date Miro Board visualizations with accompanying overview videos.
Prepare and maintain Project Management and Innovation Fund Research Miro Boards - total 19280 ADA
Coordinate with interested people - a total of 35530 ADA
Create, update and coordinate Dework tasks - a total of 14804 ADA
Set up communication channels - a total of 6160 ADA
Organize Workshop session - total 8071 ADA
Facilitate Workshop session - total 16149 ADA
Organize and Analyze captured information - total 26922 ADA
Create overview videos - a total of 5390 ADA
Project and proposal documentation and reporting - a total of 6160 ADA
Distributing rewards -a total of 6160 ADA
Closing Report - 1500 ADA
This will help Catalyst Team to focus on other stuff while the community can also help build the Innovation Fund.
Tevo - Co-founder of The Catalyst Swarm
I have hands-on knowledge of most of the roles and have actively been learning to understand Innovation Fund from all sides of aspects. I have experience of facilitating workshops to acquire required information.
Connecting Decentralised Open Source Services and Contributing to Community Governance Documentation